After talking to Miss Zheng Yan on the phone, the zombies outside were still wandering around my car, some lying on the car, and some were constantly hitting their heads and bodies, a lively scene.

Originally, I stayed here with the fat man, and I was still a little scared. Because there's something inexplicable and inexplicable around our car.

But now, after being surrounded by this group of zombies, I am relieved. It's not as creepy as it was just now.

The fat man teased these zombies for a while, but he also felt tired and bored, so he continued to lie down and fell asleep with his hands folded.

I couldn't sleep in the absolute silence just now, but now under this noisy environment, I can sleep, hehe.

Adjusting the seat to a slight tilt angle, I put my hands on my back as a pillow, closed my eyes, and let the zombies outside, how fierce and vicious, Lao Tzu just has nothing to do with himself.


The mountain is different from the warm guest rooms of the Xiangyun Hotel, in the middle of the night, the temperature drops quickly, and the mountain is relatively humid, in the second half of the night, these wet and cold air continue to come in through the cracks in the windows on my side.

It's like a big natural air conditioner, blowing cold air towards me.

The fat man's side slept much more comfortably than I did because the windows were intact, and he was wearing Dr. Charlie's high-end fur coat.

I was still too tired at first, and even though it was so cold and windy, I fell asleep immediately.

I don't know how long I slept, but I felt a chill, shivered, and woke up.

It wasn't dawn yet, but the eastern sky was already a little white.

I looked up at my watch, and it was already half past four in the morning. In early summer, the sun rises early, and I don't think the sun will rise in less than half an hour. I'm finally about to get through this damn night.

Looking around again, at this time, the moon is already invisible, it may be hiding behind the clouds, or it is possible that the moon has gone down at this time.

So now it's darker around me than it is in the middle of the night, and I can't see anything clearly.

But the sound was not at all, as if after I fell asleep, the zombies here might have found it boring and went their separate ways.

It is also possible that the biological clock of the zombies here found that it was about to dawn, so they found a corner and hid.

I turned on the reading light in the car, and the fat man next to me was still sleeping soundly with his hands crossed.

I slept for about 3 or 4 hours, and now I'm feeling a lot better now.

But I haven't eaten all day, and although I'm still in good spirits, my stomach is already drumming. But now the sky is not fully lit, if you drive back now, you have to turn on the lights, at the end of the day, drive at night, and still have the lights on, this is definitely taboo. Seconds are the rhythm of exposing the target.

Naturally, I didn't dare to do this, so the only way to do this now is to wait. Just wait another hour and a half and stay up until dawn.

Inside the car, I was relieved when I carefully checked the window glass.

My temporary windows worked very well, two windows, without the slightest trace of zombie invasion. The seat belts are quite sturdy.

After about half an hour, the eastern sky was now snow-white, and now the inside of the col was gradually clearing, and I could barely see the situation on the road.

I stretched out my arms and legs, and then I started the car, turned around in one direction, and drove down the hill.

I didn't want to wake up the fat man, lest the kid get angry.

But I didn't expect that when he was sleeping, he didn't fix himself properly, and my direction, coupled with the bumpy mountain road, suddenly threw the whole person to the floor in front of the co-pilot. The head also hit the armrest box directly, making a clanging sound.

"I'll copy it!" the

fat man cursed while holding his head. Then he got up, looked around in his seat, and said

, "Where are we now?"

"I don't know, I came in blindly yesterday." "

I'm honestly coming back. Indeed, I know that it is good. But I also casually found an intersection and turned up, who knows where this is.

"I was scared to death just now, I thought I was bitten by a zombie. The

fat man said, covering his head.

"Haha~ I'm sorry just now, I didn't wake you up.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'm starving to death, Dao Chief, next time we come out, we must remember to bring some dry food, otherwise we really can't bear it."

At the beginning, I was thinking that I would go back to dinner in the evening, but it seems that I still can't be too optimistic.

I returned with a wry smile.

The way down the mountain feels much better than when I came up, probably because it is now dawn and the surrounding environment can be seen clearly.

On the way down the mountain, it was very smooth, and there was not a zombie in the middle. When I came to the mountain road below, I drove south.

According to the information provided to me by Zheng Yan, I am now in the north of the Xiangyun Hotel, so the fat man and I should have taken the wrong road and headed north, so now we just need to drive towards the south.

The car was speeding through the mountains, and the mountain wind poured in violently through the cracks in the windows.

I wasn't wearing a lot of clothes, and I was shivering from the cold.

But that's nothing, it's the right thing to do with a hot breakfast early.

The car drove very fast, in less than 20 minutes, the fat man and I drove from the mountain to the bottom of the mountain, and from the bottom of the mountain to the iron bridge, and from the bridge, to the intersection of the provincial road, and then it was all the way to our Xiangyun Hotel in less than 5 minutes.

It's about half past five in the morning, and it stands to reason that Zheng Qian should have gotten up at this time. After I parked, sure enough, the door was opened.

"Ah~ Dao Chief, fat brother, you're back

!" "Mmmm, I didn't bring you any gifts when I went out this time, I'm sorry! I'll bring it to you next time!"

"Haha~ I said that Chang and Fat Brother will be fine! I'll go up and talk to Sister Zheng Yan."

After saying that, Zheng Qian was about to rush upstairs to tell Zheng Yan about it, but I hurriedly stopped her and said

, "Eh, don't, let her sleep more, I guess I slept very late last night."

"Haha~ It's still the Taoist who thinks thoughtfully, so good at loving people, oh yes, why don't you tell me to sleep more?"

Zheng Qian pretended to be angry and looked at me.

I was speechless for a while, and with my IQ of 180, I couldn't think of anything to answer, so I had to giggle.

It's a brother, just pick me up this stubble! The

fat man really showed the true colors of a brother at this time, and immediately climbed down from the co-pilot

, shouting: "Zheng Qian's little beauty, do you have anything to eat, I'm starving to death!"

"Oh, by the way, I still have some food left over from last night, I'll put it in the refrigerator, and I'll give you a hot one later~"

After speaking, he jumped up and ran towards the second floor.

"Ah cut~"

I had just parked the car and was about to get out of the car when I suddenly sneezed.

I leaned against the car door, touched my nose, felt the world spin for a while, and then my legs went limp, I couldn't stand on my feet, and I hurriedly shouted,

"I'll copy!"

and then collapsed.

"Dao Chief?"

I heard the fat man shouting at me from the side, and then I couldn't hear anything.

Probably, I'm too tired.

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