At this time, in a study room in the Zhenbei Palace, there were two people talking in a low voice. They were the Zhenbei King and his son.

"Father, why don’t you take that man down today!"

"It’s not the right time yet, and I, as a father, am not completely sure!"

"Is his cultivation really that strong?" Zhao Wuji said gloomily.

"I'm not sure, but he has a knife. The power of the knife is enough to threaten me. Even if I take him down, I will be hurt. But in the current situation, I can't be hurt! You just bear with it for now. I will definitely kill him for you after a while!"

"Okay, I understand, father. I'll go back and have a rest first!"

Zhao Tieyi frowned as he watched Zhao Wuji leave. Was he really forbearing? His son's sudden change of personality a year ago scared him. He thought his son was possessed by another body.

After various checks and confirmation that he was not possessed by another body, Zhao Tieyi was reluctantly relieved. You know, this is his last son, and he doesn't want to really cut off his descendants.

But in the past year, not only did his son's personality change drastically, but he also had contact with other forces outside, hiding it from himself. Although he didn't know what force it was, it shouldn't be a righteous force. You know, although he is not a very pedantic person, he is also loyal to the emperor and the country, and doesn't want his son to do anything out of line.

Zhao Tieyi was still in deep thought, and the housekeeper slowly appeared beside him,"Your Highness, we have found out that the man is called Zhou Qiong. He came out of the Land of Chaos and founded the Demon Cult. He has now unified the Land of Chaos! His cultivation is unknown, and today it was the Prince of Wu who deliberately led Wuji over. He probably wanted to use Zhou Qiong to get rid of Master Wuji!"

Zhao Tieyi's face was stern. He didn't care about the unification of the chaotic land. It was just a remote place. But they dared to call it the Demon Sect. Could this person really be related to that person? It was unlikely. The gap was too big. However, with such cultivation and guards, he must not be an ordinary person. He should be a disciple from some ancient family holy land.

Of course, the most important thing to him at the moment is not Zhou Qiong, but the attitude of the current emperor. He hoped that the actions of the Prince of Wu were not approved by the royal family. If they really wanted to do something to their only son, then don't blame him, Zhao Tieyi, for being disloyal to the emperor and the country.

At this time, Zhao Wuji, who returned to his room, had a terribly gloomy face. Since he recovered his memory a year ago, he has never been as embarrassed as today. Someone actually dared to make him kneel down. It was outrageous. He had to cut Zhou Qiong into pieces.

A blood-red figure appeared in front of Zhao Wuji. His cultivation had reached the fifth level of semi-saint. The man knelt on one knee on the ground and said in a deep voice,"Subordinates greet the lord! It has been found out that the man today came out of a chaotic land, founded a demon cult, and is the leader of the cult!"

"The Demon Cult, you really dare to give it a name. Forget about that for now. How is the formation arranged? When can it be used?"Zhao Wuji said gloomily.

"The emergence of a new force has disrupted some of our plans, but they will definitely be completed in three months, please rest assured, my lord!"

Zhao Wuji nodded gloomily,"The royal family may be tracking you recently, so you must be careful and not be exposed. Everything will be done after the plan is completed!"

"Thank you for your concern, I will be careful." After saying this, the blood-stained man slowly disappeared

"Humph, Zhou Qiong, I don't care if you are a disciple of a holy land or a descendant of a noble family. When I complete my plan, you are dead!" Zhao Wuji growled. Although his voice was young, his tone revealed a sense of vicissitudes!

He is not Zhao Wuji at all, but a body that has been possessed. As for why the King of Zhenbei didn't find out, it was because he had possessed Zhao Wuji before he was born. His soul had not changed at all, so of course he couldn't find out. Unfortunately, there was a small mistake at that time, so he didn't recover his memory until last year.

Zhou Qiong had only been here for one day, and the entire Dawu Dynasty seemed to be in turmoil. This dynasty, which had been established for millions of years, seemed to be beginning to be shaky. The

Zhou Mansion was full of spies outside. The deeds of Zhou Qiong and others today completely established the status of the Zhou Mansion. Many people He believed that Zhou Qiong's cultivation was definitely not inferior to that of the King of Zhenbei and the King of Wu, and that he was a peerless master at the top of the semi-saint level.

If Zhou Qiong had not offended the King of Zhenbei, and if he had not been a demonic figure, it is estimated that the gate of the Zhou Mansion would have been trampled by visitors by now.

At this time, Zhou Qiong in the Zhou Mansion was looking at the attribute panel of the system in front of him and thinking for a while. When Zhao Wuji just appeared in the restaurant, the system suddenly started to upgrade, and the upgrade was only completed just now.

At this time, a blood-red task was pinned on the top of the system page."Because the host encountered the second Son of Destiny, a hidden killing task was generated. Every time the host kills a Son of Destiny, he can randomly get a mysterious gift bag and can draw the energy of destiny to give to others."

It took Zhou Qiong a long time to understand, and then he realized that the luck of heaven should be the good fortune of these protagonists. As long as he killed one, he could get a piece of luck of heaven.

Then he could give it to others. Who should he give it to? Of course, he would give it to his subordinates. When he thought about the hundreds or thousands of people with the luck of protagonists following him in the future, Zhou Qiong was excited. How awesome it would be then. He didn't know if there were so many protagonists to kill in the upper world.

After the restaurant incident, the entire imperial city was silent for two days, and then it quickly became lively again, because The once-in-a-century martial arts competition between the Jixia Academy and the Dawu Academy is coming up.

At this time, young talents from both the two academies and other families and sects will take part. As long as they win a place in the competition, they will surely become famous, and may even be directly recruited as sons-in-law by the Marquis' Mansion or the Duke's Mansion. Anyway, as long as they can stand out in the competition, they can directly reach the pinnacle of life. It can be said to be a shortcut among shortcuts.

Bang, bang, bang, the Demon Tiger King knocked on the door and said to the room,"Master, the Dawu Academy has sent an invitation letter, inviting you to watch the martial arts competition!"

"Got it!"

Inviting me to participate in the martial arts competition, this event is certainly not to be missed. Generally, in such exchanges, there will definitely be people with the main character template stepping on various stepping stones to enter the stage. I just don't know if Zhao Wuji will take action. What is his main character template? Has he obtained the ancient inheritance, or is he a strong man who takes over the body? He is no longer like Zhao Li who has an old grandfather.


Thanks to {Prisoner} for the inspiration capsule, thanks to {29902615} {You are no longer here} {Professional Argumentative} {42921120} for the reminder and the mountain climbing invitation

, and thanks to the other big guys who gave me rewards


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