The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 130: Please teach me Kendo!

Japan ’s first swordsman in previous lives, which is shallow heart Wenbo.

According to the other party, the core of "Kendo True Explanation" is imperial sword art.

But because the sword art always reminds you of the sword art of Huaxia, after all, the sword art of Huashan Shushan is world-famous ... So the shallow heart Wenbo changed the name of sword art in "The Real Solution to Kendo" to sword gas.

Qi Jian Qi is different from Hua Xia's Royal Sword Technique.

Royal swordsmanship focuses on integrating consciousness into weapons and manipulating weapons with human consciousness, such as arm commanders. Sword Qi is based on the sword meaning in the body, supplemented by Reiki.

Whether it is Royal Sword or Sword Qi. In the era when the reiki has not recovered, almost all have no solution.

So for Kimura and Shuki, except for Kenki, all other Kendo genres can be sold as commodities.

Yuyanagi Ikichiro's daughter wants to learn Liu Shengfei's sword flow? Anyway, enough money is enough.

After seeing Kimura and Shu agreeing, Hiroshi Kenichiro was pleasantly surprised. He was all ready to fight a long-running battle, but he did not expect that Kimura and Shuki had no intention of hiding Liu Shengfei Jian in his arms.

I hung up the phone, Yanagiku Ichiro gave the address to the other party, and then saw Kimura and Shu sent a 'receive', relieved.


There was a voice beside me.

Sasagiyuki Ichiro watched his daughter slashing at the wooden stakes ... the sound of booming every hit. No matter how many times he watched, his daughter's natural power trembled him. But thinking of the call just now, he shouted, "Jingyi, I have found a Kendo teacher for you!"

"What?" This made Liu Shengjingyi stare at his father in doubt.

Teacher Kendo? Then she thought of something, and said with excitement, "Which predecessor is Kendo!" The Kendo community in her mouth is the traditional Kendo circle, not the competitive Kendo circle. Ono and Tsukahara are representative families of traditional Kendo.

Yuliu Shengjing is extremely arrogant about her own strength. She used to think that she would definitely be better than her father after a few years.

But after realizing Jianyi, her strength has risen sharply, and she thinks that it may not be long before she can surpass Dad, and then Dad will not be able to rub her head. After all, before Dad smoked and drank every day, the strength of Kendo must have fallen sharply.

Sayanagi Ikichiro coughed, "Not another senior, but the boy who showed you the video yesterday, called Kimura."

"What?" Liu Shengjingyi showed little tiger teeth, wrinkled Qiong nose, dissatisfied in his eyes, "The man may indeed hide his strength, but I think I can be better than him within a few days."

Yasuo Ichiro shook his head, "Maybe ... but Kimura has mastered Yasui Fei Jianliu, and I asked you to worship him as a teacher, just to let you learn about Yasui Fei Jianliu. He will come in the afternoon, and you will have to give it when you arrive Respect, not big or small. "

Salamander flying sword flow! ?

Tadashi Yanagigu Shocked, "Is the adult's single-minded Liu Shengfei Jianliu?"


Just when Kenichiro thought his daughter would be happy to hear Liu Shengfei Jianliu, he saw that Liu Shengjingyi shook his head stubbornly, "Even if he would have Liu Shengfei Jianliu, but if I wasn't strong, I would not worship him as a teacher. Yes, Master Yixin can create Liu Shengfei's sword flow, and I can understand my own kendo. Even if Liu Shengfei's sword flow is powerful, it may not be suitable for me. "

Sayanagi Ichiro has a headache. His daughter is fine. It is conceit, but at the age of fourteen I realized sword meaning and was indeed qualified to be proud.

"I went to school. In the afternoon, the man named Kimura came, and I will let him know that not everyone can be my master of Yanagi Yasui." Yanagi Kendo is close to the middle school, so every lunch break Liu Shengjing will go home for dinner. She snorted softly and said that she didn't care about her father and went directly to school, leaving Liu Shengjian Ichiro distressed.


In the afternoon, Sakura Nine High School Kendo.

"What! Minister Kimura, you want to join the Kendo Department?" Heiji Kitashima, the Minister of Kendo, persecuted, and he was restless in his heart. "Mr. Kimura ... can you tell me why?"

Although Kojima Kita is the Minister of Kendo, it is very illusive to face Kimura and Shuki. Students of Sakura Nine are not afraid of each other.

His Kendo strength has not yet reached the upper stage, and he fought. It is estimated that he could not walk three rounds under Kimura and Shushu, and he did not dare to disobey the opponent ’s power and did not dare to fight with the opponent. After all, Kimura and Tree still have the identity of Chairman of the Discipline Discipline.

"I heard that the Kendo Department was eliminated in the first round of the qualifier last year." Kimura and Shu stated that he went to the Student Union at noon to read some information. Last year, the Minister of Kendo Department was also Kitashima, but in the county The qualifier was eliminated from the start. The individual match was also massacred, and he resigned from the game.

This made Kitajima's head look down, and his face was discouraged. It's not just him, it's the same with the old cadre next to him.

Only the female members have no real sense, because last year the female members of the Kendo Department had less than five people, and even the women's group competition could not participate. Fortunately, there are more freshmen entering this year, and it is sufficient to have the team in the team.

"I'm going to go up to three next year, and I will be ready for the college entrance examination. So I hope to leave something for Sakura Nine High School in the second year of high school." Kimura and Shuke said softly, "Just because my kendo strength is still past, this year The county qualifiers are about to start. Of course, I know that many members also want to participate, so we speak with strength. Whoever is strong will get the place for the competition. "

"No need, Minister Kimura. There must be one of you in the participating quota." The Deputy Minister Hayakawa Naohiro looked at Kimura and the tree with a frantic look. He turned around and saw everyone's inexplicable eyes, but he didn't care. Excitedly loudly, "I'm afraid you still don't know the strength of Minister Kimura! You can now pick up your mobile phone and go to the Internet. On the top page of the top, you can see Minister Kimura and others' Kendo competition! Now it has reached more than 400 broadcasts. Nothing! "

Yan Wenyan, others were shocked.

They naturally know that everyone logins frequently. It's just because the Kendo competition is about to start. Everyone is hurrying to train. There is no time to go online in the past few days. Coupled with learning, it is still tiring.

I now hear the vice minister say that everyone is picking up their phones.

At this time, Chunyang hurried from outside the door, apologized as soon as she entered, "Sorry, I'm late." Then she looked up and saw Kimura and the tree ~ ~ couldn't help it Surprise, "Senior, you are here!" She was late because she ran to find Kimura and the tree, but no one was seen in the classroom. After sending an email, I didn't see the other party's reply, so I had to come to the community first.

"You came just right, I have something to tell you."

"Senior, I have something to tell you."

The two spoke at almost the same time, and then they both consigned.

"What's the matter, let's talk." Kimura and Shuke signaled each other to say first.

Wu Wenyan, Guqiao Chunyang looked at the members of the Kendo Department and saw everyone holding their phones and lowering their heads. I wondered what they were doing. Although curious, she did not speak, but took Kimura and the tree aside.

Afterwards, she took a deep breath and bowed deeply. "Senior! I watched the video on the Internet and saw the strength of the senior. I felt deeply inadequate. Therefore, I hope the senior can teach me Kendo. This time, I will not Give up like that. Please give me a chance, and in terms of tuition, I will make you satisfied! "

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