The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2234: give up

Because of the cover of Yang and Xuxian and Weiwu Xuxian, these Void Returning Powers can secretly escape Meng Zhang's induction and lurking nearby.

Back then, the wormhole passage between the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm and Jun Chen Realm was destroyed and the connection was severed. In fact, there is a lot of hidden behind it.

The struggle between Jun Chen realm cultivators can be seen as some epitome of the internal struggles in the spiritual sky immortal realm.

Ziyang True Immortal and they were able to act unscrupulously in the Junchen Realm, and they naturally have supporters in the Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm.

Even the true immortals of the four-pointed star area, after spending enough resources and energy, could establish a brand new wormhole channel, directly connecting the four-pointed star area and the foreign star area.

The Spiritual Sky Immortal Realm, whose power level is countless times higher, is not difficult to re-establish contact with Jun Chen Realm.

It's just that the situation in Junchen Realm is too special, and Lingkong Immortal Realm has not re-established the wormhole channel for the time being.

As the general manager of the Heavenly Palace, King Banxue Jian not only knows many secrets, but also deeply participates in them.

She is very clear about the sever connection between Junchen Realm and Lingkong Immortal Realm.

The relationship between her and the various sacred sects is very delicate. Not only is she happy to see them deflated, but also creates some trouble for them from time to time.

Due to the obstruction of Lord Banxue Jian, neither Yanghe Xuxian nor Weiwu Xuxian could directly attack Meng Zhang. Out of fear of the Gu Yue family, they are not good to come forward directly to **** the treasure of the Gu Yue family.

They were able to send out a few Void-Returning Powers to secretly take action, which was already the limit.

As soon as the two virtual immortals made a little movement, they were caught by Master Snow Sword.

Looking at the five Void Returning Powers below, they were in turn suppressed by Meng Zhang.

Both Yang and Xuxian and Weiwu Xuxian are familiar with the temperament of King Companion Xuejian.

If they really dared to break the prohibition of Tiangong in front of her, Master Snow Sword Master would not hesitate to throw swords at them.

There has been a number of Void Void Rebirth battles that have erupted here, and it is of course impossible for Tiangong to be ignorant.

A thick thunder sounded from the horizon, and Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array had already begun to pay attention to this side.

The five Void Returning Powers had to **** three treasures before the Tianwei Thunder Penal Array stopped them.

Before the Tiangong intervenes to stop their battle, Meng Zhang will leave a profound lesson for these five unrepentant guys.

Both sides have a quick fight, and neither resorted to fancy means, but went head-on.

This way of fighting is obviously beneficial to Meng Zhang, who has a higher cultivation level.

After a fierce battle, the two Void Returning Powers vomited blood and backed away again and again.

A flying sword and a spike were firmly entangled by the yin and yang two qi, no matter how the owner summoned them, they could not be taken back.

In just such a short time, the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array had already manifested in the distant high altitude.

The five Void Returning Powers did not have the strength to resist the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array, and they were obviously no match for Meng Zhang.

The five Void Returning Powers began to retreat unwillingly, especially the two guys who lost the magic weapon, they roared again and again.

Meng Zhang knew that since Tiangong had already noticed this side, it was impossible for him to kill Junchen Realm's Void Returning Power.

Meng Zhang was equally unwilling, but he could only allow the enemy to withdraw like this, but was unable to chase and kill unscrupulously.

In the battle just now, he has more or less achieved some results.

Some enemies were injured by him, and some were forced to abandon magic weapons and escape...

That flying sword magic weapon and spike-like magic weapon, under the constant consumption of yin and yang, the divine consciousness and true essence infused by the original owner were quickly consumed.

Especially after the owners of the two magic weapons escaped, the two magic weapons were unable to succeed and were completely swallowed by the yin and yang.

Meng Zhang didn't look down on the power of these two captured magic weapons, but he could bring them back to the Taiyi Gate and give them to the Void Returning Powers in the gate to use.

You know, Taiyi Sect already has several reversing powers, but not everyone has a magic weapon.

When Meng Zhang fought against the five Void Returning Powers, those three treasures automatically fell into Gu Yue Fenghua's hands.

When Gu Yue Fenghua faced the Battle of Returning to the Void, he was very calm and kept watching the battle on the altar.

On the contrary, the Gu Yue family members below were deterred by the power of the Void Returning Powers, all lying on the ground, not even daring to lift their heads.

Due to Meng Zhang's deliberate protection, the aftermath of the battle did not spread too much, and the cultivators of the Gu Yue family below were basically not affected.

In fact, these five Void Returning Powers had been warned before they set off that they had better not kill the cultivators of the Gu Yue family.

Obviously, the two virtual immortals were unwilling to take over the **** feud with the Gu Yue family.

Moreover, to kill the precepts within the Taiyi Sect's sphere of influence is tantamount to blatantly hitting the Taiyi Sect in the face.

Although they were sent by the various sacred sects, they were also unwilling to take up mortal enemies with Taiyi Sect.

Therefore, after a war of returning to the virtual world, it didn't have much impact on the bottom.

Tianwei Lei Xing Array has been paying attention to this side, and the five Void Returning Powers took the initiative to withdraw, which means that this battle is completely over.

Yang and Xuxian, who had been watching the battle for nine days, couldn't help but curse a few more words, and couldn't help but want to take the shot himself.

However, he glanced at King Snow Sword on the opposite side, and still had to swallow this breath. UU Reading

"Master General, you have been protecting Taiyi Sect before, and now you are biased towards the people of the Gu Yue family. Have you really thought about it completely?"

But Wu Xuxian asked the companion Xue Jianjun in a cold tone.

"This seat has never protected anyone, just acted according to the rules to maintain the tranquility of Jun Chen world."

"Furthermore, you instructed people to steal the treasures of the Gu Yue family. Do you really think that you can hide it forever?"

"It is impossible for Lingkong Immortal Realm to sever contact with Junchen Realm forever. When the connection is restored, this account will naturally be settled with you from the Gu Yue family."

Sword Monarch Banxue unceremoniously returned, and moved out of the Gu Yue family.

Both parties are not the kind of people who blindly verbalize, but after a few words with each other, the scene fell into silence again.

Yang He Xuxian and Weiwu Xuxian looked at each other, knowing that there was no time to take advantage of this place, so they had to leave unwillingly.

Mr. Ban Xue Jian looked at their back and didn't know what he was thinking.

On Meng Zhang's side, the war of returning to the Void ended in time and did not cause much damage. The most important thing is that it is the monk of the Tiangong family who controls the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array, and he is unwilling to embarrass Meng Zhang.

The vision raised by the Tianwei Thunder Penalty Array quickly disappeared from the sky, which meant that the matter had ended.

Although there were some twists and turns in the middle, the sacrificial ceremony of the Gu Yue family basically achieved its goal, and the result was pretty good.

Although the Gu Yue family cultivators present were in chaos for a while, Meng Zhang appeared to repel the powerful enemy, which meant that the situation had been brought under control.

Gu Yue Fenghua calmly continued the sacrificial ceremony and completed the final finishing work.

Then, he handed over the aftermath to a trusted senior middle-level clan, and he left here with Meng Zhang and came to a hidden place.

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