Although everything seems to be fine in the living room on the first floor, I pooped and said to the fat man

, "Fatty, you are looking at the stairs and the kitchen here, and I am observing the situation outside by the window." "


After saying that, the fat man walked towards the kitchen with a big grin.

I watched the fat man get out of the car, only bringing an RPG rocket launcher and rockets, and no other weapons were changed, so I hurriedly stopped

the fat man: "Fat man, wait! Bring this for self-defense!"

After saying that, I handed the fat man a sapper shovel that I had brought with me.

After the fat man took it

, he weighed it and said, "It feels like a crowbar is still in hand." "

Hemp eggs, it's good to have them

, and they're crooked!" "Haha~ Laughing, laughing~"

After speaking, the fat man took a sapper shovel in one hand and walked towards the inner room on the first floor.

At this time, I went back to the window and pulled it back up.

That way, we can see out of the window and the sky overhead. And the people on the outside can't see the people inside clearly.

Because the light inside our room is dim and the light outside is bright, this creates an asymmetrical advantage. That is, I can see people clearly, but others can't see us clearly.

At this time, Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian both leaned over to me unconsciously and looked outside with me.

"He's coming, he's coming.

He came with a gift.

He's coming, he's coming, he's stepping

on the auspicious clouds and coming in.

I didn't snort unconsciously, and at this time,

with a "bang~",

Zheng Yan knocked on my head.

"I'm~really fighting

~" "Who told you to sing here nonsense!haha~

" "Da ~ Expand and expand ~ Da ~ Expand and expand ~"

Just when I was arguing with Zheng Yan, the sound of propellers suddenly came from the sky.


Da"Da ~ Expand and expand ~"

A Black Hawk helicopter has flown into our sight. The distance from me is only about 5,600 meters, and the height is only about 50 meters. Now I'm swooping down on where we parked

!"Damn, it's not good!"

Zheng Yan Zheng Qian, hurry up to the kitchen and lie down!

After speaking, I immediately pulled one with my left hand and one with my right hand and ran towards the kitchen with Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian.

When Zheng Yan and Zheng Qian and I ran to the kitchen, the fat man was holding a toothpick over there, and the refrigerator door was open, rummaging in the refrigerator.

When the fat man saw us walk in, he poked his head out of the refrigerator and asked

, "What's wrong

?" "It's a big deal, we seem to have been discovered!" TNND, I remember we didn't expose the target, how did these UBM people know our location? What a god? Found in such a remote village?""Won't

die, they have a GPS system installed in the car, right

?". Zheng Yan said suddenly.

"The car shouldn't have been installed last time, but this time... Damn! It can't be that they installed it last night! No wonder, these people can go directly to the broken bridge under Beishan to find a car the next day, it turns out that the positioning system is installed.

"Dao Chief, what should we do?"

I thought about it for a while, if this car is equipped with GPS, then it is really a bit dangerous for us to stay in this house, and now it is better to run farther first.

I looked at the back door of the kitchen and it didn't seem to be locked, so I opened the back door of the kitchen and said, "Let's go to the back

woods and hide for a while." With

that, we ran together into the woods behind the house.

Behind the house is a hill full of pine trees. We just went straight into the woods.

And just after we got into the woods, in our sky, the

helicopter "Tick Dada~Tick Dada~Tick Dada~"

was already hovering over our car, but it seemed that these people had not yet found my car, but were searching around this bag.

"Haha~ Dao Chief, there is an error in GPS, they can't find our car accurately!" Zheng

Qian said to me.

"Mmmm, fatty, give me the RPG, comrades, watch me perform a jerking off for you!" "

Hehe, I'm thinking, why don't these UBM people have a long memory! Don't move that Nanyang Taoist chief won't die, why don't you understand such a simple truth?


The author has something to say:

This chapter is a plus chapter. I'm crazy, I'm crazy, I'm 4 more today! Big guy, ask for a reward.

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