The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 2111: process

The daily battle between Meng Zhang and the dragon clan powerhouse is not the kind that never ceases.

   In the last one or two battles, both sides will have a good understanding of a temporary truce, and each will go back to rest and fight another day.

   For the dragon clan powerhouse, fighting with Meng Zhang is a rare trial. In the clan and the same clan on weekdays, the opponent does not have such a variety of methods.

   After they go back, they will discuss the battle situation. In many cases, the Dragon King Gang will give pointers to these juniors and comment on the details of the battle.

   These arrogant real dragons have to admit that the battle with Meng Zhang is very meaningful.

  Meng Zhang is also in these days, quickly accumulating experience in fighting with the dragon family, and secretly collecting some of the dragon family's weaknesses.

   In the entire Taiyi Sect, except for the head of Meng Zhang, the rest of the disciples have little experience in fighting the dragon clan.

   If the Junchen Realm changes drastically in the future, the True Dragons will definitely take the opportunity to fight against the Humans. At that time, maybe the Taiyimen monk will confront the dragon clan.

   Do some more preparations now, it is not a bad thing for the possible future battles, it is a rainy day.

  Meng Zhang compiled his own combat experience and various situations of the dragon clan into a book. He will bring it back to the door in the future, which can be used by the disciples in the door for reading and reference.

   Meng Zhang and the true dragon clan are constantly fighting, and the sea clan army’s attack on the human line of defense has never ceased.

   The disputes between the Heavenly Palace and the sects of the sacred sites seem to have not been resolved.

   Anyway, Meng Zhang has been in the South China Sea for so long, and he has not waited for reinforcements from the Heavenly Palace.

  The greatest help given to Meng Zhang from Tiangong's side is that the monks of his direct family have been paying attention to the situation here through the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array.

   When needed, the Tianwei Thunder Punishment Array will urge it from time to time to show its power, which can be regarded as a deterrent to the true dragon family.

   Although the support of the Tiangong and the sects of the sacred places has been delayed, Taiyimen, as a reliable ally of the Hailing faction, has faithfully fulfilled its duty of watching and helping each other.

   Taiyi Gate is located at the far north of Junchen Realm, and Hailing School is located at the far south of Junchen Realm. The two sides are far apart.

  The general long-distance teleportation circle cannot directly cross such a long distance.

   High-level monks on both sides can transit through the Heavenly Palace.

   The low-level cultivators who are not qualified to enter the heavenly palace have tossed and turned many times along the way, passing through the long-distance teleportation formations belonging to different forces to communicate with each other.

   The army of monks in Taiyimen even took a flying boat, it would take a long time to reach the South China Sea.

   Taiyimen selected a group of elite monks and asked them to carry various materials to the South China Sea as soon as possible.

   Those high-ranking monks who transited through the Heavenly Palace first arrived in the South China Sea with their supplies, and then joined the battle against the sea clan army.

   For Hailing faction, the support from Taiyimen is of great significance.

   The entire South China Sea League has also boosted morale and increased their enthusiasm for confronting the sea tribe army.

   With the continuous support of Taiyi Sect, the Sea Spirit faction is more sure of blocking the sea clan army.

   The only problem now is the top combat power.

  Taiyimen apart from Meng Zhang, only the guest Qing Yu Tzu Lao Dao is capable of returning to the emptiness.

   Unless the Heavenly Palace and the major sacred sects make a move, it will be difficult for the front line to obtain top-level combat support.

   The attitude of the true dragon family made Meng Zhang a little confused.

   Except for the battle with Meng Zhang, the true dragon family has never meant to interfere in the war between the two sides.

   It seems that the real dragons are out with a big fanfare, just to allow these real dragons to increase their combat experience.

   Meng Zhang guessed in his heart that the true dragon family might not want to easily go to a full-scale war with the human cultivators.

   In any case, Meng Zhang will not spoil the current situation at will.

   He is patient, and fights with the strong dragon clan.

   In his free time, in addition to contacting the high level of Taiyimen and asking them to inquire about the latest developments in Tiangong, he also paid attention to Taimiao's actions in the underworld.

   Tai Miao has devoted himself wholeheartedly to the action to unify the underworld.

  He personally went into battle and led the army of ghosts under him to conquer, and he was invincible.

   Tai Miao no longer hides his cultivation level at this time.

   Several times, in order to end the battle as soon as possible, he showed the combat effectiveness of the Void Returning level.

   In the place of the underworld, ghosts and gods are not born, not counting outsiders like the ghost race outside the territory, in most cases, the strength of the late Yuanshen is enough to dominate the king and dominate the side.

   There are only a handful of powerful Yang Gods, and they can be regarded as the top combat power in the underworld.

   is too wonderful to show the fighting power of the Void Returning level, for the acquired ghosts and ghosts of the underworld, it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow.

   Tai Miao only took the first few shots and cleaned up some guys who didn't have long eyes.

   After the news about Tai Miao’s true combat effectiveness spread, the army almost descended on the lookout wherever it went.

   Except for the kind of guy who doesn't have much sense, few enemies dare to contend with it.

  Before, Tai Miao used the Yang Shen-level combat power to shock the underworld.

   Yang Shen level and Void Return level seem to have only one level difference, in fact, there is a world of difference.

   Many of the acquired ghosts and ghosts with the strength of the Yuanshen in the late stage work together to contend with the powerhouses of the Yangshen level.

  If the great forces of the Yang world are willing, they can spend a price to let the Yang God stage cultivators come to the underworld with various exotic treasures, which is enough to kill ordinary Yang God level powerhouses.

However, when Tai Miao has the strength of returning to the Void, the number advantage loses its meaning in front of matter how many ghosts and ghosts in the later stage of Yuanshen work together, they are like chickens and dogs in front of him. Generally, it is not withstand a single blow.

   The monk of the Yang Shen stage who came from the Yang world, met him only to die in vain.

   The current is too wonderful, it is the kind of insurmountable strength, it will only make his opponent feel irresistible despair.

   Tai Miao's action to conquer the underworld went very smoothly, without encountering a decent opponent.

   Later, the time spent in battle was not as great as the time spent on the road.

  Actually, it is not the acquired ghosts and ghosts that really hinder the conquering of the underworld, but the vast underworld itself.

   The underworld is as vast as the Yang world, and the underworld is divided into different levels.

   The environment of the underworld is harsh, with countless natural dangers, blocking all areas.

   Tai Miao, he can move freely in the underworld, ignoring most of the dangers.

   But his army of ghosts will encounter many problems if they want to march across regions and long distances.

   Taiyimen has always been in close contact with Taimiao and has many cooperations.

   Under the order of Meng Zhang, the upper and lower gates assisted the terrific conquest with all their strength.

   Taiyi Gate almost did its best to create and collect many artifacts that can be used in the underworld.

   Various types of flying boats were sent to the underworld for use by the army of ghosts under Tai Miao.

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