The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2425: tandem

Meng Zhang suppressed his true feelings, and Xianyun Zhenxian Xu and Wei Snake.

Now is not the time to turn against Xianyun Zhenxian, he still has great use value.

After talking with Zhenxian Xianyun, Meng Zhang also contacted Fairy Yue'e in the void.

After Fairy Yue'e communicated with Meng Zhang through Taoist Moon Shadow last time, she asked Taoist Moon Shadow to directly contact her secret method and tell Meng Zhang.

Like Fairy Xianyun, Fairy Yue'e has been watching and wandering in the void near Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang successfully contacted Fairy Yue'e, and told Xianyun Zhenxian all the information she had told her.

Xianyun Zhenxian and Yue'e Fairy are currently allies, and they often exchange news.

However, first-hand information from Meng Zhang is better than Xianyun Zhenxian's retelling.

Fairy Yue'e laid out the chess piece of the Guanghan Sect in Junchen Realm many years ago.

After all, the Guanghan faction has a shallow foundation, and its information channels are far inferior to Meng Zhang.

Fairy Yue'e's attitude towards Meng Zhang was obviously much better than that of Zhenxian Xianyun.

Fairy Yue'e has been courting Meng Zhang for a long time.

Meng Zhang also knew that Fairy Yue'e and Zhenxian Xianyun formed an alliance in order to compete for the Heavenly Immortal's relic, which was a complete relationship of interests.

When a conflict of interest arises, the alliance relationship cannot be tested.

Meng Zhang had been actively befriending Fairy Yue'e in the past, and there was another way out.

With no one behind him, he still hopes to hug Zhenxian's thigh.

Although it is too wonderful to be promoted to True God now, there is no harm in befriending some True Immortal-level powerhouses.

Fairy Yue'e was very satisfied with Meng Zhang's timely provision of valuable information, and encouraged Meng Zhang to say a few words.

Fairy Yue'e was very indignant at the actions of the six true immortals to destroy Junchen Realm.

She told Meng Zhang that if the Junchen Realm collapsed, she could help and send the Taiyi Gate up and down into the void for refuge.

No matter if Fairy Yue'e is false or false, at least her attitude makes Meng Zhang much more comfortable.

Fairy Yue'e is an old-fashioned true immortal. When several true immortals conquered Junchen Realm, Fairy Yue'e once helped.

Later, due to the conflict of interest, the two sides broke up, and Fairy Yue'e was defeated and had to flee the Junchen Realm.

Fairy Yue'e should be familiar with the six true immortals, and maybe she has some useful information.

In Meng Zhang's mind, Fairy Yue'e should be a huge threat to the six true immortals.

Soon after contacting Fairy Yue'e, Taiyimen became lively, and Meng Zhang's quiet days were interrupted.

First, Taoist Shushan, an old friend from the Dark Alliance, came to visit.

Needless to say, his purpose was naturally for the imminent destruction of the Junchen Realm.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. The foundation of the Dark Alliance is dozens of floating cities.

Although these floating cities can survive in the void, most of them do not have the ability to travel long distances in the void.

Moreover, without the resource supply of Junchen Realm, most floating cities are difficult to maintain for a long time.

Taoist Shushan came to visit Meng Zhang this time, and his identity was the messenger representing the Dark Alliance.

The high-level officials of the Dark Alliance decided to convene the great powers of the Junchen Realm, and discuss it together to see if there is a way to reverse the destruction of the Junchen Realm.

Tai Miao has carefully observed in the source sea, the collapse of the source sea is irreversible, and the fate of the destruction of the Junchen world is almost doomed.

Moreover, even if there is any way to save it, the six true immortals are obstacles that cannot be bypassed.

At present, all the forces in the Junchen world have joined forces, and they are far from being the opponents of the six true immortals.

Of course, Taoist Shushan invited Meng Zhang to go to the Dark Alliance for a while, but Meng Zhang did not refuse.

This time Zhang Si. Although they have long since parted ways with the Dark Alliance, there is no harm in learning about the Dark Alliance's plans.

Taoist Shushan also revealed that in addition to inviting cultivators such as Taiyimen, the Dark Alliance also invited the True Dragon Clan and tried to contact the remnants of Tiangong.

At that time, the Supreme Master Fengqing launched a rebellion in the Tiangong, which caused great losses to the Tiangong and led to the fall of Jiutian.

The dark alliance still has the face to contact the remnants of Tiangong. This is not only too thick-skinned, but really wants to concentrate all forces in the Junchen world to try to solve the crisis of the destruction of the Junchen world.

Meng Zhang was not optimistic about the dark alliance's actions this time.

Of course, if the conditions are right, he doesn't mind helping.

Not to mention anything else, he was very satisfied that he could cause some losses to the six true immortals.

The actions of the six true immortals to destroy the Junchen Realm have long filled Meng Zhang's heart with anger.

Although he had been prepared for a long time, Meng Zhang felt an inexplicable grief and anger in his heart as he watched the world in which he grew up enter into ruin.

If it weren't for his lack of strength, he would have found six true immortals who were crazy enough to destroy the world.

In addition to protecting Taiyi Sect, as long as he can make the six true immortals uncomfortable, he is willing to do it, even if he pays some price for it.

Not long after Shushan Taoist left, his old friend Gudu Taoist came to visit again.

Jianjun Banxue also received an invitation from the Dark Alliance.

Jianjun Banxue came from Lingkong Xianjie. With her feet, she didn't need to care too much about the destruction of Junchen Realm.

However, she still has to think about her subordinates, and she must take care of the interests and moods of her subordinates.

The Taoist of the ancient capital and Meng Zhang had known each other for many years, without going around in circles, they went straight to the topic.

Even if Junchen Realm is completely destroyed, Jianjun Banxue can temporarily keep the remaining Tiangong When the connection with Lingkong Immortal Realm is restored, Jianjun Banxue's ability is enough to make appropriate actions for his subordinates. arrange.

For the dark alliance, Jianjun Banxue is extremely hostile, and has not forgotten the harm that the dark alliance has brought to Tiangong.

Intellectually, Jianjun Banxue also knew that as long as the six true immortals did not take action, the fall of Tiangong was inevitable, and the betrayal of the Dark Alliance only accelerated the process.

The fall of Tiangong should really be blamed, and it should be the six true immortals.

They used Tiangong as a bait to attract the enemy's main force, and led the group of foreign invaders of the true immortal level into the source sea.

As for the foreign invaders, they were the culprits who directly destroyed the Tiangong, and they were no match for Jianjun Banxue.

But emotionally speaking, Jianjun Banxue was still unwilling to forgive the dark alliance.

She served as the head of the Tiangong for thousands of years, and devoted a lot of effort and affection to the Tiangong.

To a certain extent, Tiangong has long become the sustenance of her feelings.

Limited to the reality, Jianjun Banxue is unable to retaliate against the dark alliance now, but he is not willing to have anything to do with the dark alliance.

When a Taoist from the ancient capital came to visit Meng Zhang, he told Meng Zhang about the attitude of Jianjun Banxue.

After all, the remnants of Taiyimen and Tiangong have formed an alliance, and the two sides should exchange information on some major events.

Meng Zhang also told the Taoist people of the ancient capital about his attitude, and he would attend the gathering convened by the Dark Alliance on time.

Make a big tyrant. Of course, Taiyimen would not collude with the Dark Alliance, Meng Zhang just wanted to see if the Dark Alliance could deal some blows to the six true immortals.

The actions of the six true immortals to destroy the Junchen Realm are too crazy. They have become the public enemies of the Junchen Realm, and the Taiyi Sect is inseparable from them.

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