The Sword Deity in Tokyo

Chapter 103: Here comes the great devil Kimura!

On Monday afternoon, Kimura and the tree finished class, and as usual prepared to go to the water stream duplex apartment for the Guqiao sisters.

As for Chiyoshi Nishiyama, he threw it to Sun Moon Sword and let him work for him. He couldn't spend two weeks non-stop wasting time on each other.

He Qiuzhi is ready for high school. After finishing the lessons for Guqiao sisters, he will rush to Qiuzhi High School.

If possible, Kimura and Shuji hope to go to Qiuzhi High School when their strength is higher than the multi-armed evil spirit. But time is not waiting, the evil spirit is obviously stepping into the world.

If you can't destroy the other side in the foundation. After leaving the school, is n’t it harmful to the world?

When I was thinking, Kimura and the tree had reached the twelfth floor and rang the doorbell of 1204.

As usual, someone will open the door no later than half a minute. However, Kimura and the tree waited for a minute, and they could not wait for the ancient bridge to open the door.

Fowl frowned, and Kimura and the tree pressed the doorbell again.


Are they not yet home?

It's impossible ... Fuyong Chunyang wants to practice in Kendo, and he might go home late. But Guqiao Xia Wei, Qiu Nai and Dong He could not be away.

Every time he comes to class, these three people must be at home.

按 After ringing the doorbell twice ... no one opened the door.

What are Tokimura and Tree suddenly thinking about, these guys will not start? Thinking, Kimura and the tree were a bit helpless.

He knows that Chunyang Guqiao doesn't like to learn. According to Yongshan Qiannai, it may be perfunctory for a period of time, and then they will start doing things.

Of course, this trick is not a joke. But by various means to resist learning ...

Now he rings the doorbell, these guys don't come to open the door, obviously it started.

I thought for a moment, he first called the four of them in turn and refused all. In the end, the silent Kimura and Shuji could only call the phone to Chinaga Nagayama and talk about it.

"Oh ... these four guys finally started." Yongshan Qianna sneered. "Rest assured, Kimura Jun, I've already prepared. You go to the property to find someone named Hirata Eri. She is a classmate of my university, now she is a water flow duplex The property director of the apartment, she has a spare key. "

"Yes." Kimura and Shu hesitated after the meeting. "Miss Yongshan, I observed them these days and found that they have their own skills in Guqiao. If they don't like studying, why not develop their specialties? "

In modern society, learning is no longer the only way out. Three hundred and sixty lines, line by line number one. As long as there is a skill, it will not be too bad in society.

"How? You can't teach it? It's only been a few days, but I have high hopes for you." Yongshan Qianna teased, but soon her words turned, her tone helpless, "It's not just me who got them into college And their father ’s hope. It was also my sister ’s expectation ... At a banquet, my sister was humiliated with knowledge by a large group of people, saying that she had no meaning other than face value. Since then, my sister has Her four daughters have been flogged all the time, hoping that they can argue with each other. "

"Why ... Guqiao's mothers don't learn by themselves and then go back to shame?"

"Ahem ... My sister said she was almost thirty, and she couldn't keep up with her mind, so she didn't learn." Nagayama China smiled. "Actually, I know she was just lazy. After she was humiliated, I was still annoyed for a few days ... but I did n’t stick with it, I just put my expectations on my daughter. ”

Tochimura and Shu suddenly didn't know what to say.

"Of course, besides that, I also hope that Chunyang can be admitted to a good university. After all, the level of knowledge can greatly increase their upper limit for future achievements."

Alas, Kimura and Shu agree very much.

Soon, he came to the property office, but as a result he had not yet entered the house, and a mature woman in professional clothes stopped him at the gate. The other person held his mobile phone and compared to his face, with a smile on his face, "Kimura?"


"Tough work for you." Hirata Eri looked at Kimura and the tree poorly, then gave him the key in his hand, sighed and patted Kimura and the shoulder of the tree, "Come on! Since Chunyang they lived in the apartment , You are the eleventh tutor, I hope you can persist longer. "

Tochimura and the tree were speechless.

没 He didn't say much, and soon came to the twelfth floor again. As soon as the key was twisted, the door opened.

When I entered the door and came to the living room, I saw Guqiao Qiunai holding something in the refrigerator. When she heard the movement, she turned and looked stunned. "Er ... senior, how did you get in?" Whatever she thought of, the refrigerator would run as soon as it was closed.

"Stop." Kimura and Shu said coldly, pointing to the sofa, "sitting."

However, Guqiao Qiunai didn't listen to him at all, holding the happy water in his house, and didn't exercise much, hurried toward the second floor.

A # character emerged from Tochimura and the tree's forehead. His feet took a mysterious footwork, and his aura suddenly surged. He came behind the ancient bridge Qiu Nai and directly pulled the back of the ancient bridge Qiu Nai's clothes.

Cough cough ...

Suddenly caught off guard, the ancient bridge Qiu Nai suffocated.

Tochimura and the tree were shocked, and he was a little impulsive ~ ~ He let go of the ancient bridge Qiu Nai's back collar, a ring on his right hand, directly lifted Gu Qiao Qiunai and held it under his arm.

As for the happy water in the house of the other party, it quickly arrived in his hands.

At this moment, he doesn't care about men and women. These four guys have nothing to do, so they should learn a lesson.

"Let me go ... let go of me ... how can you demon run so fast!"

Qiu Guqiao was suffering a small face. Because he was thirsty, he wanted to get a bottle of happy water from a fat house on the first floor, but he did not expect to be caught by Kimura and the tree. She wanted to kick and kick Kimura and Shushu, but was hugged horizontally, her hands and feet could only be kicked randomly. But soon she thought of something. She twisted her head, twisted Kimura and the tree waist with both hands ... As a result, Guqiao Qiunai felt that the two hands were holding a piece of marble. My hands are aching.

Tochimura and Shu saw this and sneered. He put Gu Qiao Qiu Nai on the sofa, and warned in his mouth, "Sit, don't move around, or wait for your feet."

I do n’t know if it was taken in the fear of the ruler, or if he could n’t run away, Gu Qiao Qiu sat on the sofa and did n’t run. She picked up her cell phone and called everyone in a four-person Line group.

"The Kimura Devil is here! Hold on, the archangel was caught by accident. It seems that my aunt really has a spare key, and we are overcast!"

"Roger that!"

"Relax, my door is locked."

话 "Say ... this is not good, the senior will be angry."

After seeing the message from Xia Wei of Guqiao, Qiu Guqiao touched the screen of the mobile phone, "Gabriel, you traitor, dare to pretend, don't you want to learn by yourself? Don't you like this big devil Kimura !?"

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