The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2198: trap

"Worshiping the moon, you, a simple-minded little Nizi, can actually see through the trap of the god, which really surprises the god."

   Accompanied by the yin and sad voice of the Chiwu Forest Master, his breath changed.

   Originally, he felt that he was an aboriginal **** in a bad state and a little weak.

   Now, the devilish energy on his body is high, the devilish power is overwhelming, and he suddenly becomes a powerful monster.

   The giant tree shook violently, and demonic energy gushed out from the tree body, turning into countless branches, like a gang of giant pythons twisting and swimming.

   Now, Meng Zhang and the others don't understand why they were deceived by the Chiwu Forest Master.

  Where is this guy only being infested by demon energy, but he has become deeply demonized and has completely transformed into a powerful monster.

   Chiwu Forest Lord, this monster is so cunning that he knows how to conceal himself and deceive the goddess of worshiping the moon.

   If it weren't for the Moon God to make a move in time, I am afraid that the Moon Goddess would have been caught in his trap.

   Putting one's own divine power into the magic object and establishing contact with it, what terrible consequences this will lead to. Just thinking about it makes the goddess of the moon feel terrified.

   Meng Zhang lamented the master of Chiwu Forest’s skill in disguising.

   Meng Zhang has had many dealings with monsters and magic repairs, and he has killed countless powerful magicians.

   But before that, he just didn't realize that the Lord Chiwu Forest was a monster.

   Of course, monsters are cunning and changeable, and it's not surprising that they have unexpected performance.

   Among the monsters that Meng Zhang has killed before, there are also types that are particularly good at concealing and disguising.

   Chiwu Forest Master no longer pretended, and after completely revealing his true colors, judging from his soaring aura, his strength was obviously not below Meng Zhang.

   It seems that being trapped in the secret space in these years has not made him too weak, but still maintains a strong strength.

  Since the Lord Chiwu Forest is a monster, the previous agreement with the Moon Goddess was naturally a trap. It is impossible for Meng Zhang and the others to continue communicating with him, the only thing they can do is to defeat him.

  Meng Zhang didn't know that it was the Moon God who controlled the Moon Worship Goddess to launch an attack at this time, but felt that the Moon Worship Goddess not only had the foresight, but also showed great strength.

   A round of big sun rises above the giant tree, throwing endless scorching light downwards.

   The light of the sun can not only exert strong restraint on the monster, but also cooperate with the attack of the goddess of the moon.

   Meng Zhang tried his best to mobilize the power of the Sun Avenue to cooperate with the power of the Taiyin Avenue driven by the goddess of the moon.

   In these years, when Meng Zhang was practicing in Taiyimen in retreat, he not only worked **** the realm of cultivation, but also worked hard to improve his kendo cultivation.

   The Hidden Killing Sword that the Snow Sword Master gave him back then has not only been thoroughly mastered by him, but he has also been integrated into his own kendo cultivation.

   The combination of Meng Zhang’s kendo training and the Yin-Yang Dao of his major has allowed him to create a lot of kendo ultimate moves.

   A series of feminine sword auras quietly bypassed the devilish branches surrounding the giant tree, and approached the giant tree silently.

   Accompanied by a thunder and an explosion, the feminine sword aura turned to masculine and strong, and violently chopped down the huge body of the giant tree.

  The bursting power contained in the sword aura blasted the shattered bark into flying directions, and used a great pure sun aura to constantly penetrate the giant tree.

   The Red Wist Forest Lord reacted far less quickly than Meng Zhang due to his own reasons.

   Under the rapid attack of Meng Zhang, coupled with the restraint of the goddess of the moon, he fell into a disadvantage all at once.

   Several gods who built the secret space back then chose the Scarlet Wist Forest Master as the guardian of the secret space and stayed here forever until several gods or their successors appeared.

   Chiwu Forest Master is very dissatisfied with this and disagrees very much.

   He is unwilling to leave the red mist forest where he grew up, and he is unwilling to give up the divine realm he has established in the forest.

   But several true gods do both soft and hard. On the one hand, he must put the overall situation in mind and consider the future and destiny of all the native gods; on the other hand, he must seize his handle and threaten him.

   is just a demigod Chiwu Forest Master, and in the end he couldn't resist the common will of several true gods, so he had to put down everything in Junchen Realm and came into the secret realm space.

   Then, several true gods took advantage of him and jointly planted restraints on him, forcibly forcing him to guard the secret space loyally and dutifully.

   In desperation, Chiwu Forest Master had to accept his own destiny and assume brand new responsibilities.

   As Junchen Realm gradually fell into the hands of the invading cultivators, the Red Mist Forest was also destroyed in battles, and the creatures inside were basically wiped out.

   has left his home base and lost the power of the incense of faith. Despite the supplements provided in the secret space, the forest owner of Chiwu inevitably becomes weaker and weaker.

   Originally, Chiwu Forest Lord was originally a giant tree, with a lifespan that was much longer than that of other native gods, and staying in the secret space for thousands of years was just a drop in the ocean for him.

   It is a pity that the pain of losing a believer, the feeling of weakness brought about by constant weakness, the fear caused by the gradual loss of vitality, and the involuntary resentment of being controlled by the true God, finally broke through his heart and gave him a demon. U U Reading

  The demon is born from the heart, and since the heart demon is born, it is difficult to eradicate.

   The gods are far inferior to the cultivators in the cultivation of the character, and they do not have as many methods as the cultivators, which can stabilize the mind, suppress and even calm the demons.

   Chiwu Forest Master's heart demon gradually grew, and he was out of control, making him completely enchanted.

  The heart demon drew the outer demon, and the completely enchanted Chiwu Forest Master, even in the secret realm space, still sensed the demon information that spreads across the entire world of the void, and learned a lot of demon methods from it.

  He began to practice magic power, accumulated magic energy, and gradually transformed his divine power into magic energy.

   The Red Wist Forest Lord has completely fallen into the magic way and transformed into a complete monster.

   There are many examples of degenerate from aboriginal gods into monsters, and the Lord Chiwu Forest is just one of them.

   After he switched to the magic way, his strength began to slowly recover, and the passing vitality was contained.

   When it was most important, the restraints imposed on him by several true gods were almost completely destroyed by him.

   Although he was greatly worn out in this process, and his injuries were not light, it strengthened his confidence in the magic way.

   After recovering from his injury, the Chiwu Forest Master began to try to refine the few artifacts that were the foundation of the secret space, trying to completely control the entire secret space and turn it into a new piece of magic soil.

   The guard in the secret space is not only the owner of Chiwu Forest, but also the **** son of Poshan.

   The God Child Poshan and Chiwu Forest Master are fundamentally different. Not only is he unwavering in his mind, he is dedicated to the guardianship, but he also has a sense of responsibility and mission. He is willing to do his best to protect this secret space.

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