The road leading from the north of Qingshan City to Qingshan Lake in the east looks a bit like an abandoned provincial road in the dim light, with a width of more than 10 meters, almost two lanes.

On this road, due to the abandonment or the lack of maintenance, the asphalt on the road has begun to bloom, revealing the gravel road underneath.

It's not completely dark yet, and with the hair in my brain, I can still walk on this washboard road.

Although we can maintain a certain degree of concealment without turning on the lights, the sound of the engine when the car starts, and the sound of the tires rubbing against the road surface, these cannot be masked.

So I kept my speed as low down as I could and drove east. After all, it's only 3 to 5 kilometers from here to the abandoned bridge.

Along the way, there was basically no need to make big turns, so the fat man and I drove over like this, overall, a bit risky, but still controllable.

After all, in the apocalypse, there are no brothers who touch porcelain, and there are no brothers who need to cross the road, so the fat man and I just need to control our cars, don't drive into Qingshan Lake on one side, and don't crash into Beishan on the other side.

From Lily's villa at the bottom of the North Mountain to the head of the abandoned bridge where we are now, the 3,5 km journey took me about 15 minutes to drive with the fat man.

As we walked, I couldn't see myself, let alone anyone else who was farther away from us could see us. Moving forward in the dark, there is a feeling of obscene masked heroes.

I am in the dark, and you are in the light. No one can see me.

When the fat man and I drove to the bridge, we found a hidden ditch on the side and stopped.

The fat man hurriedly ran down from the car behind him and asked,

"Dao Chief, where is our gold hidden, or do we just carry it on our own back?"

Now I am in a dilemma.


, we have hundreds of kilograms of gold and dollars, and

second, we still have a lot of reserve materials in our cars, such as the old American imported girl's down jacket for the winter. I also needed some food to eat, and something to use, and some clothes that the fat man had taken to put underneath.

If we take what is above, we can't take what is below. And if you take the things below, you can't move the things above.

That being said, even if the fat man and I tried our best to move dollars and gold, we wouldn't be able to move a few hundred pounds.

After much thought, I decided to take food and gold with me!

I just took a few pieces of cut frozen steak in the refrigerator, which weighed a few kilograms. This thing is a very rare delicacy in the end times. If you put it here and put it bad, if you want to eat it later, it will be difficult.

The reason for not bringing a down jacket is that although the quality of this down jacket is very good, we don't really need anything, after all, it's not winter yet. And the down jacket is placed here, so if it is discovered, it will not be asked.

The reason for choosing to carry gold instead of dollars is that there is not a stack that is too large to fit much in our backpacks. Therefore, it is better to save space by carrying some gold.

The fat man naturally agreed with my idea, and immediately began to implement it. After emptying the contents of the backpack, climbed into the back seat, and after removing the gasoline cans, he loaded the rows of gold under the back seat of the car into his backpack.

At this time, I also hurried over to help and transferred the gold as soon as possible.

However, our troubles came immediately, and when the fat man filled his backpack full of hiking bags, and then was about to pick it up and try it, he found that TMD could not carry it at all.

"I'll copy it, it's so heavy!"

"I guess you put half of the gold in it, and that's 300 pounds." "

What? gold is so heavy!"

"What do you think?"

"That... Let's move it twice, one move 200 pounds. "

I'm worried right now, if we can't carry this gold on our backs, the fat man will give me a perfect answer.

"Damn, that's a good idea! Fat man, you climb up the mountain from here, and then go west, walk about 3 kilometers, and you will reach our sweet potato hole, and when the time comes, you can walk back and it's OK."

When I said this, I suddenly realized that the fat man's idea was a bit unreliable

! First, this place is not far from the sweet potato cave, and it is not close to it! 3 kilometers, it is still a mountain road, or walking at night, and you have to carry 200 catties of gold on your back. It's a bit difficult. Not to mention, I have to turn around and move again.

Second, due to the control of lights at night, it is indeed a bit difficult for me to walk with the fat man at night.

After listening to my rough introduction to the route, the fat man instantly became a little sluggish, and said,

"Damn, it's so far! Dao Chief, or we will spend the night in the car tonight, and then move things when it is daytime."

"It's not very safe here, so we're going to have to keep a watch." Do your best, obey the destiny of heaven, we will each carry a 150 catties of gold to go over, and the rest, we will first find a hidden place nearby, hide it, and come here early tomorrow morning to get it.

"That's a good idea!"

Indeed, if we put these valuable items such as dollars and gold in the car, it is really too conspicuous. Because this car, such a big thing, the target is big, and it is easy to spot.

As long as the patrol members of UBM patrol to this place, Tie Tie found that the off-road vehicle hidden here, after all, this kind of car is too special.

After I finished talking to the fat man, I began to move the dollars and gold in the car to the ants and moved them to the mountains of Beishan.

And the four barrels of gasoline inside were also seen by us on the mountain.

It was the perfect place to store supplies, in the sweet potato hole, but it was too far away, so I didn't have time to look carefully here, whether there was a new sweet potato hole, so I had to find a small dry ditch with a width of about 50 centimeters and a depth of about half a meter, and then threw the gold and oil drums into it.

And because the dollar is paper, this little ditch is now in a dry state, and if it is not enough, it will flood and flood this place, so we don't throw the dollar into it.

In addition, we didn't actually bring a lot of dollars, so we simply packed all the dollars into our backpacks and took them away.

The dollar is not as heavy as gold, and after a backpack full of dollar bills, the fat man still dislikes being too clear, and wants to go to the ditch to fish for two gold bricks to cushion the bottom.

I didn't object, so I said

, "Take it when you see it, and your clothes will be carried back to make carpets for our base."

"Well, I know that.

Finally, the fat man took about 2 or 30 pounds of gold from under the ditch and stuffed it into his backpack.

And I also took almost 4,5 kilograms of gold.

It's not that I'm greedy, it's because the backpack just has a small compartment for stuff. So I took a few pieces of gold as filler.

Of course, the most important steak, I definitely took with me.

After doing this, and putting on our weapons and equipment, the fat man and I climbed up the mountain.

Our base is halfway up the east side of the mountain, so we have to climb halfway up the mountain first.

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