The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 412 This year’s Lychee Terrace Spring Festival Gala is particularly lively (first update)

As the general director of this year's Spring Festival Gala on Lychee Channel, Zhang Yuanzhi was very nervous tonight. After all, this was the Spring Festival Gala and it was a live broadcast, so nothing could go wrong.

Zhang Yuanzhi handed over the task of keeping an eye on the scene to Yu Hui and several on-site directors, while he kept an eye on the data monitoring background all night.

The ratings will have to be released tomorrow by the General Administration of Broadcasting, because only the General Administration of Broadcasting has information about the number of people watching the Spring Festival Gala tonight across the country, and each station only has this part of the data from its own TV station.

Zhang Zhiyuan doesn't know yet whether this year's Spring Festival Gala is a success so far.

However, the background data monitoring team can see the current number of people watching the Lychee Station Spring Festival Gala.

The curve on the monitor is like an electrocardiogram, rising and falling. This is based on tonight's program. When there are celebrities or excellent programs, the curve will rise. If the program is boring or the guest performer is not famous, the curve will fall. whereabouts.

After all, Lychee Channel is not the CCTV Spring Festival Gala. There is no way to ensure that only big names come, and there is no way to ensure that all programs are exciting. Even Mango Channel, the dominant local channel, cannot do this.

"How's the number of viewers?" Zhang Zhiyuan asked.

"Looking at this graph, the number of viewers is about the same as last year's Spring Festival Gala." said the director of the data monitoring team.

Zhang Yuanzhi nodded. The number of viewers was about the same as last year. In other words, if the total number of people watching TV on New Year's Day this year is the same as last year, then the ratings of the Lychee Channel Spring Festival Gala would be similar to last year.

Last year, Lychee Channel’s Spring Festival Gala had a ratings of 1.96%, ranking fifth among national TV stations. Mango Channel ranked first, with a ratings of 2.72%. There is still a big difference, but the second place only had a ratings of 2.30%. The second to fifth places The ratings are not much different.

This year, the slogan shouted by Lychee TV is to guarantee a 5-for-3 ratings rating. Although slogans are shouted every year, they are used by leaders to inspire employee morale. The leaders at the station also know what the real ratings are. After selecting the guests and performances, if there are no major problems on site, the ratings will be basically fixed.

Therefore, slogans must be shouted and goals must be set, but whether they can be achieved or not depends on fate.

However, when these leaders shouted slogans to hit the top three this year, they did so with sincere hope, because this year is different from previous years.

This year, there are others singing for money and I am singing for my life in the finale!

"Director Zhang, the number of viewers of our Spring Festival Gala has suddenly increased a lot!"

The supervisor of the data monitoring team looked at the monitoring screen and said excitedly.

People nearby couldn't help but look over.

Zhang Yuanzhi looked at the monitor. Logically speaking, the curve would fall after the last program ended. As a result, the curve on the monitor screen not only declined, but continued to rise.

“It broke last year’s viewership record!”

Two other employees in the data group who were responsible for comparing data shouted excitedly.

Although it broke last year's viewership record, it does not mean that the ratings will definitely be higher than last year. If statistics are compiled, the overall number of people watching the Spring Festival Gala in various places on the first day of the new year this year is much more than last year, then their ratings will still not break last year's. of record.

However, based on the experience of the past few years, although there are many local channels, the overall number of people watching the Spring Festival Gala every year is similar.

In this case, it makes sense that the number of viewers broke last year's record.

Zhang Yuanzhi was also a little excited in his heart. He took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

"Okay, keep watching and report any situation in time."


Zhang Yuanzhi probably also knows why the number of viewers continues to rise.

Because that mysterious man is about to appear!

Zhang Yuanzhi took a few steps and came behind several employees who were monitoring the scene. He took a deep breath and started to look at the scene.

The last show ended. At this time, Li Hao took the other five hosts of Litchi Channel onto the stage.

The last program was originally scheduled to be the finale. It was a singing program in which a few old singers sang about the motherland. Later, because others were asking for money to sing and I was singing to death, it became too popular. After much consideration, the leaders of Litchi Station decided to make this song the official one. The energetic song comes in advance, bringing the show of black and white to the finale!

After all, grabbing ratings is the first priority!

This kind of positive energy program can still be produced next year, but I am afraid that Lychee TV will never show a mysterious guest of this level again in the future.

Originally, at the end of each program, only two hosts came up to the stage to talk, but this time all six hosts came up tonight.

After all, the most important show tonight is coming!

The six hosts, led by Li Hao, walked onto the stage and took their positions. They were smiling and high-spirited. The audience also realized that the show they were looking forward to was about to come. The wait for this night finally had an answer. , the scene burst into warm applause!

Li Hao waited for the applause to subside before summarizing the last show: "Thank you all for bringing us such beautiful songs. Every time I listen to such songs, I can't help but feel excited and proud."

Li Hao said and looked at the host Chen Min aside. Chen Min is his wife and the host of Lychee Channel. Although there are two old hosts beside him, they and their husbands are the main pillars of the channel. , so I stood in the middle.

Chen Min and Li Hao looked at each other and said, "Yes, seeing the motherland becoming stronger and stronger, as a Chinese, I feel very happy."

Another host Jiang Chang said: "Happiness is to see the motherland becoming stronger and stronger, and everyone has a smile on their face."

