The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2373: reason

The Taiyi Sect and the major holy land sects have been fighting for many years, and the biggest enemies are the Ziyang Sect and Guantian Pavilion.

As for other holy land sects and families, Taiyi Sect also worked hard to collect relevant information.

Meng Zhang recognized the other party's origin at a glance, but he didn't take the other party to heart.

Today's Meng Zhang is already qualified to look down on the four corners and look down on the powerhouses of the major sects in the Holy Land.

When the Venerable Wei Po and Taoist Wei Neng of Guantian Pavilion saw Meng Zhang appearing here, their faces were ugly.

Guantian Pavilion and Taiyimen have a **** feud, and Meng Zhang is a great enemy that Guantian Pavilion wants to get rid of.

But Meng Zhang was powerful and had a brilliant record.

Especially after Meng Zhang was promoted to Void Immortal, he severely damaged Weiwu Void Immortal in Guantian Pavilion.

Venerable Weibo and Taoist Weineng hated Meng Zhang very much, but they could only stare at each other with hatred, not daring to act at will.

Although their side has an advantage in numbers, they may not be able to defeat Meng Zhang.

With their eyesight, they recognized at a glance that Meng Zhang was surrounded by a goddess who was at the level of returning to the virtual world.

Up to now, Meng Zhang is too lazy to hide it, even if he colluded with the gods in an upright and bright way, who can help him?

When Kou Deming, Kou Dexun and their brothers recognized Meng Zhang, they secretly complained in their hearts, and even suspected that their own family had been tricked by Wei Po Shang Zun.

At any rate, Guantian Pavilion has the True Immortal Patriarch as the backing and has many trump cards, so he is not afraid of Meng Zhang hitting the door.

The Kou family, however, did not have that kind of support, and could not offend a strong man like Meng Zhang.

If Meng Zhang killed the Kou family's ancestral land, the Kou family would be in big trouble.

The Kou family and Taiyimen have no grievances or enmity, so there is really no need to get involved in the dispute between Guantian Pavilion and Taiyimen.

Meng Zhang looked at the four people in front of him with disdain, and did not hide the contempt in his heart.

"This seat is doing business here, no one else is waiting, so hurry up and get out."

It was only the anger that Shang Zun had managed to suppress with great difficulty, because Meng Zhang's scolding could no longer be suppressed.

Meng Zhang is indeed very strong, but don't forget that the sects of the major holy places are the rulers of the Junchen world.

In history, guys like Meng Zhang who challenged the sects of the holy places have never had a good end.

"Presumptuous, Meng Zhang child, you dare to be so arrogant, you really don't know whether to live or die."

Venerable Wei Po hadn't opened his mouth yet, but Taoist Wei couldn't help but scold.

The Guantian Pavilion cultivator always considered himself to be the representative of God's will, and his actions were to act on behalf of God.

His aloofness and contempt for everything, even other holy land sects can't stand it.

Meng Zhang was so arrogant and despised them so much, it was almost something they had never encountered before.

Meng Zhang dared to be so arrogant, naturally he had the capital of arrogance.

As long as the sleeping true immortals don't wake up, even the sect cultivators of the Holy Land will not be able to do anything to him.

What's more, how much power can the major holy land sects mobilize to deal with him now?

Meng Zhang's heart has always been very calm.

Only Po Shangzun and the others could not appear here for no reason, most of them came to hide the mysterious palace.

Under such a tense situation in the Junchen World, they did not forget the Anonymous Mansion, which shows that they attach great importance to the Anonymous Mansion.

Meng Zhang had to make a quick decision, get rid of the group of people in front of him as soon as possible, and then bring the hidden secret palace back to Taiyimen to hide.

If time delays for a long time, Guantian Pavilion will not hesitate to send strong men here, even colluding with other holy land sects, to come here to **** the mysterious palace, even if Meng Zhang is not afraid of them, it will be a troublesome thing.

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Moreover, according to the goddess of worshiping the moon, the goddess of the moon is in a bad state now, and I don't know if it will be affected by the war outside?

"Do it if you have the guts, and get out if you don't?"

Meng Zhang cursed again unceremoniously.

It would not be bad if it could knock back the opponent and save a battle.

Venerable Weibo and Taoist Weineng flushed red.

As the high-level officials of Guantian Pavilion, how have they ever suffered such humiliation in their lives?

Brothers Ke Deming and Ke Dexun lowered their heads and pretended to be ostriches. They just wished everyone would ignore them and not see them.

Since Meng Zhang hit Yanghe Xuxian and Weiwu Xuxian successively, his vicious name has spread all over the sects of the Holy Land.

In Meng Zhang's eyes, the aloof cultivators of the Holy Land Zongmen are no different from pigs and dogs, and he has killed many of them.

Brothers Kou Deming and Kou Dexun were really afraid of Meng Zhang.

Initially, among the major holy land sects, it was the Ziyang Shengzong who first mastered the relevant information about the Hidden Mysterious Mansion and actively pursued it.

Later, in order to obtain the help of Guantian Pavilion, Ziyang Shengzong had to share relevant information.

In the entire Junchen world, Guantian Pavilion supports not only the largest number of celestial masters, but also the highest overall level.

Guantian Pavilion not only learned a lot of the secrets of the Junchen world, but also often acted one step ahead of others.

Although the secret master of Guantian Pavilion could not directly calculate the information about the mysterious palace, but through some indirect means and other information collected by Guantian Pavilion, he knew that the mysterious palace has extraordinary functions and is very important to the grand plan of Guantian Pavilion. effect.

The Ziyang Shengzong only regards the Hidden Mystery Mansion as a powerful tool of war.

After losing Yang He Xuxian and other Void Returning greats for this, he was unwilling to continue investing.

Especially now that foreign invaders have invaded the Junchen Realm, the Ziyang Sect is even more reluctant to participate in the competition for the mysterious Guantian Pavilion is determined to win the mysterious palace.

Even if Wei Wuxian was hit hard by this, he didn't let him back down.

After Luna entered the Hidden Mystery Mansion, he got into a fight with the distraction left by the true **** inside.

The mysterious mansion lost control, and instinctively moved deep underground as before.

Of course, since the Moon God and the True God were too distracted, they didn't have time to cover up the deeds of the Mysterious Palace.

There is a treasure in the Guantian Pavilion, which can survey the direction of the leylines and monitor the movements deep underground.

The cultivator of Guantian Pavilion used this heavy treasure and noticed the movement of the hidden mysterious mansion in the depths of the ground.

When the Moon God controlled the Hidden Mystery Mansion to stay in the depths of this grand canyon, the Guantian Pavilion cultivator also grasped its movements.

However, because of previous failures, Guantian Pavilion needs to mobilize more power to be able to seize the mysterious palace, which delays a lot of time.

However, Tiange is the object of attention and suppression by foreign invaders.

The territory of Guantian Pavilion has been harassed by foreign invaders, and a large part of its power has been pinned down.

In a short period of time, the number of people that Guantian Pavilion can recruit is limited. Need to continue to wait, in order to slowly gather manpower.

Worried that things would change over time, but Shangzun Po was really unwilling to wait any longer, so he hurriedly brought Daoist Wei-neng over.

On the way, Wei Po Shang Zun also forcibly recruited the Kou brothers to help in the name of Guantian Pavilion.

If it wasn't that the Kou family was also suppressed by foreign invaders, he would still want to recruit more experts from the Kou family. (To be continued)

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