The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1941: Emergency reinforcement

Because of Meng Zhang's position in the Hall of Law Enforcement, this time the team led by Qin Fangtian participated.

In this team, most of the Void Returning Powers, like him, have corresponding positions in the Heavenly Palace.

Strictly speaking, they are regarded as official members of the Tiangong, a regular army.

There is a big difference between the miscellaneous team composed of San Xiu.

Their obedience is stronger, and they are more willing to work for Tiangong.

If there is no major accident, their loyalty is still guaranteed.

Meng Zhang followed the crowd in the team, not showing any thoughts at all.

In addition to Meng Zhang and his team, there are also many teams of different sizes, rushing to the void battlefield.

Probably the senior level of Jun Chen Realm was really anxious this time, and almost mobilized all Jun Chen Realm's powers of returning to the void.

All the top monks in the entire Jun Chen world are basically here, and they are constantly rushing to the front.

Although Qin Fangtian's introduction was simple, Meng Zhang, who was familiar with the situation in the void battlefield, had guessed a lot of information from the simple introduction.

The power deployed by the Junchen Realm in that layer of meteorite belt is not unforgiving.

Meng Zhang had been stationed there for some years and knew the specific situation there.

Jun Chen Realm has been operating there for many years, and a very strong defense has been established. Together with the garrison of the monks sent by Jun Chen Realm, it should have been foolproof.

It is not difficult for the invaders outside the territory to occupy some strongholds and gain some advantages.

It would be very difficult to completely expel the Jun Chen world cultivator and completely occupy there.

To achieve this goal, the overall strength of the extraterritorial invaders must be at least several times that of the Junchen Realm.

Now that the Junchen Realm side has mobilized almost all the Void Returning Powers, it has taken out almost all the top combat power.

The next battle that took place in the void would definitely be extremely tragic, with huge casualties.

Meng Zhang didn't know the inside story of Jun Chenjie's high-level decision, and he was still very dissatisfied with Jun Chenjie's high-level arrangements.

To give up their own advantages for no reason, not to make full use of the nine days of business for many years, to run out to fight against a powerful enemy, is really unscheming.

Moreover, without waiting for all the Void Returning Powers to be gathered, just such a team went to the front line separately.

If one fails, it will become a refueling tactic, which will eventually be defeated by the enemy.

Of course, Meng Zhang knew that he was light-spoken, his words had no weight, and he could not interfere with the decision of Jun Chen Realm's high-level leaders.

Even though he is already a great power in the mid-stage of Void Return, his subordinates have such powerful forces as the Taiyi Sect and the Hanhai Dao League.

But it was the sects of the sacred land, including the Tiangong, that determined the major events in the Junchen Realm.

Meng Zhang didn't care about others, but secretly strengthened his guard.

On the way, Qin Fangtian was not idle either.

He kept turning back to the people behind him, emphasizing the importance of this battle and its great significance to Jun Chen Realm.

He moved out of the military law and asked everyone to fight desperately, and absolutely not allowed to escape from battle.

Those who resist the order before the battle will not only be severely punished by the Heavenly Palace, but their family, disciples, descendants, etc. will all be affected and be severely punished.

Among the many departments of the Temple of Heaven, the strength of the Conquering Demon Hall can only be regarded as the upper-middle level, far inferior to the top departments such as the Hall of Law Enforcement and the Hall of Fighting Battle.

Qin Fangtian, the deputy master of the Hall of Demon Falling, was only a cultivation base in the middle of returning to the Void, far inferior to the deputy master of the Law Enforcement Palace, the master of Tianlei, and the deputy master of the Battle Hall of Fighting Battle, the cold war master, etc.

Among the powers of Void Return behind him, Meng Zhang is not the only power in the middle of Void Return.

It was difficult for Qin Fangtian to use his strength to frighten everyone, so he could only move out of the name of Tiangong and ask everyone to obey his orders.

At this time, no one would openly defy Qin Fangtian's order.

Therefore, on the surface, this is a team that is resolute and vigorous.

This team quickly passed through nine days smoothly and came to the void battlefield nine days away.

Nine Heavens almost wrapped the entire Jun Chen Realm in it, and it seemed extremely vast.

Above the vast expanse of nine heavens, there are almost everywhere targets that can be attacked and paths for breakthroughs.

Therefore, it is really difficult for the defensive force within nine days to prevent the enemy from entering the nine days.

After all, even if Jiutian has been operating for many years, Jun Chen Realm still cannot produce enough high-ranking monks to deploy Jiutian everywhere.

If you want to use nine days for defense, you have to put the enemy inside the nine days and use geographical advantages to fight against the enemy.

If you want to prevent the enemy from entering within nine days, you must take the initiative to attack the enemy and contain the enemy's power so that it cannot be distracted.

Regarding these situations, the senior officials of Junchen Realm had already considered them.

Before the teams set off, all the team leaders accepted the corresponding orders.

The team led by Qin Fangtian had just left for nine days, entered the void, and fell into the vicinity of the battlefield.

In the void not far in front, a huge form of heaven and earth was being besieged by a number of invaders from outside the territory, and it was almost impossible to resist it.

Meng Zhang had dealt with Qin Fangtian back then, and knew that this guy was jealous on the surface, but in fact he was a very sleek guy.

At this time, Qin Fangtian's performance made Meng Zhang admirable.

Seeing that Qin Fangtian did not hesitate at all, he took the lead and led this team to kill the invaders outside the territory in front of him.

A large army of invaders from outside the territorial front is overwhelmed, not only in large numbers, but there are also strong ones among them.

Qin Fangtian just passed so recklessly, really needed enough courage.

Qin Fangtian took the lead in the charge, and the whole team behind him dared not neglect, and immediately launched an attack immediately behind him.

A huge deity figure, one step ahead of everyone, took the lead in rushing into the army of extraterritorial Fangtian released the world law when he came, obviously he did not have much reservations, and was ready to respond to the enemy with all his strength. .

The extraterritorial invaders, who originally had an absolute advantage in numbers, were even more undaunted and did not give in at all.

In addition to continuing the siege of the previous Void Returning Power, the extraterritorial invaders first allocated enough power to block Qin Fangtian's world. Then the army charged forward and launched an opposing impact with this Junchen Realm's reinforcement team.

This team, composed entirely of Void-Returning Powers, has strong strength and sufficient impact force, and it breaks through the enemy's army camp at once, piercing into the enemy's army like an awl.

Of course, the enemy army that reacted quickly immediately surrounded the team from all directions and launched a siege on the team.

Facing the enemies coming from all directions, the Void Rebirth Powers in the team are all showing their strengths and working hard to meet the enemy.

Regardless of whether he is willing or not, on the battlefield, he must fight hard to save his life.

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