Next to Jiang Chang was female host Zhang Xiao, who said: "I think companionship is also a kind of happiness. Isn't it a kind of happiness to be able to sit together with my family tonight and watch our Spring Festival Gala on the Lychee Terrace?"

The host of "Chinese Dating Conference", the program with the highest ratings that year on Lychee Channel, said: "Speaking of our Lychee Channel Spring Festival Gala program, we have to mention the person who will be performing soon."

The scene was filled with screams, deafening.

The people below waving support signs worked even harder.

The last host, Chen Cong, was stunned for a long time without saying anything. After a long time, he sighed temporarily: "I can see that everyone is looking forward to it."

After sighing, Chen Congcai said his original words: "This mysterious guest has become the most famous faceless celebrity in just one month."

Chen Min said: "Yes, this mysterious man now has more fans than the six hosts on our stage combined."

Others Sing for Money, I Sing for Death, Weibo fans have increased a lot in recent days, and the number of fans has exceeded 6 million. The total number of Weibo fans of the six hosts on the stage is really not as many as that of the mysterious guest.

After Chen Min finished speaking, Li Hao continued: "I know this guy well. Since he appeared, the topics and fans of our "Masked Singer" program have increased many times compared to before, and the ratings have been soaring."

Mo Fei pretended to be very angry and said, "Yes, it broke the ratings record of my program."

Li Hao smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Teacher Mo. After tonight, you can invite him to your show for a blind date."

Everyone at the scene, both men and women, screamed: "No!!"

The hosts did not expect the audience to be so enthusiastic. Chen Min came to her husband's rescue and joked: "Look at you, you are talking nonsense. You have offended a lot of people."

Li Hao hurriedly bowed to the audience and apologized: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have made bad ideas."

There was countless laughter at the scene.

Jiang Chang said: "Don't look at the tacit cooperation between the couple on stage. I heard that Li Hao and his wife had conflicts because of this mysterious guest."

The other hosts all looked at the two of them.

Li Hao smiled and said: "It's either a family conflict or a disagreement about the identity of our mysterious guest."

"Yes, I think she is a woman, but he insists on saying that he is a man." Chen Min said.

"So, you guys had a big fight, right?" Mo Fei teased.

The whole audience burst into laughter.

At this time, the host Chen Cong walked up behind Chen Min silently and said: "Brother Li Hao, I'm sorry, it's not that I don't mind watching the excitement. You really need to apologize to your sister-in-law for this matter. I support your sister-in-law."

This was naturally a pre-planned link, but Chen Min's proud look was really not fake. She looked at Li Hao and said, "Did you see that? I'm not being unreasonable, right?"

Li Hao looked at the other hosts and said, "You guys are not so discerning, are you?"

At this time, Jiang Chang stood behind Li Hao and said, "I didn't want to get involved in your family conflicts, but I think this is no longer a problem of your family conflicts..."

Chen Min smiled and said: "It's also your family conflict, right?"

The whole audience burst into laughter again.

Jiang Chang said nothing, acquiescing, and then quietly stood behind Li Hao. Obviously, he also supported others singing for money, while singing for life is a male.

There was only one Mo Fei and Zhang Xiao, and everyone looked at the two of them.

Mo Fei said: "As the host of a dating show, I think couples should trust each other. On the first day of the new year, wouldn't it be a good idea to have a confrontation on this stage?"

"Isn't it good?" Li Hao suddenly asked the audience in a bad manner.


The audience cheered loudly.

These were naturally prepared lines to adjust the atmosphere, but the hosts on the stage did not expect that the audience would respond so enthusiastically.

I think these live audiences are also a group of people who watch the excitement without being too big and are afraid of chaos in the world. Of course, they are deeply touched by this scene. In the past month, there have been many disagreements between them and their family and friends because of this incident. .

Seeing the enthusiastic response from the audience, Mo Fei smiled and said: "Since everyone has agreed, as the host of a dating show that once broke the TV ratings record, I have to say a few words. I think it is important to have harmony between husband and wife. , but the voice of the audience is also very important, so... I have to stand in line, I support Li Hao!"

Mo Fei said and walked behind Li Hao.

Zhang Xiao, the last host who had not yet taken a team, looked at the teams on both sides of them and said with a smile: "This scene seems familiar to me. I guessed on "The Masked Singer" that this was how the judging panel was divided. I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. It's our turn to host the group, but even if there is a confrontation, I still have to express my thoughts, and I will definitely stand firmly behind Sister Chen Min."

Zhang Xiao was on the guessing team of "The Masked Singer" and firmly believed that the mysterious guest was a girl, so after speaking, Zhang Xiao stood behind Chen Min.

Now the three men and three women on the stage were divided into two groups, and the audience below also shouted.

Some are called men and some are called women.

Thousands of people shouted, making the scene a bit noisy, but several hosts who have hosted the Lychee Station Spring Festival Gala for many years felt that this year's Spring Festival Gala was particularly lively.

Li Hao and Chen Min looked at each other on the stage for a while, and Li Hao said: "My dear wife, our family's ugliness has been made public. Don't continue. Let's end it quickly."

Chen Min also laughed and said, "Well, okay, I think everyone can't wait."

Mo Fei stood up and said: "Okay, then we will invite the last guest performer tonight."

Jiang Chang: "He is also the most mysterious guest performer in the history of our Lychee Stage!"

Speaking of this, the six hosts said loudly: "Other people want money to sing..."

Then all six hosts turned their microphones toward the audience.

The entire audience shouted excitedly:

“I sing like hell!!”


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