The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2288: nutrient

Soul Sea is a place with almost endless souls, but there are almost no complete souls.

All kinds of remnant souls are ground and smashed in the soul sea, and then completely absorbed by Junchen Realm, becoming the nutrients of Junchen Realm.

These nutrients will eventually enter the source sea, greatly enhancing the origin of the Junchen world.

Only a very small part of these remnant souls have withstood the grinding of the soul sea and still retain some of their characteristics.

This shows how difficult it is to retain some of the characteristics of the previous life after experiencing reincarnation, whether it is a living person in the yang world or a ghost in the underworld.

In addition, the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm will also spray some soul seeds from time to time, passing through the transfer of the soul sea.

Based on these soul seeds, Soul Sea will shape them into new souls and throw them into the Junchen world.

With a new soul, the Junchen world can breed all kinds of creatures.

The main source of birth of the soul seed in the Junchen world is from the source sea.

The more powerful the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm, the more creatures are born.

In particular, the birth of intelligent creatures such as human beings is actually a loss to the source sea.

However, all kinds of creatures must have a huge number of foundations in order to produce enough powerhouses to defend the world.

Tai Miao hadn't approached the Soul Sea yet, but just observing from a distance, she felt that there was a strange power in the Soul Sea, constantly consuming her body of ghosts and gods.

In order to better observe and feel the power of the soul sea, Tai Miao stepped into the soul sea.

He swam around in the soul sea, came to different places in the soul sea, and slowly realized the strangeness of the soul sea.

Tai Miao has become the lord of the underworld, and has control over reincarnation and the authority of life and death.

If it were replaced by other ghosts or ghosts and gods entering here, I am afraid that I would have been injured long ago.

The longer Tai Miao stayed in the Soul Sea, the more important she could feel.

He, the lord of the underworld, does not say that he has a false name, but his control over the underworld is also very general.

If he wants to truly control everything in the underworld, he must completely control the core soul sea.

The soul sea is the starting point for the birth of the Junchen world, and it is also the beginning and end of the reincarnation of the Junchen world.

Tai Miao holds the authority of reincarnation, and he has a lot of attainments on the road of reincarnation, but he still cannot control the reincarnation of Junchen world.

Back then, he helped the senior Guishen Watch to enter the reincarnation, which at most could help him enhance the characteristics of his soul, but he could not control the result of his reincarnation.

In order for Tai Miao to exert sufficient influence on the reincarnation of Jun Chen Realm, she must be able to use the power of the soul sea.

Although the sea of ​​​​souls is killing the wonderful ghost and gods almost all the time, it has caused great pressure on him.

But Tai Miao still swims endlessly in the sea of ​​souls.

He meticulously sensed the special power in the soul sea, and comprehended the special rules of the soul sea.

Unconsciously, Tai Miao entered a special area of ​​Soul Sea.

In this area, countless remnant souls are being crushed by the power of the soul sea, and then injected into the source sea.

These remnant souls have an aura that is incompatible with their surroundings, which is very different from the remnant souls of the native creatures in the Junchen world.

With Tai Miao's eyesight and insight at this time, she quickly figured out what was going on.

During these thousands of years, almost every once in a while, a group of extraterritorial intruders passed through the defense line outside the Junchen Realm and plunged into the Junchen Realm.

These extraterritorial invaders are limited in scale and average in strength, and they don't even have the power of returning to the virtual level.

Taiyimen encountered such an opponent in the process of its rise.

For example, the demon clan and the spirit clan were eliminated by the Taiyi Sect, and the barbarians who surrendered after being defeated by the Taiyi Sect.

How strict is the defense system of Junchen Realm, even true immortals are difficult to sneak in silently.

Some of the sayings that Meng Zhang had heard before were that these extraterritorial invaders were able to enter the Junchen Realm, which was related to the infighting at the top of the Junchen Realm.

Those who are responsible for the defense of Junchen Realm, sometimes, in order to cause confusion for opponents who are not used to it, they deliberately condone these foreign invaders into Junchen Realm and guide them to the opponent's territory.

And extraterritorial invaders took advantage of this opportunity to continuously put their power into the Junchen Realm, trying to destroy the Junchen Realm from the inside.

With the improvement of his cultivation and status, Meng Zhang was able to come into contact with more secrets of the Junchen world.

The deeper he understands the upper levels of Junchen Realm, the more he feels that such a statement is unreliable.

How much damage can an extraterritorial intruder who doesn't even have the strength to return to the virtual world enter the Junchen world?

The masters who are responsible for the defense of the Junchen world are mainly from the Tiangong and the major holy land sects. Even if they are not used to each other, is it only possible to use this naive method to make trouble with each other?

In the Junchen world, there are many things that Meng Zhang can't understand.

This matter has little to do with Meng Zhang, so he didn't bother much about it.

Now Tai Miao entered the sea of ​​​​souls, and based on what he saw, he guessed the matter seven to eighty-eight.

After these extraterritorial invaders enter the Junchen world, they will sooner or later be eliminated by the cultivators.

These extraterritorial invaders are not weak, and their soul strength is not low.

After they died, their souls entered the sea of ​​​​souls, and after being consumed, they entered the sea of ​​​​source, which became an important nourishment for the expansion of the source sea of ​​Junchen Realm.

Therefore, the high-level officials of Junchen Realm, maybe it is the meaning of several true immortals, deliberately letting these foreign invaders who are not strong enough to enter Junchen Realm.

During these thousands of years, news of foreign invaders sneaking into Junchen Realm has come out from time to time.

The destruction of so many extraterritorial invaders can be said to be a powerful supplement to the Soul Sea and the Origin Sea.

As for why the high-level invaders from outside the territory specially sent their men down to the Junchen Realm to die, there is also a reason why UU Kanshu has to do this kind of meat buns and dogs.

The souls of these extraterritorial invaders contain a special power.

Even if their souls were completely ground, this special power still did not dissipate.

If there are only a certain number of souls of foreign invaders, the special power contained in them is limited.

However, the souls of foreign invaders are constantly entering here, and this special power is also growing.

Although Tai Miao didn't understand the specific purpose of this special power, one can imagine that the high-level foreign invaders must have malicious intentions.

The high-level foreign invaders did not hesitate to sacrifice the lives of countless clansmen, poured special power into their souls, and let them enter the Yuanhai of Junchen Realm, which must be a conspiracy against Yuanhai.

The source sea is the foundation of the Junchen world, and it is also the sleeping place of several true immortals.

If foreign invaders want to conquer the Junchen Realm, starting from the source sea has to be said to be a strategy to draw money from the bottom of the pot, until it reaches the key point of the Junchen Realm.

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