“Doctor Strange, Stephen Strange?”

This is the moment.

When Lin Lan said the name of the seventh superhero.

Countless people in the universe fell into a brief period of sluggishness.

It’s the same as hearing about Black Panther.

They had never heard the name.

Not to mention what he looks like.

But despite that.

Their sense of anticipation was full.

I really want to know who this hero is.

Because it was introduced in the evaluation.

He was able to use the Time Gem to spy into the future and became a Supreme Mage in a short period of time!

You must know that there are very few Supreme Mages.

And in the want to become a supreme mage in a short period of time.

It’s even harder.

But this superhero did it.

And also used the time gem “Eye of Agomoto” to fend off one disaster after another!

Oh, my God.

The hearts of countless people in the universe are beating.

Just when you hear the time gem.

Tears couldn’t stop flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Which superhero exactly owns the Time Gem?

“It’s over, this dog author is going to expose others again.”

“yes, isn’t this giving Thanos a chance!? It’s equivalent to telling you directly where the Time Gem is! ”

“What to do about this, I feel more and more that Thanos will definitely win in the end.”

“I don’t know, we can only hope that the video will reveal more information to us…”

In the universe.

People began to get restless.

Even blamed the video for exposing the superhero.

After all, the Infinity Stones can easily cause several major forces to grab together.

Now there is Thanos, the one who kills a thousand cuts.

It’s even more worrying…

People now only pray that this superhero is very powerful….!

But why wouldn’t they want to own the Time Gem?

In the universe, the major forces are ready to move….!


Karma Taj.

The land of apprentices.

At this time, Mordo’s face was full of shock and disbelief.

The name he knew.

It was the figure that the ancient mage foresaw before being able to become a supreme mage!

And now in the land of apprentices.

But not only is it extremely arrogant, but even basic portals cannot be learned…

Why is this guy able to become a Supreme Mage in a short period of time, and still be able to use the Eye of Agomoto…

And why is it he on the list, and not the ancient one mage ?!

I saw Mordo raise his head.

Look at the ancient mage in front of him.

Just as he was about to fight for her.

But I saw her thin lips slightly raised.

It’s like being out of the world.

Indifferently said:

“You may be very curious why this guy is on the list, and when you finish watching the video, you will understand.”

Gu Yi was very pleased.

She was able to see the future of Stephen Strange.

Knowing that he would have a car accident, he came to Kama Taj to study, and then became a Supreme Mage step by step.

But about the future that followed, she didn’t know.

She didn’t know if they would win the final battle….

So she also wants to know what this arrogant guy will grow into in the future, and she is looking forward to it.

When Mordo heard this, he also bowed his head reverently.

No two words.

Quietly waiting for the video to give reasons to convince him.

Otherwise, he was not convinced, why did this guy make the list, but the ancient mage did not…..!



Apprentice’s Square.

Countless magic apprentices are also watching the video.

Only one person is out of place.

That’s Stephen!

Because the overall timeline has changed.

Just a few days ago, Stephen Strange had a car accident because he was driving a sports car on the highway to look at the dimensional platform, resulting in a crushing fracture of both hands.

You know, he’s a good neurosurgeon.

With these hands and superb medical skills, I don’t know how many patients have been pulled from the brink of death.

It is hailed as God’s gift to the surgical community.

However, it was such a car accident.

Directly ruined his medical career….

Not to mention picking up a scalpel, even taking a small thing is difficult.

Until Stephen woke up and found himself sitting on the bed.

His face was very haggard.

Even a little annoyed why he was saved.

From being a top surgeon to waste, this blow was simply devastating for him with a proud heart.

So he kept looking for ways to heal his hands.

Finally here today.

But he found that he couldn’t learn magic anyway.

So blame all the blame on your crippled hands.

Despite this.

He still didn’t give up and continued to practice magic.

So in Apprentice’s Square it looks out of place.

The other magic apprentices are watching the video, only he is still learning magic and completely immersed in it!

The video continues.


A figure came into people’s eyes.

I saw a red cloak behind him, and a prop like an eye hanging in front of him.

The people of the Apprentice’s Land quickly recognized it.

This person turned out to be Stephen!

The land of apprentices.

The faces of countless people showed shock and disbelief.

They all looked at Stephen.

When they saw that that guy couldn’t summon basic magic such as magic shields for half a day, they exclaimed even more

“Just this guy who has not even started magic can become a supreme mage!?”

Feel the movement.

Stephen looked puzzled.


Why are you all looking at me?


[Thanks to Reader Papa “17561….” And “zhou7498” reader’s dad’s 588 tip! and reader dad “92978…”, “jy0214…”, “17561…” of monthly passes! Thank you also for the tickets! 】

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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