The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1911: Drive tigers and devour wolves

Just as this flying boat team was a little at a loss up and down, a huge meteorite suddenly appeared in front of it, and it swept towards this side suddenly.

The route that the meteorite passed by happened to be the place where one of the Void Returning Powers could hide.

This is not a natural meteorite, but a powerful blow that was imposed by Meng Zhang.

Under such an attack, the Void Returning Power really couldn't hide, and had to resist the attack first.

The meteorite burst in the air, and the Void Returning Power appeared in the sight of the gods.

Although I don't know how the other party is hiding nearby, and why it is so inexplicably exposed, as long as the human cultivator is found, the goddess is like a chicken blood, and immediately directs the flying boat team to rush over and launch an attack frantically.

This Xuxu Great Neng greeted him without showing any weakness, and shouted at the same time.

"Old Yu Ci, don't come out to help yet."

Accompanied by the shout, another Void Returning Power appeared, just behind the flying boat team.

"But I feel the old way, you Guantian Pavilion is so arrogant, why do you still want the old man's help."

This Venerable Venerable Power named Yu Ci is not forgiving, and his hands are not loose at all. As soon as he shows up, he is a killer to this patrol team.

Known as the old-fashioned and old-fashioned power, he snorted disdainfully, did not say much, just put his hands on the force, trying to solve the flying boat team in front of him as soon as possible.

The two Void Returning Powers, one after the other, launched a fierce attack on the flying boat team almost simultaneously.

Except for the goddess headed by the flying boat, the rest are servant races.

They control the flying boat and can compete against the true monarch of the soul, and even the true monarch of the sun god. But in the face of the Void Returning Power, it was almost vulnerable.

Faced with opponents of the same level, the leader of the gods did not show the strength that they should have at all.

Among the many cultivation systems, the Taoist cultivation system is very powerful and ranks among the best.

The two Void Returning Powers present were all well-tested veteran Void Returning Powers, especially Weijue Lao Dao, who was from a sacred land sect like Guantian Pavilion.

When the two joined hands, they saw the surrounding void violently tremble, and countless strangely shaped golden blades fell from the sky, rushing into the flying boat team and hitting everywhere.

The level of strength of this goddess is not weak, but there are too few magical powers and not enough experience against the enemy.

But in a moment, all the flying boats in the entire team were destroyed.

The rider on the flying boat directly turned into a fan.

Only the goddess of the Void Returning level is still reluctantly resisting the attack of two powerful enemies.

At this time, he regretted greatly.

After discovering the abnormal situation, you should not be greedy and bring the team alone, but you should notify the rear in time, wait for reinforcements from the rear, and then come to deal with it together.

There is no regret about selling medicine, no matter how he regrets it, when he is surrounded by Weijue Lao Dao and Yu Ci, his fate is almost doomed.

An unwilling scream sounded, and the goddess was finally killed.

However, before he was killed, he finally sent out the distress signal.

Successfully eliminated the opponent, no fish slipped through the net, but there was not the slightest joy on their faces.

But I felt that the old Dao's face was cloudy and sunny, and his eyes kept looking around.

"Someone is playing tricks in secret to drive away tigers and devour wolves."

Old man Yu Ci jumped even more urgently.

"Dancing wild geese all day long, but I was pecked by the wild geese unexpectedly."

"You and I can be regarded as old world-renowned rivers and lakes, but still fall into the calculations of others."

They only felt that the old man and the old man Yu Ci were not blind, and they had been watching the situation just now.

Although Meng Zhang concealed his figure, some small movements he made could not escape their eyes.

The reason why they did not have an immediate attack now is that they have not yet discovered Meng Zhang's deeds.

Secondly, they don't know the details of the secretly tricksters, and they are thinking wildly.

"Yeah, you should be very clear about what this guy is doing secretly."

"You Guantian Pavilion people are so messy, when did you leak the wind?"

The old man Yu Ci said in a nonchalant manner.

"Presumptuous, don't talk nonsense. I Guantian Pavilion has always been strict in the door, how can it leak the wind."

Weijue Dao first denied it loudly, and then put forward his own guess.

"Some time ago, someone in the door came to visit the old man."

"According to him, the Taiyi Gate has revived in recent years and has a tendency to revive."

"This caught the attention of the high-level people in the door, what they were trying to do."

"It's just that the response in the door is too slow, and the Taiyimen climate has already been established."

"If you want to deal with the Taiyi Sect again, you have to fight hard."

"The situation in Junchen Realm is special now, and it is not suitable to trigger a large-scale battle."


After hearing what Weijue said, the old man Yu Ci blinked.

"Old Tao, do you mean the guy who was secretly making a ghost this time, it is very likely to be the remnant of the Taiyi Clan?"

But the old way nodded, then his expression tightened.

"Guys from Shenchang Realm, why did they come so quickly?"

The two of them wiped out the patrol team just now. After killing the goddess, they knew that the Shenchang Realm had received the news, and they would definitely send reinforcements.

The two of them are going to stay for a while, try to find out the guy who is secretly involved, and then move quickly.

But the follow-up team from the Shenchang Realm came too fast, and it was too late for them to dodge.

As soon as the old-fashioned voice fell, a large team of flying boats appeared in their sight.

In front of the flying boat team, there are three menacing descendants of the Void Returning level.

Only felt that the old man and Yu Ci looked at each other, knowing that there is no point in continuing to fight.

Terran's Void Returning Power sneaked into the vicinity of Shenchang Realm and wiped out a patrol team.

After receiving the news, the senior leaders of the Shenchang Realm must be on the verge of an enemy.

Maybe This is the counterattack organized by Jun Chen Realm Cultivators, and you must not be careless.

As a result, reinforcement teams were quickly sent over to determine the specific situation of the enemy.

But I feel that the old man and Yu Ci no matter how confident they are, after exposing their deeds, they dare not stay here for too long.

This is the area under the control of the Shenchang Realm, which might attract aboriginal gods at any time.

The two of them flew to the distance, trying to escape from here.

Seeing that the enemy was about to flee as soon as they met each other, the morale of the gods was greatly boosted, and the whole team accelerated and rushed over.

Facing the enemies rushing from all directions, Dao Ren and Old Man Yu Ci couldn't care about each other anymore, and they started to break through, trying to make a **** path.

In this way, the two sides fought and walked, slowly leaving this area.

Weijue Dao and Yu Ci ran away in front.

Some enemies are chasing after them, and some outflank them...

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