Chapter 734 : This is not arrogance, but self-confidence!

U-17 World Cup semi-final Japan team VS USA team, the second doubles the fourth set of the first set, Seiichi Yukimura serve.

Yukimura doesn’t have a famous serve skill, but this does not mean that Yukimura’s serve is simple. The fast speed, tricky trajectory, and extreme landing point all demonstrate the extraordinary Yukimura serve.

However, for Andrew, who has not fallen into a dream at this moment, such a serve is only in the standard, and it is impossible to score from Andrew with this serve.


Andrew swung back and hit the ball towards delay.

“Hey, what is that? The new formation of the American team?”

Andrew’s own lob is not worthy of attention, but his subsequent move to stand alone in the corner of the court has aroused the curiosity of countless people.

“Could it be that you fell into Yukimura’s dream, 26 sleepwalking?

Oishi’s uncertain voice came from the Japan team. As a longtime doubles, he can still barely guess that Andrew and Milo will not be in doubles formation at this moment.

“No, there is no need to go to the corner of the court if you are sleepwalking. Going to the center of the court will obviously be more beneficial to us.” Inui Sadaharu stared at the US team’s position.

“Are you going to play doubles alone?” Nioh and Yukimura on court saw the true thoughts of Andrew and Milo.

“Hmph, let go of the burden, I have to say that this is a very wise choice.” The corner of Niwang’s mouth curled, his feet moved quickly, and then he leaped, “But this still can’t change the outcome of your doomed defeat!”

Aggression is like fire!

His body was turned over in delay, and Nioh, who had already transformed the Sanada Phantom again at some unknown time, buckled his racquet heavily.


The court was dyed red, and the tennis ball turned into a meteorite and crashed down towards the center of the court.

“Even if you are fast, you are absolutely at this time.” The Nioh of Delay glanced at the sharply falling tennis ball, then glanced at Milo behind the court…

“how come?”

Nioh’s pupils shrank, and there was Milo’s figure in his line of sight. It seemed to be subconscious, Nioh’s eyes looked towards the spot where he had just smashed.

Sure enough, Milo had arrived.

“Fast speed!” Niwang thought in horror, and had no hope of this smash.

Although the “aggression is like fire” smash, even if it can accurately catch up to the landing point, it may not be able to fight back. After all, this smash has a very heavy force in addition to speed.

It’s just that even the “Thunder” can easily hit Milo back, and the “Fire” certainly can’t do anything to the opponent.


Sure enough, with a muffled noise, Milo easily hit the “fire” of Nioh, the tennis ball passed by the foot of Nioh, who had not yet fallen, and went straight to the left corner of the court.



To Nioh’s Sanada-like reminder, Yukimura, who had been prepared for a long time, ran towards the tennis ball and responded with a faint voice.

In the case of singles, even the situation just now was cold even with the “Thunder” of Nioh, but this is doubles, and there are two people here.


With a soft drink, Yukimura caught up with the tennis backhand with a wave. Racquet hit a straight ball. The target was Andrew who was standing on the right corner of the court.

Although it seems that the opponent has already made a posture to fight alone, Yukimura still feels that he should test it out to be on the safe side.

In addition, just let Andrew quietly’reflection on the side, so if the other party figured it out and got rid of the’dream, then it is not a good thing for Yukimura herself and for this match, so come out.” Make trouble.”

However, Milo-James would not let Yukimura succeed. His feet were like a whirlwind, dragging a long shadow, and he ran straight back, chasing the ball that should belong to Andrew.


“The U.S. team scored 15-0!”

Milo not only caught up with the tennis, but also scored a hit.

“What a quick ball!” “Not only fast, but heavy! Nioh looked at the’smoke’ ball mark behind him, and his white brow couldn’t help but raised.

“What’s the matter, I should have received the ball just now?” At this moment, Yukimura walked over and asked Nioh.

Although Milo’s counterattack was very fast, and a diagonal line directly and accurately hit the opposite corner of court, it may be difficult for Yukimura in the other corner to receive the ball, but for the smash, he stood at 310 court after landing. It’s not very rare for Nioh of the central government.

As for the weight of the ball just now?

Yukimura doesn’t think that Nioh, who can almost perfectly reproduce Sanada’s Thunder and Fire, will not be able to stop it.

“Yeah, but I want to see what kind of ability the people who dare to single us have!” Nioh nodded slightly and did not refute Yukimura’s words, but explained his reasons.

“Perhaps it is somewhat capable, but he will lose with one enemy and two!” Yukimura lightly foreheads, did not say anything to Nioh’s temptation, but about Milo’s’single play’?

There is no second result except failure.

Even if the opponent can block the two of them with one enemy and two, this is the best of three. In addition to tiebreak, you can also play 18 games. Let alone a junior high school student like Milo, even for professional players, the physical strength is also a lot. test.

As for Milo crushing the two directly and ending the two games, Yukimura did not think about it.

This is not arrogance, but self-confidence!

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