The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1874: Necromancer

For so many years, the four-pointed star area has not directly managed the dust world.

   At least on the bright side, the dust world is semi-independent from the four-pointed star area.

   The four-pointed star district high-level executives have given orders directly to the dust world for the first time in an unprecedented way.

   A big power like White Rock City attracts the wind, it is the object of the four-corner star area's high-level attention, and it is simply powerless to refuse orders.

   This incident is related to the fate of the entire four-pointed star area, and many comprehension forces in the four-pointed star area are also actively mobilizing their own chess pieces in the dust world.

   Suddenly, the dusty world became a bit boiling.

   Of course, the big forces headed by White Rock City were unwilling to fully assume the apportionment task. They broke down the apportionment task one after another, and decomposed it to every cultivating force in the dust world.

   Even though the Sword Sect of the Nebula is far away from White Rock City and is located in a remote area of ​​the dust world, it still hasn't escaped the task of apportionment.

   After receiving the assigned task from White Rock City, the general manager Shun Yi Zhenjun once again asked Meng Zhang for his opinion.

  Meng Zhang’s orders are very simple, so ignore these apportionment orders for the time being.

   With the consistent style of the big powers in White Rock City, taking advantage of the opportunity of apportionment, to get in and out of their hands and fill their own pockets, that is completely normal operation.

   Even if Nebula Sword Sect had to pay for supplies, he wouldn't be in vain for these guys.

   Anyway, the people in the dust world are strong, and the cultivation forces are not fuel-efficient lamps. At that time, naturally some restless guys jumped out.

   The Nebula Sword Sect had been very embarrassed and couldn't raise the allocated materials at all.

   Now that Old Ancestor Meng has this attitude, True Monarch Shunyi can just postpone it.

   Meng Zhang was considering at this time how to get Nebula Sword Sect to catch up with the high-levels of the four-pointed star area and get the opportunity to use the wormhole channel.

   Meng Zhang has not lived two days of quiet life, Shunyi Zhenjun rushed to see him again.

  Originally, after hearing the news that Yunzhong City was coming and that the entire four-corner star area was about to move, the senior leaders of the Sword Sect of Nebula were reluctant to continue to invest too many resources on that artificial spiritual vein.

   Anyway, this place will have to be given up sooner or later, so everyone can barely maintain it, stick to it, and live it.

   But just two days ago, that fourth-order spiritual vein seemed to be exhausted all at once, and no spiritual energy was produced anymore.

   Lost the source of the spiritual energy of the fourth-order spiritual veins, but it was related to the life and death of the whole family.

   All the monks in the gate cannot guarantee daily practice. Even the protective circle in the Zongmen resident cannot be opened...

   Although Zhenjun Shunyi didn't deal with Meng Zhang much, he thought he had roughly understood Meng Zhang's temper from the several meetings.

  Meng Zhang is the kind of ascetic monk who blindly immerses himself in hard practice.

   This is also a good thing for Shunyi Zhenjun.

   As the head of general affairs, he can use this to control more power within the sect.

   Actually, during this period of time, Meng Zhang went into retreat and practiced, never seeing outsiders, and entrusted all the affairs in the door to Zhenjun Shunyi.

   True Monarch Shunyi is the only middle-level high-level person who can meet Meng Zhang at any time.

   Under the guise of Meng Zhang, Shunyi Zhenjun seized a lot of power and earned a lot of benefits from other elders.

  Don't say that Meng Zhang didn't know about this. Even if he knew, he wouldn't bother to care about these messy things.

   The fourth-order spiritual veins were exhausted, and the high-level sect did not dare to neglect, and immediately exhausted all means to investigate the cause.

   In the end, they came to a conclusion that this fourth-order spiritual vein lacked maintenance and was blocked deep underground, causing the original spiritual energy deep underground to be restricted to the ground.

   It is also very simple to solve this problem. Go directly to the depths of the earth and dredge the blocked parts.

   But in this place of the Earth World, the depths of the earth are not simple, and there are all kinds of dangers.

   The dust world was originally a complete world with many creatures.

   But due to the battle of the fairies, the whole world was almost extinct, and the whole world became dilapidated.

   Even the bottom of the world is pierced, and the rules of reincarnation of life and death become disordered. The boundary between the underworld and the yang world began to blur, and many places where yin and yang penetrated appeared.

   Many dead creatures, affected by this, turned into powerful undead spirits.

   The world is broken, life is extinct, and the entire dust world is full of countless resentments and unwillingness.

  The breath from the underworld combined with a strong sense of hatred, making the undead become extraordinarily powerful.

  Even, some of the dead spirits have fallen from the ghost way into the magic way and become powerful monsters.

   Compared to ghosts, monsters are more powerful, more violent, and harder to deal with.

   The four big worlds in the four-pointed star area are still dominated by the right way, and the ghost monks and the demon monks are all shameless rats.

   So, many ghost monks and demons flee to the dust world.

   Many cultivators in the dusty world have secretly discussed that the dusty world has long become a holy land of ghosts and demons.

  The arrival of ghost repair and demonic repair has added new power to the undead in the dust world.

   The dead souls who yearn for flesh and blood regarded the creatures as the enemies of life and death, attacked the cultivators everywhere, and destroyed many large and small towns.

  The greatest enemy of the human cultivators in the dust are these terrifying dead spirits.

   Every once in a while, these undead will cause undead disasters.

   The cultivators of the various forces have to stick to their homes and support themselves in the disaster of the dead.

   Even so, those cultivation forces that are not strong enough are still precarious in the dust world, and they are in danger of being destroyed at any time.

   Most of the time, these dead spirits are sleeping deep underground.

   When they want to devour the flesh and blood of creatures, they rush to the ground.

   Not long ago, the miners of an important mine belonging to the Nebula Sword Sect dig deep underground and disturbed the dead souls sleeping here.

   The awakened undead devoured the miners and the garrison monks.

   Since that mine was the main source of income for the Sword Sect of Nebula, the ancestor Yun had to go deep into the mine to try to clear the dead.

   No one thought that the dead spirits there would be so powerful that they would actually be able to defeat the ancestor Yun.

  In the end, the ancestor Yun and the deadly powerful fought a battle and lost both.

   The ancestor Yun succeeded in clearing the dead, but he himself was a new wound that evoked the old wound, his vitality was severely injured, his life was damaged, and he was about to sit down.

   An accident happened to the ancestor Yun, which caused the most serious crisis in the Sword Sect of Nebula.

   The mine that was finally recovered from the hands of the undead was not saved, and was taken away by other comprehension forces.

   After experiencing this incident, the monks of the Sword Sect Nebula have fully seen the power of the undead, and they dare not go deep into the ground.

  Middle and high-level people are afraid of encountering necromantic powerhouses, they all shy away from each other, and they are unwilling to enter the underground to clear the aura.

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