The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 229: Kendo area

Momoi Yagi gave a grateful look at Kimura and Shu, she did have a decadent mood just now, because she knew that she could not win each other.

After all, the other side taught Chunyang swordplay, she couldn't even win Chunyang, let alone Kimura and Shu.

But Kendo itself does not advance or retreat. The thinking just now is really too negative, affecting Jianyi. If Kimura and Shuji do n’t remind her, maybe she will wait for her to react. Her sword intention may not dissipate, but the strength is absolutely Will go backwards.

This is cultivation, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

Kimura and Shu can remind herself and thank her.

But she was also very clever, and she knew Kimura and Shu's intentions in an instant.

The other party is not familiar with her and can remind herself that he obviously wants to see the area of ​​the Momoi family.

You must know that all the people in the Momoi family are dead houses, and they rarely appear in the public. Unlike other families, the Momoi family has no industry of their own. They settled in Momoi Village, a small village under Kanagawa Prefecture. Live a self-sufficient life within.

The leisurely and natural life makes the people of the Taojing family feel very high.

And it rarely appears in the public, which means that the people of the Momoi family rarely use sword art in front of the public. Therefore, the wisdom of Jingxin flows in the eyes of many people, which is a very mysterious sword skill.

While thinking, Yayoi Momoi heard the referee announce the start of the game.

Momoi took a deep breath. After the two saluted, Sure enough Kimura and Shu didn't lead the attack. During her team match in her mind, Kimura and Shuki's fierce strength, as long as it was their opponent's turn to play, the opponent was basically spiked. Even some of the family teenagers that Yayoi Momoi knew couldn't support each other.

Looking at the leopard in the tube, you can know how strong the opponent is.

The next moment, Yayoi Momoi banished her distractions, and she relaxed her body and mind. After five seconds, there was a flash of light in the eyes of Kimura and the tree opposite.

Realm ... formed.

The time of five seconds is short, and it is fleeting. However, in the Kendo competition, there is a clash every second. It is no wonder that when the opponent is playing against Chunyang, he can't show his field.

Five seconds is enough to determine a victory.

It is clear that Momoi Yayoi has not cultivated yet, but it does belong to the top group in the younger generation. However, because of the limited resources for cultivation in the end-French era, the family must focus on the most talented people, leaning on resources to build a strongest person, and let it control the family in the future. Otherwise, the resources will be evenly distributed, and sooner or later, a family will withdraw from the historical stage because of its mediocre strength.

Being able to cultivate to such a degree without a lot of resources, Yayoi Momoi is really powerful, and he will not despise the other person because he is a woman.

Thinking of the moment when Kimura and the tree were born in the Yayoi area of ​​Momoi, the bamboo knife in his hand fell instantly. Just looking at it, you can't feel the realm, only the battle can be felt.

When the bamboo knife fell off, about 25 centimeters away from Yayoi's body, Kimura and Shuji stared. He could clearly feel that the bamboo sword in his hand became heavy, and he had not hit Yayoi Momoi's body, and the other party did not resist ... but he felt that the bamboo sword in his hand had a sense of stasis, as if the air was stopping him.

At this moment, the speed and strength of Kimura and the trees began to decrease sharply.

Tai Chi?

Kimura and Shuji flashed these two words. The feeling just now was similar to Taiji's four or two pounds, but different. Four or two pounds of weight, is Rou Kegang. But the domain of the Momoi family is weakening!

Of course, this weakening was harmless to him. Even at this moment, he can directly ignore Yayoi's realm and defeat the opponent directly. But this is because Yayoi Momoi's strength is too weak. What about people in the same realm?

I heard that the owner of the Momoi family can form a realm all over the world, so obviously the formation of the realm is not aura. Aura can't keep up with consumption in every realm. So what would it be if it wasn't an aura formation field?

At this moment, Kimura and Shuji turned quickly. With the sword's clear state, he has a strong understanding of any sword technique.

Is it 'potential'? The next moment, Kimura and the tree looked stunned.

Yes, the potential is unknown, but the consolidation is indeed enough to form a realm. But I'm afraid it's not that simple. Otherwise, people from other families will be enough to form their own kendo field, instead of being exclusively owned by the Momoi family, perhaps related to Jingxin's wise swordsmanship and the Momoi family itself.

However, for Kimura and Shu, who already knows a little about the situation, he doesn't need to know the sword skill of the Momoi family at all. If it is really what he thinks of as ‘potential’, then he has a way to form his own kendo sphere.

Thinking, Kimura and Shuwang looked at Yayoi Momoi, and said lightly, "Thank you!" He said that he slashed across the sword, ignoring the stagnant power of Yayoi Momoi, quickly hit the opponent's small hand, and obtained a valid one .

Momoi Yayoi looked confused ... She lost? Doesn't your own domain work?

After the referee announced the restart ~ ~ The next moment Yayoi Momoi has not yet condensed into the realm, and was directly defeated by Kimura and Shuki quickly.

With blank eyes looking at the bamboo sword in the hands of Kimura and the tree, at this moment, she finally knew why others would lose so quickly. I can't even see the speed of the opponent's sword. How can I defend?

"Effective strike, two copies won. Kimura and Shusheng!"

Oh oh oh! !!

Although it was a little weird at first, the audience didn't think much about it. Kimura and Shuki quickly defeated Yayoi Momoi and made the fans cheer.

For fans, idols win, then it is the most important.

Many people before were dismissive of the so-called Japan's strongest among fans in Tokyo, thinking it was too arrogant! But now, many people think that Kimura and Shuki are definitely the strongest kendo players in the younger generation!

Obviously, Kimura and Tree now have enough fans in the Kendo world. This is why Kimura and Tree have no delay in the game now. Now he no longer needs to make a game exciting.

Because the business of Yagyu Kendo Museum is very hot now, plus he let Yagyu Kenichiro launch Twitter, and recorded three videos, shared on Twitter, and made many people worship. The three videos are "storm-style", "rain-drain" and "concussion" science popular science videos. In addition, after Ito made a mistake, the Kendo Alliance promised him to help promote the Yasuo Kendo Museum, so now Yasuo Kenichiro Very busy, I have started to recruit coaches online.

All he has to do is win the men's championship of the Yulong Banner National Contest, and that's it.

Of course, his most important goal is to let Chun Yang win the women's championship. This is his main goal.

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