Zhao Wuji turned around and looked at Zhou Qiong angrily, gritting his teeth. He really couldn't stand Zhou Qiong's attitude. This insult with a hint of pretentiousness was worse than insulting him directly!

Zhou Qiong looked at Zhao Wuji who was glaring at him from below and sneered,"Why are you not convinced?"

"Zhou Qiong, don't go too far. Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west. Do you dare to make a bet with me? Thirty years later, we will have a life-and-death battle in this Dawu Dynasty. Do you dare?" Zhao Wuji shouted angrily!

Everyone around him was shocked.

"Is Zhao Wuji crazy? Doesn’t he know the other party’s strength?"

"Even if his cultivation level improves faster, it is impossible for him to reach the peak of Semi-Saint in thirty years. Isn't he seeking death?"

"I guess he is so angry that he has lost his mind. He will definitely regret it later!"

Dongfang Hou, who was sitting next to him, heard Zhao Wuji's shout and cried out inwardly,"Master Zhou, please be magnanimous. The prince of Zhenbei was confused for a moment and did not mean to provoke you!"

Zhou Qiong looked at Zhao Wuji calmly, but cursed in his heart, damn, is this sentence common to the protagonists? I can hear it here, it's really weird.

But Zhao Wuji's momentum is not good. Others have a three-year bet, and he made it thirty years at once. It seems that he is not confident enough in himself?

Zhao Wuji didn't know what he was thinking. He always thought that Zhou Qiong was a top-level figure of the semi-saint, so he set it for thirty years. If he knew that Zhou Qiong was only in the Daluo realm, he would probably have to fight Zhou Qiong to death now, let alone thirty years.

But who made him think that there are so many people pretending to be pigs and eating tigers in this world, how could there be someone who forced to cross the class to pretend to be cool!

"Zhou Qiong, don't you even dare to accept my challenge?" Seeing that Zhou Qiong didn't respond, Zhao Wuji shouted again!

"Kneel down!" A cold voice came from the corner of Zhou Qiong's mouth!

Zhao Wuji cried out inwardly that it was not good, and hurriedly used the secret method to resist, but his legs did not give him time to react, and he knelt down directly!

Damn, you can't stand up anymore, Zhao Wuji quickly formed a seal with his hands and slapped his legs, but his thighs did not move at all, still out of his control, and trembled.

It seemed that it was useless to tell him that I could stand up for a while longer, you are not good enough, you can't blame your thighs!

Zhao Wuji looked at Zhou Qiong angrily. Since he went back last time, he has specially practiced the secret method to resist the Jade Word Technique, but he didn't expect it to work at all! What kind of evil skill did Zhou Qiong practice!

On the side Dongfang Hou tried to use his skills several times, but finally gave up. He could feel a terrifying sword intent suppressing him. If he took action, he would definitely not have a good ending.

Besides, he was just making Zhao Wuji kneel down, not killing him. If Zhou Qiong killed Zhao Wuji directly, he would be a sinner.

Not moving now is the best way. Dongfang Hou kept finding excuses for himself in his heart! He closed his eyes and made an expression that said,"I can't see anything, whatever!"

Zhao Wuji was speechless. He was so reckless just because Dongfang Hou was here. He didn't expect that the other party didn't dare to stand up for him!

"You are just a loser, yet you dare to gamble with me. For the sake of King Zhenbei, I will forgive you this time. If you do it again, I don’t mind making King Zhenbei have no descendants!"

"Okay, the show is over. I am not interested in watching the children's playing tricks on the side. Let's go!" Zhou Qiong waved his hand and slowly flew towards the sedan chair with his guards.

The three dragons roared and pulled the sedan chair away. Only when the sedan chair completely disappeared from everyone's sight did Zhao Wuji's legs slowly regain their instincts.

Zhao Wuji stood up, his eyes were red as if he wanted to eat someone. It took him a long time to recover. He jumped directly onto the stage and shouted,"I, Zhao Wuji, will be the first in this competition. Anyone who dares to oppose, come up together!"

A genius from a small family was so angry that he jumped directly onto the platform and shouted,"Zhao Wuji, don't take it out on us just because you can't afford to offend others. I, Tong Hai, will meet you!"

What answered him was a cold sword energy. When everyone reacted, they found that there was a bloody crack on Tong Hai's body, and slowly his body was split into two halves. Zhao Wuji had actually killed him instantly, and even his soul was not spared!

""Zhao Wuji, you are so cruel, you actually killed someone!" Everyone on the side shouted!

However, when Zhao Wuji looked in their direction, they all stepped back. Zhao Wuji didn't care whether to kill or not at this time. He was so angry that his lungs were about to explode. He just wanted to vent. Others also reacted one after another, and no one dared to rush into the muzzle of the gun.

You know, it would be okay if Zhao Wuji killed them. If they wanted to kill Zhao Wuji, it would be almost like seeking death. Not to mention the revenge of the Zhenbei Palace, the Dongfang Hou sitting above would not allow Zhao Wuji to be hurt!

As for just now, hehe, that was a special case. They didn't have Zhou Qiong's cultivation.

The rest of the game was no suspense. Zhao Wuji won the first place, and he felt relieved. At least he got what he wanted! Zhou Qiong, just wait. I won't let you have it easy!

Zhou Qiong was not here. If he was here, he would find that Zhao Wuji's luck points had soared again, reaching 250 points! Well, an awesome number of points. At this time, Zhou Qiong was very happy sitting on the flying sedan. This time, playing with Zhao Wuji, the destined protagonist, made him feel inexplicably happy. Last time, Zhao Li ran too fast, which made Zhou Qiong feel unhappy!

Back in the lobby of Zhou Mansion, a figure appeared behind Zhou Qiong, kneeling on one knee on the ground,"Your subordinate Xuanyi, meet the leader!"

"How is the current development going?" Zhou Qiong asked in a deep voice!

"Leader, my sect has developed a total of 34 branches in the Dawu Dynasty and also controls two cities. This Dawu Dynasty appears to be powerful on the surface, but is actually very corrupt internally. We assassinated two city lords, and then spent resources and bribed officials to make our own people the city lords!"

"Well, very good. How is the investigation going on about that force that was trying to take advantage of the situation?"

"Master, we have discovered that they seem to be plotting something. They have people in all the surrounding cities, but not many of them. It seems like they are completing some plan! Master Liansheng has already gone to investigate, and we estimate that we will find out the results soon!"

"Okay, I got it!"

Xuan Yi bowed and slowly disappeared in front of Zhou Qiong!

Zhou Qiong said to the outside in a deep voice,"Go to Prince Wu's Mansion to deliver a letter, and say that I invite Li Wan'er to go to the riverside to play together tomorrow!"

"As you command!"

Zhao Wuji, Zhao Wuji, who told me to reward you for killing me?


Thanks to {40546111} for the invitation to go hiking.

Thanks to all the readers for the rewards!


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Thanks, Xiaobai!

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