The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2397: form

If Meng Zhang had a close relationship with the Tiangong cultivator at this time, once it attracted the attention of foreign invaders, wouldn't it be a fire?

It is true that foreign invaders are enemies, but there is no need to attract their firepower at this time.

The later Taiyimen and foreign invaders break out into a full-scale war, the more adequate preparations will be.

The Taoists of the ancient capital understood Meng Zhang's concerns and thoughts very well.

The Taoist people in the ancient capital were not in a hurry to persuade Meng Zhang, but slowly told Meng Zhang some past events.

Tiangong has formed an alliance with the sects of the major holy places for many years. During this time, Tiangong has been secretly doing some small moves to secretly support some comprehension forces in the Junchen world that oppose the sects of the major holy places.

Forces such as the Hailing Sect and the Dengxian Society have all received secret help from the Heavenly Palace.

Of course, on the whole, Tiangong and the major holy land sects are still on the same front.

Some open and secret fights will not affect the cooperative relationship between the two parties, and will not change the situation in the Junchen world.

The head of Tiangong, Ban Xuejianjun, was originally born in the spirit of the artifact, and the road was difficult.

Even if one achieves a virtual immortal early, it is still extremely difficult to break through to a true immortal.

In the past, Jianjun Banxue was instructed by an expert, and pointed out that the chance of becoming an immortal and attaining Tao lies in the Junchen world.

That's why she spent a lot of money and worked hard to get the job of the head of the Junchen Realm Heavenly Palace.

In these thousands of years, Jianjun Banxue has accumulated a lot of dissatisfaction with the major holy land sects, and the two sides have many disputes.

But looking at the chance of becoming an immortal, Jianjun Banxue will eventually give in and compromise.

Back then, Jianjun Banxue gave up Meng Zhanghe, and completely fell to the major sects of the Holy Land. It was also because of the promise that he could become a true immortal by chance.

Many years ago, there were rumors spreading among the high-level monks in the Junchen world, especially among the Void Returners.

It is said that the reason why the six true immortals have been sleeping in the source sea is to seek the opportunity to become immortals.

This opportunity can not only help the six true immortals become gods, but also help other cultivators to break through to the realm of true immortals.

As we all know, because the six true immortals forcibly changed the rules of heaven and earth in the Junchen world, no true immortals have been born in the Junchen world for thousands of years.

In the face of the opportunity to become a true immortal, who can return to the virtual world and not be moved?

Meng Zhang later had a series of encounters, and he knew the internal situation more clearly.

He has long known that the so-called chance is the relic left by the fairy who created the Junchen Realm.

In order to have a chance to capture the treasure of the gods, Meng Zhang and Luna made good friends and agreed to join forces.

Meng Zhang knew more about the treasures of the gods than the Taoists in the ancient capital.

The Taoist people in the ancient capital didn't know what Meng Zhang was thinking, so he just kept talking to himself, and Meng Zhang didn't stop him.

In the past few thousand years, no matter what conflicts he had with the major holy land sects, Jianjun Banxue was really conscientious and dedicated in dealing with foreign invaders.

When Tiangong was besieged, the six true immortals did not help in time as agreed.

In the end, they used Tiangong as a bait to attract the true immortals among the foreign invaders into the source sea.

Although Jianjun Banxue came to Junchen Realm to seek to break through the realm of true immortals, she has worked hard for thousands of years in the management of Tiangong, cultivated a large number of younger generations, and devoted a lot of effort and affection to it.

The Tiangong fell, and the cultivators of the Tiangong family suffered heavy casualties, which greatly affected Jianjun Banxue.

In the last battle of Tiangong, Jianjun Banxue fought until the last moment before dragging his severely injured body away from the battlefield.

Afterwards, she probably felt that Jianjun Banxue had lost her use value, and the Holy Land Zongmen Xuxian, who was in charge of contacting her, had a big change in her attitude towards her.

When Jianjun Banxue mentioned the matter of the Heavenly Immortal's relics, the other party has been perfunctory.

Jianjun Banxue paid so much, but in exchange for this kind of result, how can he bear it in his heart?

If the six true immortals sacrificed the Tiangong as a bait, it could also be said to be a tactical arrangement, and the way to do it afterwards was to make it clear that they were playing with Jianjun Banxue.

In the face of this situation, Jianjun Banxue's sword repair temper flared.

Instead of begging the other party, she made a brand new decision.

Since the other party doesn't give it, she's going to grab it.

Over the years, through various means, she has also collected a lot of information about the treasures of the gods.

Now is not the right time to compete for the Heavenly Immortal's relic, and she has to do a big thing first.

She rescued quite a few cultivators from the Tiangong lineage from the battlefield, and she also tried her best to gather the scattered Tiangong disciples.

Jianjun Banxue wants to give them a place to live so that they can escape the pursuit of foreign invaders.

Now, Jianjun Banxue has gathered a lot of monks, enough to deal with foreign invaders.

The Taoist priests of the ancient capital have always been the die-hards of Jianjun Banxue.

After he escaped from the battlefield, he fully cooperated with Jianjun Banxue's actions.

Not only did he hand over the power of the entire Ascension Society to Jianjun Banxue, but he also ran around, contacting all parties, to find allies for Jianjun Banxue.

Of course, given the current situation in the Junchen world, he could find too few allies.

After listening to the words of the Taoist in the ancient capital, Meng Zhang did not respond immediately.

The meaning of the Taoist in the ancient capital is obvious. Jianjun Banxue has completely fallen out with the major holy land sects, and the newly re-established forces are only to protect themselves from the pursuit of foreign invaders.

Taiyimen and her have a common enemy and have a basis for cooperation.

Don't look at the fact that foreign invaders have not attacked Taiyimen on a large scale.

After the invaders from outside the territory have destroyed the major holy land sects, they will definitely attack hostile forces such as Taiyi Sect.

Perhaps before that, the Dark Alliance, which had already taken refuge in foreign invaders, would attack Taiyimen.

In the cultivation world, the relationship between friend and foe changes frequently.

It is very common to be friends today and enemies tomorrow.

Seeing the wind and turning the rudder at any time are basic operations.

Especially the principals of many self-cultivation forces, in the face of interests, in the face of survival crisis, have no shame or face at all.

A monk with a clear bottom line like Meng Zhang is actually very rare.

Meng Zhang's bottom line is very simple, that is, he cannot sincerely form an alliance with the devil.

The remaining forces of Tiangong, headed by Jianjun Banxue, are actually a good alliance partner.

It's just that Meng Zhang always had some knots in his heart because of Sword Master Banxue's previous Moreover, Meng Zhang also had some other concerns, worried that it would attract a key attack from foreign invaders.

Meng Zhang did not rush to make a decision, but continued to chat with the Taoist priests in the ancient capital to ask for more information.

Meng Zhang thought of something very important.

The consciousness of heaven and earth in Junchen world has fallen, and the rules of heaven and earth are greatly affected.

The restrictions left by the six true immortals before casting spells should have expired.

In other words, can the virtual immortals who meet the conditions in the Junchen realm hit the real immortal realm now?

Isn't the reason why the Taoist people of the ancient capital extremely hated the sects of the major holy places because of the practices of the six true immortals, which he regarded as hindering his own path?

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