The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2412: altar

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Within the blessed land of Jiuxuan Pavilion, numerous building groups form a formation, with a unique way of entering and exiting.

Ancestor Xuanxuan, as the incarnation of Jiuxuan Zhenxian, had a supreme position in Jiuxuan Pavilion when Jiuxuan Zhenxian was sleeping, and could order Jiuxuan Pavilion to go up and down.

He is familiar with all the secrets inside the Nine Profound Pavilion, including the various arrangements in the blessed land.

Therefore, he can easily pass through these Jian ethnic groups and directly enter the core position of the blessed land.

Outsiders like Meng Zhang and the others have to slowly clear the checkpoints and pass through the lines of defense before they can enter the core part.

At this time, there is no need to hide the track.

It is impossible for Meng Zhang and Luna to sneak into the core location of the blessed land, only hard breaking.

Youlei Xuxian is leading a group of men to attack a building complex.

Meng Zhang and Luna avoided their direction and killed in the other direction.

Those strong barbarians who entered the blessed land were not attacked by ancestor Xuanxuan as imagined, which made them feel a little surprised.

Although this group of strong barbarians are rude and reckless, they still maintain enough calm in the face of strong enemies.

They did not rush towards the center of the blessed land, but waited for more strong barbarians to come in, then formed a formation and pushed forward.

At this time, above the Jiuxuan Pavilion mountain gate outside, the barbarian army that had been scattered in all directions has reassembled and formed an army formation, ready to fight against the powerful enemy at any time.

Jiuxuan Pavilion attaches great importance to the blessed land, and has arranged a strong defensive force.

Even if the situation of the mountain gate is critical, and even the mountain gate has fallen, the defensive force in the blessed land has not been used.

After the fall of the mountain gate, many disciples of Jiu Xuan Pavilion retreated into the blessed land for refuge.

Among them, there are many young and even young seed disciples, who themselves have no fighting power.

Now, the enemy is chasing into the blessed land, and the disciples of Jiuxuan Pavilion in the blessed land have to fight to the death and do the last resistance.

Most of the power of Jiu Xuan Pavilion has long been lost, and the stationed power in the blessed land is limited.

The defense line formed by those buildings may have a little effect against ordinary powerhouses, but in the face of a powerful enemy of the imaginary level, not to mention vulnerable, it will not play a big role.

Youlei Xuxian, the barbarian strong man, and Meng Zhang were divided into three groups, rushing towards the center of the blessed land from three directions.

They had discovered each other long ago, but neither interfered with each other.

In the face of true immortal-level powerhouses, of course, the more helpers, the better.

Meng Zhang currently has the strength of a top virtual immortal. Below the real immortals in the Junchen world, except for a few people such as Jianjun Banxue, it is estimated that no one is his opponent.


Although the Moon God has not recovered to the realm of true gods, his strength is unfathomable, and he is almost not under Meng Zhang.

The two of them joined forces, and they were invincible, charging all the way, almost unstoppable, and the speed of advance was the fastest among the three.

None of the teams advancing in these three paths care about whether the maze is not a maze, and it is even more impossible to take a slow detour according to the enemy's arrangement.

They all moved forward in a straight line and pushed flat all the way.

Anything that stands in the way, be it people or things, will be eradicated.

All the palaces and pavilions are swept away.

Seeing that he was about to cross the last line of defense and enter the center of the blessed land, Meng Zhang deliberately slowed down his advance.

In the process of moving forward, Meng Zhang has not let go of his attention to the other two groups of people.

In the end, he must face the true immortal Xuanxuan Patriarch.

Even if Meng Zhang had his back, he didn't need to be the first bird.

You Lei Xuxian, an elder of the Dark Alliance, is also very thief. When he was about to reach his destination, he took the same approach as Meng Zhang.

Those barbarians didn't know whether they were too confident in their own family or not treacherous enough. They just rushed forward and didn't mean to stop at all.

With a loud bang, the building complex that finally blocked the road was pushed, and the formation of strong barbarians came to an open flat.

In front, a huge altar stood there.

The altar is solemn and majestic, with unpredictable majesty.

Above the altar, there is a huge vortex****.

From the whirlpool, traces of the origin of the world are revealed from time to time, and then absorbed by the altar.

There are also earth veins in the blessed land.

One after another huge leylines converged at the altar, and the almost endless power of leylines was sucked into the altar.

A large part of the spiritual energy of the entire blessed land was absorbed by the altar.


In front of the altar, Patriarch Xuanxuan sat cross-legged.

After he came here, he didn't care about other things, he took the time to heal his wounds and try his best to restore his fighting power.

Behind Patriarch Xuanxuan, the two old men looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

One of these two old men is Xuan Jue Xu Xian.

Xuan Jue Xuxian's duty is to guard this altar.

Since he served as its altar guard, his life has been connected with the altar.

No matter what happened outside, even if the Nine Profound Pavilion perished, the mountain gate fell, or even the heavens and the earth were torn apart, he could not leave the altar for half a step.

The other old man is the new head of the Jiuxuan Pavilion, the Supreme Venerable Xuan Yuan.

In the past few years, facing the step-by-step pressing of foreign invaders, the life of the major holy land sects was very difficult, and the strong in the sect continued to fall.

The Jiu Xuan Pavilion has already lost its two heads.

The previous head of the sect died in battle when the Jiuxuan Pavilion Mountain Gate fell.

According to the instructions of the previous head before his Supreme Xuanyuan took over the position of head, and withdrew into the blessed land with the last seed of the sect.

In the future, the Supreme Lord Xuanyuan will take on the important task of revitalizing the sect.

Of course, according to the practice of the comprehension world, as long as the top powerhouse of the sect is still there, it is not difficult to revive the sect.

The founder of Jiuxuan Pavilion, Jiuxuan Zhenxian, is still alive and well, and Jiuxuan Pavilion is far from dead.

Perhaps in the eyes of True Immortal Jiuxuan, the meaning of Jiuxuan Pavilion's existence is to provide protection for his promotion to Heavenly Immortal.

He worked hard to build the Jiuxuan Pavilion, just for his own path.

The disciples and grandchildren of Jiuxuan Pavilion, if they can sacrifice for his ancestor, they will not live in vain.

As for what the disciples of Jiuxuan Pavilion thought, True Immortal Jiuxuan was too lazy to care and never asked.

Jiuxuan Pavilion has fallen to such a level that Xuan Jue Xuxian and Xuan Yuan, who are the high-level officials of Jiuxuan Pavilion, cannot hide their desolation in their hearts.

In particular, Venerable Xuan Yuan seemed to be very worried.

He was not lightly wounded in the previous battle to guard the mountain gate.

Not long after he dragged his severely injured body back into the blessed land, it was too late for treatment, and his combat power was far from recovered.

After the team of strong barbarians entered here, they were followed by Meng Zhang and Luna, and then Youlei Xuxian and his party.

All three parties entered this vast flat land and found the striking altar in front of them.

The altar is so eye-catching, of course, it attracted everyone's attention at the first time.

Then, everyone was staring at the greatest enemy they faced - Ancestor Xuanxuan. (To be continued) chaptererror();

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