The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1908: Alien Region

For Mu Xingtong's choice, Meng Zhang gave full respect.

Although Meng Zhang agreed to Old Ancestor Yun's request, he was not a nanny after all, and it was impossible to intervene in every decision of Mu Xingtong and interfere with every thought of her.

Now that Mu Xingtong is ready to do this, she must have sufficient confidence.

The contact time between Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong is actually not long.

However, according to Meng Zhang's observation, this person is a determined and thoughtful figure.

Sometimes, Meng Zhangdu couldn't help being a little envious, the ancestor Yun was able to find such an excellent heir.

In the Taiyi Sect, Meng Zhang has three direct disciples, and outstanding monks in the gate are constantly emerging.

But there are very few that can be compared with Mu Xingtong.

During the conversation, Mu Xingtong also told Meng Zhang.

Due to the timely evacuation of Guchi Villa and Lengshan Temple, the losses in that ghost riot were not too great.

These two sects will also move to the new star area.

Mu Xingtong has been handling general affairs in the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds over the years, and still has a lot of valuable information.

For these two sects, Mu Xingtong is not very worried.

As long as she can break through to the Void Return Period, she will have the strength to contend with.

Among the many monks, Jian Xiu is considered to be quite powerful in combat.

A sword repairer like Mu Xingtong not only has the indestructible will of sword repair, but also has a relatively flexible wrist.

The only thing Meng Zhang was a little worried about was whether Mu Xingtong could easily break away from the Sacred Sect of Flowing Clouds.

Mu Xingtong also told Meng Zhang that she would not be able to completely escape from the Floating Cloud Saint Sect.

Even if the Nebula Sword Sect is rebuilt, she will at least retain the status of the guest of the Floating Cloud Sacred Sect.

The Nebula Sword Sect will also exist as a vassal sect of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect.

Since she chose to join the Floating Cloud Saint Sect to accept asylum back then, she naturally has to accept such a price.

Of course, this is not a bad thing.

As a vassal of the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, the Nebula Sword Sect will not easily suffer the disaster of destruction.

Meng Zhang is about to return to Junchen Realm soon, and is even more uncertain about the future fate of Mu Xingtong and Nebula Sword Sect.

However, he believed that with the presence of Mu Xingtong, the existence of Sword Sect Nebula should not be a big problem.

He has kept his promise to Old Ancestor Yun, and he can leave with confidence.

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Mu Xingtong and the reconstructed Nebula Sword Sect had something in the future, Meng Zhang could also use the inheritance of the Nebula Sword Sect to re-establish a Nebula Sword Sect.

After the two talked, Mu Xingtong began to help arrange matters for Meng Zhang.

The Flowing Cloud Saint Sect has moved many monks and mortals to the new star area.

The new big world is waiting for them to occupy and develop.

Outer door elders like Mu Xingtong can also pass by at any time to help with some general affairs.

As for Meng Zhang, he had the promise of the Taoist Yunbo, and he could pass by at any time.

In order to pass through the wormhole passage, the real trouble is the huge void battleship.

Those void warships carrying a large number of people and materials, each time they pass through this wormhole passage, it will take a long time and cause a great burden on them.

Individuals like Meng Zhang can pass through the wormhole tunnel very easily.

As one of the top sects in the four-pointed star area, Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds has a great say in the passage of wormhole passages.

Under Mu Xingtong's arrangement, Meng Zhang took Mu Xingtong directly and could pass through the wormhole passage soon.

This is not the first time Meng Zhang has passed through a wormhole tunnel.

He skillfully took Mu Xingtong, and honestly passed this wormhole passage under the supervision of many monks.

Meng Zhang could clearly feel that this wormhole passage was very unstable compared to similar passages he had passed through before, causing a lot of trouble to the passers-by.

Meng Zhang was also a consummate cultivator in the early stage of returning to the Void. He quickly overcome these problems and successfully came to a brand new star area.

The upper level of the four-pointed star area gave this brand new star area an uncomfortable name, called the foreign star area.

The name of this star area can actually express some of their thoughts.

In the hearts of most of the four-pointed stars, the four-pointed stars are their real homes.

Now they are only forced to leave their homeland temporarily and go to a foreign land temporarily.

One day, they will return to their original homes.

Meng Zhang doesn't care about the emotions of these people.

He came here now, one step closer to returning to Jun Chen Realm.

There is only one big world in the alien region, and this big world is not very big.

The four-pointed star area originally had four complete worlds, and in each of these large worlds, there were many cultivation forces.

It is conceivable that as immigrants from the four-pointed star area slowly arrive here, this big world will become more and more crowded.

In order to grab resources and living space, I am afraid that countless disputes will arise.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Meng Zhang, who is about to leave.

Meng Zhang and Mu Xingtong entered this big world.

This big world has not been fully developed yet, and still retains a lot of wildness.

The resources here are very rich, including all kinds of natural treasures.

The real immortals who discovered this star area and this big world did not rush to develop this place, but they probably had a long-term vision, waiting for this big world to grow slowly.

The big world, like creatures, will grow slowly.

The more mature the big world, the more natural materials and earth treasures it contains, and the higher other values.

With Meng Zhang's current level, it is far from enough to fully develop a big world and give full play to its value.

Like the Junchen Realm back then, several true immortals joined forces to develop and pass down the orthodoxy.

Mu Xingtong first reported to the resident of Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds in this big world, and successfully accepted the task of handling general affairs.

Meng Zhang handed the three boys of the Nebula Sword Sect and the 1,000 young men and women to Mu Xingtong.

With Mu Xingtong's power and contacts in the Floating Cloud Saint Sect, it is not difficult to find a place to house them temporarily.

In fact, from the long-term consideration of cultivators, they are not suitable for living in the small incomplete world of the mustard space for a long time.

Those ordinary men and women are fine, the three promising boys, it is best to live normally in the big world.

Of course, these three boys are now adult monks in the foundation period, and it seems inappropriate to continue to call them boys.

After the handover, Meng Zhang didn't stay in this big world any more, he was ready to leave directly.

He who is back home is not ready to wait until Mu Xingtong breaks through the rebirth period.

Anyway, according to Meng Zhang's observation, Mu Xingtong has a solid foundation, extraordinary talent, and the protection of the Saint Sect of Flowing Clouds. Breaking through the rebirth period should be a matter of course.

After bidding farewell to Mu Xingtong, Meng Zhang left here and embarked on the way back to Junchen Realm.

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