The Way of the Immortal Master

Vol 2 Chapter 1871: problem

Among the figures that just appeared, one of them was Gu Yuanliang, who was severely injured by Meng Zhang and Old Ancestor Yun earlier.

Gu Yuanliang was not injured lightly. According to Meng Zhang's thoughts, this person would not be able to heal in a short period of time.

However, judging from his full-fledged and energetic look at this time, it was obvious that he was not bothered by the injury.

There is also a monk who is a fellow of Venerable Mifang and the Venerable Mistress of Hanshan Temple.

A sturdy and sturdy giant is a well-known layman in iron clothes in the world of dust.

Just now, it was the iron-clothed layman who was sitting in the Guchi Villa, exuding the unique aura of returning to the void, and shocking the Xiaoxiao in all directions.

After Gu Yuanliang was seriously injured and returned, worried that Meng Zhang would continue to kill him, so he had to ask his secret ally Lengshan Temple for help.

The Tieyi Jushi has always been close to Lengshan Temple, and can even be regarded as the guest of Lengshan Temple.

It took a lot of money for Guchi Mountain Villa to invite the iron-clothed layman to sit here.

Venerable Beifang felt that the sudden change of Meng Zhang had ruined his plan and was a great disaster.

As a result, Venerable Mifang and Venerable Mistress worked separately and wandered around Guchi Villa.

Once some of them discover Meng Zhang's deeds, they must find a way to entangle each other, secretly notify others, and try to besiege Meng Zhang together.

Venerable Mifang was lucky and ran into Meng Zhang directly.

However, he did not expect that Meng Zhang was very vigilant.

He didn't even care about face and effort, so he ran away.

By the time other people arrived here, he had already disappeared without a trace.

"This kid is really slippery, he escaped so fast."

Tieyi Jushi said indignantly.

"This person is highly alert and not an easy one." The Sad Venerable commented.

"Venerable, or we should just kill the Sword Sect Nebula directly and kill this kid on the spot."

Gu Yuanliang, who hated Meng Zhang the most, suggested to Venerable Mifang.

Venerable Beifang shook his head and rejected Gu Yuanliang's proposal.

Seeing the disappointed expression on Gu Yuanliang's face, Venerable Mifang explained a few words.

"If we surround this kid here and kill him without knowing it, nothing will be exposed."

"But if we directly kill the Nebula Sword Sect, we will definitely make a lot of noise, and the news will spread to everyone."

"My Lengshan Temple, as a Buddhist sect, has been stared by many Taoist cultivation forces."

"If I Lengshan Temple rashly participates in the internal disputes of your Taoist cultivation forces, it will definitely attract a lot of outside interference."

"At that time, everything we planned will be in vain. Our efforts for so many years will also be in vain."

Although Gu Yuanliang was still unwilling, but Venerable Mifang said so, he couldn't continue to entangle him.

It is said that after Meng Zhang fled, he kept escaping for a long distance before stopping.

Looking at the direction of Guchi Villa, Meng Zhang remembered just now.

If it weren't for his keen sensitivity and found that the situation was not right, he immediately fled, I am afraid he was already under siege at this time.

Through this incident, Meng Zhang finally determined that Lengshan Temple was a major enemy.

As for why Lengshan Temple has been hiding behind sneakily, and has not directly confronted the Sword Sect of Nebula, Meng Zhang does not yet know the reason.

After leaving Guchi Villa, Meng Zhang did not stay outside for a long time and returned to the Sword Sect of the Nebula.

In the Nebula Sword Sect at this time, there were very few sword repairs, and the cultivation level was average.

In the eyes of Meng Zhang, the really promising Jian Xiu were the three boys around Ancestor Yun.

After many sword repair seeds had an accident, the three of them became the hope of inheriting the Nebula Sword Sect.

In order to prevent accidents, Meng Zhang brought the three boys to his side, personally taught and cared for them.

Of course, on the surface, the three of them are still the boys serving Meng Zhang's daily life.

Meng Zhang did not pay attention to the general affairs of the Sword Sect of Nebula, and took advantage of his free time to hurry up and practice.

The ancestor Yun left him a lot of cultivation resources, enough to maintain his cultivation for a long time.

And in the process of reading the various classics of Jianzong Nebula, Meng Zhang also gained quite a bit.

The other inheritances of Xingyun Jianzong are nothing more. Those secret inheritances of swordsmanship can be studied by Meng Zhang and absorbed into his own swordsmanship.

At this time, Meng Zhang's swordsmanship alone was enough to surpass many swordsmen of the same level.

The dharma inheritance collected by Xingyun Jianzong is not without merit, it is still very helpful to Meng Zhang.

The ancestor Yun had agreed before his death, and Meng Zhang collected these inheritances, re-engraved all the classics, and planned to bring them back to Taiyimen in the future.

Since Meng Zhang and the ancestor Yun showed their power, the covetous gaze outside has decreased a lot.

After learning that Sword Sect Nebula currently has an ancestor of Meng as shelter, everyone has dispelled plans and ideas aimed at Sword Sect Nebula.

As long as a family of sects has an asylum of Void Rebirth, they can gain a foothold in the dust world.

Before finding a way to deal with this Void Returning Power, even if it is a hostile sect, they dare not easily initiate a battle to destroy the sect.

Back then, if the ancestor Yun hadn't fought a deadly powerhouse in the dust world and would have suffered both, Guchi Villa and others would not have dared to act.

In the following time, Meng Zhang had a rare peaceful life.

His cultivation base is constantly improving, and his combat effectiveness is advancing with each passing day.

The three young boys, under his guidance from time to time, have also made great progress in cultivation.

The person who has made the most progress has already begun to consider building a foundation.

For this situation, Meng Zhang is of course happy to see it happen.

Among other things, once the three boys grow up, he will have reliable subordinates to drive them to improve the situation of the Nebula Sword Sect.

What Meng Zhang didn't expect was that he hadn't started interfering with the operation of the Nebula Sword Sect, and trouble had already come to his door.

The head of general affairs Shunyi Zhenjun has something to ask to see Patriarch Meng. This is the information relayed by Zhenren Yunxia and Yunyou.

True Monarch Shunyi is the head of general affairs anyway, and the current Nebula Sword Sect also depends on him for maintenance.

Meng Zhang did not entrust him, but agreed to meet him.

When the two met, Zhenjun Shunyi immediately succumbed to and said that he shouldn't have disturbed Patriarch Meng's retreat.

But the matter has come to an end, and he has no other choice but to ask for help from Old Ancestor Meng.

Meng Zhang resisted the impatience in his heart and let True Monarch Shunyi speak slowly.

Sword Sect Nebula encountered many difficulties during this period, and it was very difficult to maintain the operation of the sect.

With the efforts of True Monarch Shunyi and the elders, the sect can barely be maintained.

But recently, Zongmen encountered two major problems.

If these two problems are not resolved in time, the sect will no longer be able to sustain it.

When people's hearts are separated, the entire sect will fall apart.

Of the two major problems, one is that the sect's spiritual veins have a problem, and they are slowly drying up, and they need to be supplemented and maintained in time.

The other is that the artificial spiritual roots in the door have long been used up.

The materials for making artificial spiritual roots have also been exhausted and need to be replenished in time.

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