Luo Tong asked in horror, then immediately covered his mouth and looked around, only to feel relieved when he saw that no one was paying attention to him!

"Boy, don't worry, I am the spirit of the Mountain and River Map, you can communicate with me as long as you recite it silently in your heart!"A voice sounded in Luo Tong's mind again! And a white dragon appeared!

Luo Tong felt a little relieved. It was said that the Mountain and River Map was reborn with him, but it had been staying in his Dantian for three years after his rebirth. No matter how he communicated, there was no response. He didn't expect that a spirit would appear today!

"What’s your name? Why haven’t you spoken all these years?"

"Boy, there is no need to test me. I am really the spirit of the Mountain and River Map. You can just call me Lord Bai. You should have walked through the long river of time. This Mountain and River Map is a treasure of time and space, but it is a pity that it is broken.

After taking you through the long river of time, it has lost its energy! I have also been sleeping for three years before I barely regained consciousness and woke up!"

Luo Tong was completely relieved when he heard this.

Rebirth is his biggest secret. This spirit actually knows it, so it can't be a lie!

"Then what can you do to help me? I'm going to compete now! I need some experience!"

"I am really awesome............."

Zhou Qiong looked at Luo Tong who was standing still below. The silver-black lightning between his eyebrows emitted a faint light, and then slowly disappeared. A wicked smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth!

He just saw a white dragon figure emerge from Luo Tong's body. I think it should be his golden finger. Is it a golden finger that just appeared? Another old grandfather, or what?.....

At this moment, the spirit of the weapon that was communicating with Luo Tong suddenly stopped and its body began to tremble. It did not recover until Zhou Qiong's gaze shifted away!

""Master Bai, what's wrong with you?"

Luo Tong asked curiously. The spirit of the weapon was so arrogant just now, bragging that it was the boss of the sky, the second of the earth, and him the third, but why did it suddenly tremble? Is it epilepsy? It's having an attack!

The white dragon spirit looked at Zhou Qiong and asked in a low voice,"Who is the person sitting in the upper seat? Is he your senior master?"

If you listen carefully, you can find a hint of fear in its voice!

"No, this person suddenly came to watch the ceremony today, and in my memory, this person did not appear last time!"

After hearing this, Bai Long kept thinking, and said to Luo Tong in a firm tone

"You must not provoke this person. If it is not necessary, you'd better not participate in this competition. Just quit. Let's leave here. I, Lord Bai, will train you. It is much better than the Tianheng Sect!"

Bai Long said while looking at Zhou Qiong above carefully. It is the spirit of the Mountain and River Map. There are laws of time and space in the Mountain and River Map, so it has a certain ability to predict the future. Although it is not strong, it can avoid danger and seek good fortune!

Just now, when Zhou Qiong looked over, it felt a great danger, as if something fatal would happen at any time! So he wanted to persuade Luo Tong to see if he could leave here! To be precise, leave Zhou Qiong, this terrifying person!

"No, I must participate in this competition!"

Luo Tong said firmly. He had been planning for three years and finally waited until now. Success was right in front of him, but he was asked to leave. It was impossible, absolutely impossible!

Listening to Luo Tong's tone, Bai Long sighed lightly, knowing that he could not persuade him.

"Well, try not to attract this person’s attention. He gives me a terrifying feeling. I don’t know why such a person would come to this shabby place to watch a fight!"


Luo Tong agreed. He was also very worried about Zhou Qiong who appeared unexpectedly, but this was not a reason to hinder him. No matter what, he would never give up Mu Li in this life.

At this time, the competition had already begun in the square. First, the ordinary disciples competed, and slowly it was the turn of the elite disciples.

Luo Tong, dressed in a tight suit, stood on the competition field with a spear in his hand.

In front of him was an elite disciple of the Wanshou Sect!

Next to him stood a gray giant wolf!

The spear in Luo Tong's hand turned into a sky-high silver light, and the gray giant wolf was immediately stabbed with blood.

It was extremely miserable!

Luo Tong didn't give the other party a chance to react.

He slapped the other party and the beast off the stage with a slap of the spear.

The spear in his hand slowly stood up, and his white hair fluttered in the wind!

It must be said that at this time, he was full of charm. It can be said that he directly obtained the priority right to choose a spouse for one year in Tianheng Sect!

Mu Li on the side of the square Looking at the man who won above, she couldn't hide the smile on her face, clapped her hands quickly, and cheered loudly!

The old woman next to her looked at Mu Li's appearance, and she knew that her daughter had fallen in love with him. The other party was indeed a genius. If he could really grow up, he could also rule a place!

But who made him and Qin Feng born in the same generation!

The small families and sects below didn't care about these things. They all remembered Luo Tong's appearance. Looking at the talent he showed now, he would definitely be a big shot of Tianheng Sect in the future!

Some women even approached Luo Tong directly, constantly throwing seductive eyes, and wanted to have a long-term friendship and love run with him!

At this time, Liansheng, who was standing above, frowned, bowed and sent a voice message to Zhou Qiong,"This person is quite talented. I think he seems to be hiding his strength, but he is not decisive enough. Does the leader intend to accept him into the Demon Sect!"

Lian Sheng's tone was a little curious. He noticed that the leader had been staring at this person just now. Could it be that he valued his talent and wanted to accept him into the sect!

But this person is okay as a righteous person, but he is far from being suitable for the devil's way. He could have defeated his opponent faster just now, but he was afraid of seriously injuring his opponent and chose to waste time attacking! With this kind of personality, if he were to enter the devil's way, he would probably be eaten to the bone!

Zhou Qiong smiled playfully. He could be accepted into the devil's sect, but he was not accepted as a person, but only wanted his destiny!


Author's words:

The number of reviews has exceeded 1,000, and the number of comments is approaching 200. Third update, thank you readers for your support!(≧∇≦),

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