A wisp of fog rose on a mountain peak a hundred miles away from Jinshan Temple, affecting people's vision. A cowherd boy was on his way down the mountain, and the sudden rise of fog made him lose his way. He was born at the foot of the mountain, and he had come to this mountain countless times, but he had never seen such a thick fog. No matter how he walked, he couldn't get out.

The cowherd boy kept turning around until he heard a sound, as if they were discussing something. He slowly walked in the direction of the sound, and dimly saw a group of people in black standing in the distance, and more people in black were constantly gathering around.

The leader was wearing a red dress, which was dazzling even in the fog, and people around him gathered around him.

"Chief Steward, the 500 elite members of the White Tiger Hall have arrived"

"Five hundred elite members of Xuanwu Hall have arrived"

"The 500 elite members of Suzaku Hall have arrived"


" Devil Tiger King, Demon Dragon King, Demon Rat King,


"Yes, Chief Steward."

The cowherd boy had a feeling that something was wrong. Even though he had never seen much of the world and didn't understand what these people were saying, it was obvious that this group of people were not good people. He wanted to run away immediately, but before he could run, he felt dizzy and knew nothing after that.

In Jinshan Temple, it was the time for chanting in the morning. A man and a woman were led into the mountain gate by a novice monk."Brother, this Jinshan Temple is so tall and majestic."

The man also smiled and said,"Of course, Jinshan Temple is one of the five major sects on the mainland, the top force."

"Brother, do you think we can get the Xiao Huan Dan?"

"It will definitely work. Master's injury can't be delayed any longer. The Holy Monk Wufa from Jinshan Temple is a good friend of Master and will definitely help."

"But the Saint Monk Wufa is the second best person on the Earth Ranking. How could he know the master? In their eyes, the master is just a nobody in the Wuhou realm. How could they become friends?"

The man looked at the little junior sister who was like a curious baby, and didn't say much. In fact, he didn't know why the master could know a figure like the Saint Monk Wufa.

The two were led by the novice monk to the door of a Zen room in the back hall. The novice monk knocked on the door and said,"Uncle Wufa, there are two guests who say they are your old friends and want to see you."

A deep and rough voice came from inside,"Come in."

The novice monk opened the door of the Zen room and led the two in. He bowed to Wufa, turned around and left the Zen room. The brother and sister looked at the Saint Monk Wufa in front of them. Although there were many rumors about him in the world, they could feel his extraordinaryness when they really saw him. Although he was sitting cross-legged, his height was not even lower than the two of them.

The two bowed and saluted and said,"Greetings to the Saint Monk Wufa,"

"What do you two want from me?"

The man said nothing as he took out a letter from his arms and handed it to Wufa. Wufa took the letter and started reading it. The more he read, the tighter his brows furrowed. Finally, he closed the letter, took out a porcelain bottle from his arms, and handed it to the man.

"There are three small pills in it, take them~~"

Before he could finish his words, the brother and sister suddenly found that Wu Ke had disappeared in front of them. Before they could react, there was a shout of killing outside.

The two quickly ran out of the door and found that it was a mess outside. A large group of black-clothed men came from nowhere and attacked Jinshan Temple. The man said in disbelief,"How is it possible? Someone actually dared to attack Jinshan Temple?"

Wu Ke was already fighting fiercely in the air with the man in the ink-black battle robe. Wu Ke showed a furious look of Vajra, and he was merciless when he attacked. Every time he hit, ripples appeared in the surrounding space. However, every time he was about to hit his opponent, a protective shell would appear on his opponent’s body, and in addition to making a sound Besides, there was no damage at all.

Wufa was so angry that he yelled,"Wan Li, you stinky turtle, I must smash your turtle shell today."

Wufa said it with great momentum, but his heart was shocked beyond words. He knew that the person who fought with him was Wan Li, the leader of the Xuanwu Hall of the Demon Cult. They had fought before. At that time, Wan Li was no match for Wufa. If he hadn't run fast, the leader of the Xuanwu Hall might have been replaced by someone else. Unexpectedly, within a few years, Wan Li had practiced to the level that he could hardly defeat.

The whole Jinshan Temple was filled with shouts and screams, and there were black-clothed people everywhere. Many monks flew out of the meditation hall, but they were all stopped by the top leaders of the Demon Cult. An elder of the Arhat Hall flew into the air and shouted,"Demon Cult monster, who dares to fight with me?"

""Haha, you are so brave. I, the Demon Tiger King, will meet you."

The two of them had only fought for less than three moves in the sky when they heard a scream. The guardian elder of the Arhat Hall was shocked. A hand pierced through his body in his chest. The hand was slowly pulled out, and the guardian elder instantly fell from the air. It seemed that he would not survive.

The high-level officials of Jinshan Temple were shocked instantly. This guardian elder was at the early stage of the Martial Emperor. He was one of the top fighters in the entire Jinshan Temple. The Demon Tiger King was just a rising star of the Demon Sect. There were only twelve people like him. The Demon Sect also had four hall masters and elders.

But even so, the guardian elder didn't even take three moves from the Demon Tiger King. Everyone in Jinshan Temple was shrouded in a shadow.

Not far away, above the main hall, three figures stood in the air. One of them was wearing a yellow cassock and holding a nine-ring Zen staff. After hearing the screams in the distance, he looked at the two opposite with a sullen face.

One of them was wearing a red battle robe, and the other was wearing a green robe with a long sword on his back.

""General Manager, Great Elder, are you really going to start a war between good and evil?"

Liansheng raised his hand,"According to the order of the leader, we are going to destroy Jinshan Temple. I have no choice but to borrow your head to report back." Wuwo looked at the Great Elder and asked loudly,"Great Elder, is this really what you want from the Demon Sect?"

The man in green looked up at Wuwo,"The leader ordered that this operation be commanded by the general manager, and don't call me the Great Elder in the future. I am the guardian of the Demon Sect, Bai Haotian, of course you won't have the chance to call me that in the future."

Wuwo was secretly surprised. He had already reacted. It seemed that the Demon Cult had completely obeyed Zhou Qiong. Even the Great Elder had surrendered. Now he was even lower than the Great Steward Liansheng.

The shouting and killing in the distance was getting louder and louder. The high-level combat power of the Demon Cult this time was too strong, far beyond the tolerance of Jinshan Temple. Palaces kept collapsing. Wuwo knew that he could not wait any longer. He had to deal with the two people in front of him as soon as possible, otherwise it would not be long before the entire Jinshan Temple would be destroyed.

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