The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 165: Too many dark horses

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo Chapter 165 There are too many dark novels to listen to online

"By the way, have you done the things on the Lingling website?"

She did not know whether the website had been established before Shiba Chiba and Kimura and Shuji met online and offline. After all, she is not an omnipotent genius. She can only provide advice on the establishment of the website and cannot help.

"it is done."

Kimura and the tree nodded. Some things, he is also following up.

Because the Phantom website is a micro-site, a laptop is enough to act as a server. After all, he doesn't do forums or anything, he just collects some ordinary people who meet evil spirits. So this kind of website gets up quickly.

After hearing that, Shiba Chiba quickly picked up the phone and looked at Kimura and the tree with anticipation.

Then Kimura and Shuki reported the website, and Chiba Shiori quickly entered the website, because no one viewed it, so he quickly entered.

When I came in, it looked dark from the phone screen.

The next moment, a full moon rose slowly, spreading golden light, composed of black and white. After the huge Taiji full moon hangs at high altitude, holding the bell, it disappears. Then again appeared the words "help" in black and white.

At first glance, simple, rough, and cheap. But quite animated **** girl style.

Shiba Chiba clicked on the word for help, and soon a form appeared.

This is a registration form, you need to fill in your real name, contact information, address, and your own selfie, and finally write about the exception.

Chiba Shiori chuckled in her heart, and it seemed that Heshu had written down all her previous suggestions. This website is done exactly as she said.

Satisfied, she asked, "Have anyone posted a post?"

Kimura and Shuki shook their heads and just finished the website. He will refresh the background when he is okay, expecting in his heart. Now he is too lazy to enter this website. "I'm going to ask Nakagawa Jun for help recently. Isn't he the moderator of the forum? Let him advertise for me in the forum." Then, he remembered whether it was a spirit removal website It's still Lilyko, who is helping each other. It reminded him of something like, "Oh, what kind of jewelry do you like?"


Chiba Shiori's heart twitched slightly, her gentle heart turned from slow to fast, and she didn't start to think about it. Looking at Kimura and Shuji's calm eyes, she was discouraged, "Are you going to give me a gift, then ring it."

Kimura and Shu nodded. "You will help me fulfill Yuriko's wish. I will naturally thank you."

Okay so it is.

But Kimura and Shu can give her gifts, and she is still very happy.

After performing his eyesight, the two talked about the novel and Kimura and Shu left.

Looking at the time, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

He thought about it, and still called Chunyang. Now that he has made up his mind, according to his character, naturally he will not be mother-in-law.

At this time, Chun Yang wasn't in touch. Although she signed up, she has already discussed with the teacher of the cram school. After the Yulong Banner competition is over, she will come to class seriously.

At the moment she is practicing in the Kendo Department of the school.

Chunyang has been working hard since he taught himself to the rainstorm, and he has not fallen for a day. And every day she can feel her progress. According to the senior, her foundation has been solid for the past ten years, but she has not mastered more powerful skills. So now I start practicing the rainstorm style, and the speed of improvement will be visible to the naked eye.

But recently, Chunyang has a strong sense of crisis.

The Jade Dragon Banner Contest can be held in prefectures not only in Tokyo. There are other regions of the country, and it is other regions that give Chunyang a sense of crisis.

Yesterday, Ricai of the women's team showed her a video of a female streamer from Kanagawa Green Orange High School. The opponent's strength, speed, and responsiveness all reached a peak. Like the Kimura Dean, the girl named Yayoi Momoi couldn't see the shot speed at all, and she could only see it by slowing down the speed with video.

In addition to Yayoi Momoi, there is also a girl named Tsukahara Kazuki who is also very good.

In addition to girls, listening to Kitashima said that there are still many great boys watching videos in other areas, and it feels no worse than Kimura.

Therefore, Sakura Nine High School won the team leader and she also scored ten consecutive cuts in the individual competition, but she did not dare to take it lightly. Even with a heavy heart and great pressure.

Of course, this also made her wonder about this year's Kendo competition.

In the past, there were not so many powerful players. Basically, those who could win the Yulong Banner were decided from a fixed school. This is not a shady, but some high schools pay attention to this type of competition, and many kendo players who stand out in the middle school will be specially recruited into the high school to participate in the competition to win glory for the school.

This is why every competition winner will not be surprised unless there is a dark horse. So when the Tokyo Prefecture qualifier, Sakura Kyu High School was born, it made the audience very excited. Every year, those well-known high schools come out, and naturally make people look tired.

But there are too many dark horses this year.

She watched some videos and found that not only Tokyo but dark horses in other areas heard that those seed teams that had high hopes were eliminated. The discussion on the Internet has been enthusiastic, just like the Sakura Kyu High School in Tokyo ~ ~ Other prefectures also have previously unknown schools, and there are powerful players, and those seed teams are eliminated.

These people don't know where they came from, which makes Chunyang feel tricky.

While Chun Yang was practicing in the Kendo Department, the mobile phone in the bag next to her rang a slight ringing sound. The ringtone made her stunned, then put down the bamboo sword, opened the schoolbag and picked up the mobile phone. She didn't seem to know who the electricity was, and whispered after answering, "Senior, is there anything wrong?"

"Where are you now"

"I'm in Kendo"

"Come back home."


Half an hour later, Kimura and the tree arrived at the water duplex apartment. He came to the twelfth floor on Qingshen Road, and after pressing the doorbell, Chunyang quickly opened the door.

After coming to the living room from the porch, he saw Chun Yang sit down when no one was in the living room.

Chunyang's mood was a little stunned. She saw the senior's look a little serious, and she felt a little drumming in her heart.

Kimura and Shuki have no appetite for hanging people, so he opened the door to see the mountain road, "You should have seen other county qualifiers."


"How do I feel? I heard that two girls in high schools in other prefectures are very powerful." The two in Kimura and Shuguchi are of course Yayoi Momoi and Kazuka Tsukahara.

"Well," Chunyang heard that she glanced at the senior and said truthfully, "It's really amazing. I feel like I can't beat them even if I practice the rainstorm style."

If you ca n’t win these two, then the champion of the women ’s group will naturally have nothing to say. And Chun Yang's short-term goal could not reach the obsession of Guqiao Yingjiu, and she had to be dragged for at least a year.

Thinking, Kimura and Tree took a piece of paper out of their pockets and put it on the table.

"Tomorrow, you prepare everything according to the medicinal herbs written in this list."

I am a sword fairy in Tokyo

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