The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1916: idea

When Meng Zhang was absorbing all kinds of information and then thinking about it, the afterimage left by the ancestor of the mountain kept silent all the time.

   After Meng Zhang completely digested the information, he continued to speak: "Now that you understand the history of the Taiyimen, the grudges of the Taiyimen, you should understand the ideas of the Taiyimen."

   "The concept of Taiyimen was inherited from the Taiyi Golden Immortal."

   "Because such a concept is too shocking and unacceptable for the entire world of cultivation. Therefore, the upper level of Taiyimen has never leaked it, let alone dared to implement it."

   "The cultivation classics left in the Taiyi Sect can only be practiced to the early stage of returning to the void."

   "The later practice classics will stay here. Later people must agree with this concept in order to get the follow-up practice classics."

   While this afterimage spoke, it released another ball of light.

   This ball of light entered Meng Zhang's body, and there was a lot of information in Meng Zhang's mind.

   Taiyi Golden Immortal's philosophy is to completely change everything in the world of cultivation.

   He believes that the world under the control of the cultivator is a sick world.

   The cultivator keeps asking for the whole world, searching for all the resources between the world and using it for self-cultivation. He doesn't know how to control, and he is completely fishing.

   Mortals under the rule of comprehensionists are even more like grass.

   When the cultivator's demand for the heaven and the earth reaches a certain limit, it will cause a calamity between the heaven and the earth, and the entire cultivation world will be plunged into catastrophe.

   When the catastrophe passed, the cultivators suffered countless damages, and the entire cultivation world was on the verge of destruction.

After the catastrophe, the realm of comprehension began to slowly recover.

   The new generation of cultivators walked on the old path of their predecessors, and continued to ask the whole world without changing their will.

   Such and such, after a certain period of time, it will trigger a new calamity, once again causing the entire cultivation world to be destroyed.

   just like that, the whole world of comprehension has fallen into a certain cycle.

   Taiyi Jinxian’s philosophy is to break this cycle and fundamentally change this situation.

   Taiyi Golden Immortal tried to establish a heavenly court, dominate all the cultivators, and define new rules for cultivation.

  Heavenly Court can enshrine many gods between heaven and earth, manage the whole heaven and earth, and maintain a brand-new ruling order.

   Taiyi Jinxian has enough strength to put his ideas into practice.

   He also has enough will to resist the coming storm.

   Taiyi Jinxian wanted to completely subvert the original ruling order of the cultivation world, which naturally caused opposition from the entire cultivation world.

   This is Taiyi Golden Immortal's concept, and it is his path. Of course he will not give up.

   The path of the Taiyi Golden Immortal had serious conflicts with the paths of other golden immortals.

   is a matter of one's own path, no one will compromise or give up, no one is willing to fulfill others in vain.

   Taiyi Jinxian was surrounded and beaten by other Jinxians, and was finally defeated and suppressed and sealed.

   Taiyimen's founder of the mountain was just a mediocre little monk back then. It was because he received the message from the Taiyi Golden Immortal that he had subsequent achievements.

   The founder of the Taiyi Gate very much recognized the idea of ​​Taiyi Golden Immortal.

   Many high-level members of Taiyimen, including the three ancestors of returning to the void, all recognize Taiyi Jinxian's concept.

   The various problems that exist in the realm of comprehension, but those who have a bit of insight and knowledge know it.

   Just know that Gui knows, no one has a way and the ability to change.

   Taiyi Jinxian's idea of ​​breaking the old order and completely changing the world is very impressive.

  Of course, high-level officials like Taiyimen recognize this concept, but dare not implement it easily.

   The ruler of Junchen Realm is Tiangong and various sacred sects.

   The Netherworld Immortal Realm behind Junchen Realm has a very similar organizational structure.

   If the Taiyi Sect implements the Taiyijinxian set of rules with great fanfare in Junchen Realm, I am afraid that it will soon lead to the suppression of the Holy Land Zongmen.

  Before Taiyimen opened the mountain, the ancestors were in the primordial spirit stage.

   There are a lot of profound content in the information he has obtained, which he can't understand at all.

   After he sat down, all this information was left to posterity.

After    Shoushan ancestors advanced to the Void Rebirth period, he took full control of this information.

  Moriyama ancestor considered that the Taiyimen monks were in the realm of comprehension and were deeply influenced by the traditional thinking of the realm of comprehension. They might not agree with the idea of ​​Taiyijinxian, and even regarded it as a fallacy and heresy that harmed the realm of comprehension.

   Actually, among the Taiyi Sect, there are only very few monks who can truly agree with the Taiyi Golden Immortal concept.

   Considering the interests of the sect, of course, most of the monks in the sect cannot be shut out.

   After discussing with the other two ancestors, the training information passed down by the founder of the mountain was divided into two parts.

   The training part before the early stage of the Void Rebirth period is still handled in the traditional way of the cultivation sect, leaving it in the mountain gate for the monks in the sect to study.

The part of cultivation after the initial stage of the return period is personally mastered by the guardian ancestor, and will only be taught to disciples who recognize the concept of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

   Such an approach, in fact, has little effect on the Taiyimen monks.

   Among the entire Taiyimen, there are only three ancestors of returning to the void. And they all recognized Taiyi Golden Immortal's concept.

   After encountering the calculations and blows of the Guantian Pavilion at the Taiyimen, the guardian ancestor left behind in the Junchen Realm, and fled into the void with the Taiyimen's top practice books.

If there is an outstanding disciple among the disciples of the Taiyi Sect who can reinvigorate the sect, it will naturally trigger the back hand of the seniors in the Sect and get the various inheritances left by the seniors in the Taiyi Sect is in The inheritance classics in Junchen Realm, at most, allows practitioners to enter the initial stage of Return to Void.

   If you want to obtain a higher level of cultivation classics, you must go to the void, meet the ancestor of the mountain, and get his approval.

   Meng Zhang, as a traveler, recognizes the concept of Taiyi Golden Immortal very much.

   Regarding the chaos in the realm of comprehension, Meng Zhang has long ignored it.

   If it were not for lack of strength, Meng Zhang would have wanted to rectify the realm of cultivation.

The idea and practice of    Taiyi Golden Immortal is undoubtedly a radical cure for the root cause.

  Meng Zhang loudly agreed with the Taiyi Golden Immortal's idea, and in the presence of the remnant of the guardian ancestor, vowed that once the time was right, he would work hard to realize the Taiyi Golden Immortal's idea.

   Seeing Meng Zhang swear, this afterimage showed a satisfied smile on his face.

   This afterimage just smiled like that, completely turned into a sky full of light and shadow and disappeared.

   Before he completely disappeared, another ball of light flew out of his body. It fell directly on Meng Zhang, and then quickly merged into his body.

   Meng Zhang closed his eyes, and after a moment of careful perception, he opened his eyes full of joy.

   The information contained in this ball of light is mainly Taiyimen's top practice classics.

  Meng Zhang majored in the follow-up part of the exercise "Yin and Yang Change of Heaven and Earth", how to condense the principles of heaven and earth, etc., everything is in it.

   These contents are what Meng Zhang needs most at present, which solves his biggest problem.

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