The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 173: Fate, wonderful!

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo Chapter 173. It ’s amazing! Listen to audio novels online

It took many seconds for the audience to react.

There was no embarrassment on their faces, but applause was even greater than just now.


"Just say this to you. As long as you win, I will be your fan in the future."

"Secondary Junior"

"Come and defeat the Kimura Demon King"

"This is youth"

Ito Sei's voice is clear, even if he does not wear a loudspeaker, it will be heard by all the audience at the scene.

They did not scorn or joke Ito. Because Ito is young enough, he is still a high school student, and it is a kind of courage for the other party to say such things at the scene. Not everyone can speak ruthlessly at the scene of more than 10,000 people like Ito Sei. This is enough to prove that the other party came with strength and confidence. The recent game also let them see the strength of Ito.

If you have the strength, then you can naturally get approval.

The person next to Jingshan Jiulang and others had a blue face. This guy has apparently just used Jingshan Qi Confluence, otherwise the voice of the other person alone would not be able to spread the voice throughout the venue.


Jingshan Jiulang scolded in their hearts, his eyes were like knives, and he gave each other a severe glance.

After Ito-shi finished speaking, Kimura and Shu didn't respond to themselves. Can not help but secretly, this guy obviously does not have an idol consciousness. If he interacts with him now, he can create momentum and **** powder. You must know that it is live now. Thinking, he walked slowly with a pity in his heart.

"Game 2, Sakura Nine High School vs Xue Ning High School."

The five men who were still scolding Jingshan Jiulang looked at the referee dumbly. At this point the referee also just came over and looked innocent.

Sixteen is not a lottery. Instead, it is randomly selected on-site electronically, which means completely uncertain. Neither the audience nor the contestants know which high school and which high school will be playing in the second game.

But now I know, it is Sakura Jiu and Xue Ning.

The audience was also shocked. It was too coincidental, too fateful.

Although Xue Ning High School lost to Sakura Nine High School in the previous Division A, it was because Sakura Nine was too strong, not that Xue Ning was too weak.

The audience have seen the video and know the strength of Xuening High School. At the beginning of Division A, Jingshan Yilang alone turned the Division A upside down, shaving his head in each game, we can see how powerful Xuening High School is. However, after Kimura and Shui were eliminated by the players, Ichiro Jingshan, they all shaved Xue Ning High School in turn.

That scene was very shocking.

At that time, no one thought that Kimura and Shushu could have such strength. Until Kimura and the tree revealed the identity of Liu Shengfei's circulated person, that is, the person who was unable to beat the young man who was in the Akihabara square s Lecce, and the audience couldn't handle Kimura and the tree. There is no question of strength.

Coupled with the previous public opinion, the audience's sense of identity with Kimura and Shuki has become stronger.

A high school student changes the atmosphere of a high school. Even if adults come, it's impossible. Because they know that even if they have the power of Kimura and Shuki, if there is no means, it will not be possible for the students of Sakura Kyu High School to identify with themselves.

This is the charm of Kimura and the tree.

It was just that they didn't expect Xuening High School to be so unlucky. It didn't matter if they hadn't played Sakura Nine High School in Division A. In the first round, they encountered Sakura Nine High School again, which was too bad luck.

The five men of Jingshan Jiulang couldn't say anything, and they didn't scold Yidong.

Looking at the opposite Sakura Jiu High School, Ichiro Keiyama wanted to laugh a little, but couldn't smile at all. Kitashima He is the four demon who is serving behind a demon king. No contrast at all

The ending is simple. Almost the original replica of Division A. Ichiro Jingshan took the lead in the game, and one person swept the pioneer, second forward, backbone and vice general of Sakura Nine High School directly.

I don't know why audiences who have watched the game in Area A before have a ridiculous feeling when they see this scene.

However, people who have not watched the game in Division A are very excited. Although watching the video, if Kimura and the tree capsized in the gutter,

It is impossible to capsize.

After Kimura and Shuki came into play, they eliminated Ichiro, Saburo, Goro, and Shiro.

After Jingshan Jiulang came into play, his face under the mask was bitter. "We are too destined." This was his third time against Kimura and Shuki, and it was almost a lifelong mold. He also wanted to go out to the national competition to see schools in other regions and witness the swordplay of other families. As a result, he will be folded here today. Team and individual matches are gone.

It was Ichiro, who scored ten straight cuts in the individual competition, and had a chance to go to the national competition.

His strongest player was eliminated first.

Kimura and Shu didn't answer, and they defeated Jingshan Jiulang by hitting five times and removing two. Then, under the referee's decision, he ended directly.

"Winner, Sakura Nine General, Kimura and Shuki. I announced that the second place to enter the top eight is Sakura Nine High School."

"Xue Ning High School is too unfortunate," Iwai explained, and sighed. "According to the most ideal three-spending team ~ ~ is Sakura Nine, Qingjiang and Xue Ning. Because these three teams are the most popular in Tokyo. The strong team did not expect Xue Ning to meet her old rival Sakura Nine in the first round. "

Ito shook his head and said, "I don't feel sorry, Xue Ning High School is really strong. But since they lost two consecutive games against Sakura Nine, it proves that Sakura Nine's strength is absolutely strong and Xue Ning . In this case, the stronger Sakura Nine is, the greater the chance of winning the championship in the national competition. "In fact, he would like to say that Sakura Nine's Kimura and Shu are a team. But this is a live broadcast after all, and it's not easy to talk like that.

"You have a point," Iwai explained, agreeing with that.

The game was picked up, soon.

Although it is a team match, it is a win-win system. At half past eleven, the men's quarterfinals appeared.

Time comes to one o'clock in the afternoon.

The second round of eights and four started again.

The first game was Sakura Nine vs Linshan High School.

The comprehensive strength of the Kendo Department of Linshan High School is not strong. Similar to Yingjiu 9 and Qingjiang High School, its general strength is relatively strong.

The general of Linshan High School is called Shanlu Ning and is the heir to the Shanlu family.

It is a pity that the successor of this mountain road family is just that although the sword skill is exquisite, it is not profound. It ’s okay to deal with ordinary people, but encountered Kimura and the tree but swallowed and failed.

However, this also allows Kimura and Shu to begin to see the Japanese Kendo. Although he will not copy the flow of Ito, but in his realm, as long as you look at ordinary swordsmanship, you can imitate a five or six point, if you look deeper If you can figure it out.

But he generally does not do this, but will take the essence and the dross. Integrating the advantages into Liu Shengfei's sword flow, making Liu Shengfei's sword flow more perfect and complete.

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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