The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2422: post war

With the development of the situation, the level of fighting that broke out in the Junchen world is getting higher and higher.


By now, the power of the true immortals has directly participated in the battle.


This time, Meng Zhang encountered an enemy at the level of a true immortal, Patriarch Xuan Xuan.


Ancestor Xuanxuan, as the incarnation of Jiuxuan True Immortal, is only an ordinary True Immortal, and his cultivation level and combat power are not strong.


Moreover, he was seriously injured and in very poor condition.


Even so, Meng Zhang and his group of illusory immortals joined forces to eliminate him.


There is another very important point that Meng Zhang only remembered after the fact.


Ancestor Xuanxuan is an incarnation outside the body, not an independent true immortal.


Therefore, there is no complete immortal soul in his body, only a wisp of distraction from the True Immortal Jiuxuan.


If it is a genuine immortal with an immortal soul hidden in the immortal body, even if the immortal body is killed by Meng Zhang and the others, the immortal spirit will not be easily destroyed, and it is very likely to escape. It will be a big problem for them in the future.


Considering the current situation in the Junchen world, Meng Zhang is likely to face a powerful enemy of the true immortal level again in the next few days.


Not every time, there is such good luck, the enemy's state is extremely poor, and one's own side is besieged by many people.


If it was a sudden encounter, he wouldn't even have time to summon Tai Miao to come.


In order to have enough coping power and be able to protect himself in complicated situations, Meng Zhang had better be promoted to True Immortal as soon as possible.


However, after repeated calculations, Meng Zhang felt that his time for promotion was not ripe.


My cultivation at the virtual immortal level has not yet been completed, and the accumulation is still slightly insufficient.


The current situation of the Junchen world is not suitable for the virtual immortal to attack the true immortal.


In order to deal with the extraterrestrial demons who came to block the way, he still needed a lot of other preparations.


It seems that for a long time in the future, Meng Zhang will have to rely on the cultivation of the immortal to deal with various problems.


After the end of the war in the source sea, the situation in the Junchen world has undergone new changes.


The various armies of foreign invaders who originally besieged the gates of the sects and gates of the major holy places, when they were about to achieve the final victory, actually slowed down their attacks, giving the enemy a chance to breathe.


In some places, the attack has basically stalled.


This situation may seem strange, but it was already expected by Meng Zhang.


What Hunling Zunshen's gang does will definitely lead to the outbreak of internal problems of foreign invaders.


Not to mention that the foreign invaders broke up completely because of this, at least the relationship between them would never return to the past.


With a common goal, they may not break up for the time being.


But from now on, they will definitely put more attention and spirit on each other's defense.


When they deal with cultivators in the Junchen world, they will pay more attention to preserving their strength, so as not to make wedding dresses for others.


The gates of the major holy land sects are hard nails, and the previous battles have already caused them a lot of losses.


If we continue to attack and force out the last cards of the sects of the Holy Land, there will be many casualties.


The barbarian army conquered the battle of Jiuxuan Pavilion this time, and the battle process was not completely kept secret, and relevant information has long been spread.


The Dark Alliance strongly assisted, and Meng Zhang, the head of the Taiyi Sect, the top virtual immortal, personally took action...


On the side of Jiuxuan Pavilion, the true immortal, the ancestor of Xuanxuan, personally took action.


Although the barbarian army finally won, it was not only its own strength that could be relied on.


And as a victor, the price paid by the barbarian army is extremely high.


Other invaders from outside the domain do not have the help of the Dark Alliance and Taiyimen, and they have to guard against each other.


Who knows what level of strong enemy will come to help after conquering the enemy's mountain gate.


If the six true immortals shot directly, how could they resist?


After the last failure, those true immortal-level foreign invaders did not want to face the six true immortals again in a short period of time.


The terrifying power of the Heavenly Immortal Relic almost made their hearts shudder.


Due to the need to preserve power, it also means to avoid the six true immortals. The army of foreign invaders has mostly adopted the method of sieging and not attacking the mountain gates of the major holy land sects.


Moreover, the seemingly tight encirclement actually has many gaps, and it is impossible to completely block it.


Some of the more extreme invaders from outside the territory even began to retreat on their own initiative, giving up a lot of the territories they had already occupied.


The major holy land sects, which were in danger at first, escaped the catastrophe this time and turned the corner.


Meng Zhang didn't have much opinion on this situation either.


It is the most favorable situation for Taiyi Sect to continue confrontation between the major holy land sects and the army of foreign invaders.


No matter which of the two parties can pull out their hands, they will not easily let go of Taiyimen.


The major holy land sects got a chance to breathe this time, but the previous losses cannot be made up in a short period of time.


As for the lost territories, the vassal forces that voluntarily gave up, etc., it is even more impossible to return to the past.


In the future, there are still many difficulties waiting for the major holy land sects.


Everything that happened in the source sea quickly spread through the mouths of several true immortal-level foreign invaders.


There may be many details missing, but in general, the rumors are not wrong.


The major sects of the Holy Land knew that their true immortal ancestors had won, and naturally their morale and momentum were greatly boosted.


Because of the contradictions between these immortal-level foreign invaders, the way and speed of information dissemination have not been controlled.


The morale of the army of foreign invaders was greatly frustrated, and with the outbreak of internal conflicts, the momentum of the army was not as good as before.


The top officials of the Dark Alliance were taken aback when they knew the situation in the source sea.


They guessed that the six true immortals must have hidden cards, which may be enough to turn the tide of the battle.


However, such a trump card still greatly exceeded their expectations.


The power of the Heavenly Immortal Treasure is so terrifying that a group of true immortal-level foreign invaders are simply powerless to resist, and they can only let the fish and meat be left behind.


If it wasn't for an accident, maybe this group of true immortal-level foreign invaders would be wiped out.


At that time, the army of foreign invaders will inevitably collapse, and the major holy land sects will become the final victors.


The major holy land sects are empty, but they will not let the dark alliance go, and they will definitely carry out counterattacks.


The Dark Alliance has an incomplete true immortal-level combat power, and it is difficult to even fight against the true immortals. How can UU Kanshu compete with the power of the relics of the heavenly immortals?


The top officials of the Dark Alliance felt terrified, and their hearts were full of fear.


Some senior executives who are not strong-willed or are more impatient have already begun to regret their original decision.


The Dark Alliance had a good life. As long as they did not take the initiative to jump out, the major holy land sects and Tiangong could only tolerate the existence of the Dark Alliance and could not shake the status of the Dark Alliance.


However, Venerable Fengqing colluded with foreign invaders, and launched actions against Tiangong directly behind everyone's back.


It was his approach that made the Dark Alliance have no way out and became the mortal enemy of the major holy land sects.


For a while, the top officials of the Dark Alliance were filled with censures against Venerable Fengqing.



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