The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2429: arrange

This jade book is still only a prototype, or an embryo, but it is barely usable.

Meng Zhang had to spend a lot of effort to refine it slowly and thoroughly before he could bring out all kinds of magic.

In the future, Meng Zhang needs to invest in all kinds of heaven and earth treasures to gradually strengthen this jade book.

With the continuous improvement of Meng Zhang's cultivation in the future, the jade book itself will gradually improve.

To some extent, this jade book is equivalent to Meng Zhang's natal magic weapon.

With this jade book, many of Meng Zhang's previous ideas can become reality.

The most difficult step for him to establish the Three Realms system was also initially resolved because of this jade book.

This time, Meng Zhang first determined to establish a system designed by Taiyi Jinxian, and then obtained the "Emperor Classic".

He refused to practice the "Emperor's Classic" directly, only then got a series of gifts from Taiyi Jinxian.

This shows that his choice has been recognized by Taiyi Jinxian. It was only a test for him before, and he successfully passed the test.

It is also true that Taiyi Jinxian is also an out-and-out immortal practitioner, and is heading towards the end of immortal cultivation.

The purpose of his design of that system is for complete detachment and for the final demonstration of the Dao.

His establishment of the system is only a means, not an end.

Meng Zhang's choice was in line with his heart, so he barely managed to get into his door.

In the world of self-cultivation, there are many cases where the younger generation of self-cultivation obtains the practice skills and inheritance left by their predecessors because of the chance.

There is not necessarily a direct relationship between juniors and seniors.

In the past, Meng Zhang could only say that he obtained the practice method left by Taiyi Jinxian, and he had a karmic relationship with him.

The real relationship between him and Taiyi Jinxian is not much stronger than that of passers-by.

Now, he recognizes the concept of Taiyi Jinxian, and if he wants to put it into practice, he can be regarded as the successor of Taiyi Jinxian, and he has real cause and effect.

He is deeply bound to Taiyi Jinxian, and he has entered the gate of Taiyi Jinxian. For him, it has advantages and disadvantages.

Jinxian's heir naturally has many advantages, but Taiyi Jinxian's enemy will also become a problem he needs to face in the future.

Of course, now Meng Zhang can't think that far, but first enjoy the benefits that Taiyi Jinxian brings to him.

After Meng Zhang left the customs, he immediately summoned the senior officials of Taiyi Sect and conveyed his decision.

Meng Zhang's first decision was to seal up mountains and rivers, land and city gods on a large scale to stabilize the Taiyimen territory and quell natural disasters in various places.

Although it is said that the cultivation goal of cultivators is to become immortals and attain the Tao, in fact, how many people in the cultivation world can become immortals and attain the Tao?

Not to mention becoming immortals and attaining the Tao, how many people in the cultivation world can become Jindan real people, how many people can become Yuanshen Zhenjun, and how many people can achieve Void Returning Greatness?

The vast majority of cultivators, especially those with no background and mediocre talents, basically spend their entire lives spinning around at the bottom of the comprehension world.

It has a long lifespan and a good cultivation base, and its safety is guaranteed to a certain extent.

More importantly, in the system of gods established by Meng Zhang, there is only an ascending channel for the earth.

Relevant news spread, not to mention Taiyi Sect, there are probably countless cultivators in the entire cultivation world rushing to vote.

Of course, Meng Zhang wanted to control it.

If all the cultivators wanted to be canonized by him, who would want to practice the immortal way?

Especially the disciples of Taiyi Sect, if everyone thinks about getting the moon first, and wants to enter the system of gods, what will the successor of the sect do?

Meng Zhang has only started to establish a system now, and the conditions are limited. Except for the special existence of Taimiao, the gods who were originally canonized are mostly mediocre in strength, and the upper limit is not high.

The most important core of a sect is the kind of high-level monk with a firm mind and the courage to make progress.

Although there is an urgent need for multiple lands to be used only to stabilize various places, Meng Zhang still set high thresholds and restrictions.

Meng Zhang also carefully discussed with the senior management of the door and determined a set of strict selection procedures.

Meng Zhang's second decision was to merge many mortal settlements one after another to form some large and small mortal kingdoms.

In the past, the Taiyimen territory was the same as most places in the cultivation world, with many mortal towns, villages and other settlements, but there was no slightly larger mortal kingdom.

A dynasty like the Dali dynasty that ruled both cultivators and mortals was very rare.

The entire cultivation world is actually obstructing the formation of mortal kingdoms, especially large mortal kingdoms, intentionally or unintentionally.

Although mortals do not seem to pose a threat to cultivators, the birth of a large mortal kingdom will pose many risks to cultivators.

For thousands of years, the main practice system of Junchen world has been Taoism cultivation.

Other ghost cultivators, demon cultivators and the like are not good enough.

But foreign invaders have been infiltrating and attacking the Junchen world.

In the Void and Myriad Realms, in addition to Taoist cultivation, there are many other cultivation systems.

If nothing else, if a large mortal kingdom is formed, infiltrated and used by Shinto practitioners, it will be a big trouble.

Meng Zhang's initiative to establish a mortal kingdom on the Taiyimen territory this time is to strengthen his control over the mortal world and eliminate all kinds of potential make full use of its power. Strong Sacrifice Read Sacrifice

The power of belief of mortals is a very important power, and it must be used first.

Heroes among mortals, outstanding civil servants and generals in the kingdom... are all important sources of gods.

In particular, princes, generals, and even emperors among the mortals are naturally expected by all people, and they can easily be transformed into various gods after death.

The system of gods established by Meng Zhang cannot be monopolized by cultivators.

As for Meng Zhang's arrangement for the underworld, he will arrange it too well to implement it, and the Taiyi Sect will cooperate fully.

To lift up the blessed land and transform it into a heavenly world, the conditions are not yet ripe, so I will not be busy implementing it for the time being.

After Meng Zhang and the middle and high levels of the door had completed the ventilation, they mobilized human and material resources to build a tall altar in the blessed land.

The Taiyimen cultivator moved quickly, and it didn't take long to complete the construction of the altar.

Originally, after the altar was built, it was necessary to sacrifice to heaven and earth to obtain the blessing of the consciousness of the heavens in the Junchen world. Now Zhang Si

However, the consciousness of the Heavenly Dao in the Junchen world has fallen, so this step can be omitted.

Meng Zhang cast a spell on the altar, with the jade book as the core, completed the procedure that was omitted last time, and it was wonderful to re-canonize it again.

When the wonderful priesthood and name taboo appeared on the front page of the jade book, the canonization ceremony slowly ended.

After this canonization, Meng Zhang and Tai Miao's related abilities were strengthened.

Meng Zhang can use the jade book to summon Taimiao and mobilize Taimiao's power.

Of course, because Tai Miao was Meng Zhang's incarnation, these abilities were already mastered by Meng Zhang.

Passing the canonization now is great, but it strengthens it. control the big lord

Tai Miao was blessed by the jade book, her strength increased greatly, and she also possessed many miraculous things.

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