The straight man in the entertainment circle

Chapter 156: Crooked Poetry (3 more updates for every 200 orders)

Lin Li spent the next few days looking through his high school textbooks.

Although Lin Li's grades were average at the beginning, he listened carefully to the lectures. Now after upgrading to [Remembering Still Fresh], Lin Li remembered all the classroom analyzes he heard in class.

In addition, Lin Li's intelligence has improved at this moment, and he can digest the content he remembered. Even if there are still some things that he doesn't understand, when he reads the book again, he can understand everything.

When he first started reading, Lin Li wanted to judge the effect of his upgraded [Remember] and [Unforgettable]. But after reading for a while, Lin Li suddenly became interested. This feeling of enlightenment was really good. .

After Lin Changmin returned to Sioux City, he worked a few days to catch up on work before resting at home this day.

"Son, take a look at the trending search. The one in the top 30s whose crooked poems became popular is it related to the old crooked guy you had an argument with on Weibo last time?"

Lin Changmin pays more attention to cultural matters. There are more than 30 hot searches for this crooked poem, but Lin Changmin still discovered it.

As Lin Li once criticized Lao Wai's poems on Weibo, Lin Changmin naturally became aware of the poet Lao Wai.

With Lin Changmin's literary aesthetics, he also felt that the poems written by this old man were nonsense.

After Lin Li criticized Lao Wai on Weibo last time, many people followed the lead and went to Lao Wai's Weibo, and a large number of netizens imitated Lao Wai's poems and wrote some ridiculous poems.

Later, after Lao Wai closed the comments on Weibo, Lin Li stopped paying much attention as he prepared for the concert.

Unexpectedly, after a week, Lao Wai's poems have become a new style of poetry.

Lin Li clicked on the hot search for this crooked poem, only to realize that Lao Wai had closed Weibo comments last time, but he had not shut down the creative enthusiasm of netizens.

Countless netizens began to imitate Lao Wai's poems in Tieba, Hupu, Tianya Community and other places.

These imitated poems are even more speechless.

There are also some listed in the hot search, such as this:

The clouds in the sky are so white



How white?

So white that I just want to say goodbye!

There is also this:

The family dog ​​gave birth to six dogs

One is male

The other one is male

There are four more females

There are white ones

There are black ones

There are red ones

There are purple ones

These poems really looked like the nonsense poems written by Lao Wai. Lin Li couldn't stop laughing after reading them for a while.

These poems are loved by netizens because of their ease of creation and outrageous humor, attracting countless netizens to use their creative abilities.

And after it was written, countless people praised it with extremely exaggerated and shameless statements, which also triggered more ridicule.

In the hot search, many people were just joining in the fun, writing some limericks for fun, and some people began to reflect on the issues of modern poetry and modern poets because of this incident.

Is the barrier to entry for poets too low?

Are all modern poems such rubbish?

Is it still necessary for modern poetry to exist?

Are modern poets using insulting words?

When countless people started discussing these issues, the matter became somewhat serious.

And this kind of topic goes far beyond discussing the poet Lao Wai, but targets all poets.

Being ridiculed by the entire Internet, Lao Wai was so disgraced that he did not dare to speak any more. The Weibo post with numerous comments before was deleted at some point.

And as a result, not only netizens laughed at him, but even some people in the poetry circle disdained him.

Many poets jumped out and said that Lao Wai was not famous in the poetry world at all, his level was even lower, and he did not represent the level of modern poets.

Lao Wai has basically become a piece of shit in the poetry world.

Lao Wai usually likes to post his own poems on Weibo, and then comment on the poems of various people.

It is said to be a review, but in fact it is mainly criticism, otherwise how can he show his level.

Lao Wai had seen a poem written by this person named Lin Li on a hot search before. He didn't know who Lin Li was. Lao Wai didn't know that Lin Li was someone not to be messed with, so he habitually criticized Lin Li's poems and used his The idea is that stars who have just debuted will generally not notice themselves. Even if they notice them, they must pretend to be extremely humble if they want to establish a reputation as a talented person.

Even if there is a reply, it will definitely be something like thanking the teacher for the comment and saying that he will do his best in the future.

As a result, he didn't expect that Lin Li was not an ordinary person and actually opened fire on him.

What he didn't expect even more was that Lin Li's popularity was so terrifying that he was also on the hot search list.

Crooked poetry has become a bad thing on the Internet.

And the name Lao Wai was completely ruined in the poetry world.

At this moment, Lao Wai was extremely depressed and was smoking a cigarette at home.

the phone is ringing.

In the past two days, many media wanted to interview Lao Wai, but he refused.

When I looked at the number, I saw it was an old friend and a poet named Lingqing.

Lingqing is not his real name, just like Lao Wai is not his real name. As a poet, he naturally has to use a unique pen name.

Because my real name, Li Guoqiang, is too ugly to sound like a poet.

"Lao Wai, are you at home?" Lingqing asked.

"Ah, yes, where else could he be?" Lao Wai said in a depressed tone.

"Haha, brother is very popular on the Internet now." Ling Qing said with a smile.

"Don't make fun of me. Damn it, labor and management are out of luck. I've thought about it and will change my pen name in the future."

Lingqing smiled and said: "No, how can you keep your shoes wet if you stand by the river all the time? This Lin Li is not someone to be trifled with. Why are you provoking him?"

"I don't know who he is!" Lao Wai said with a sad face and puffed out cigarette smoke. "In the past, Weibo comments about stars and other people's poems were the most popular. Now I see people saying that this guy is the best singer among poetry writers. He is the best at singing and writing poetry, so of course I couldn’t help but comment a few lines, who knew this person is so ruthless.”

"Don't be discouraged. Let me tell you, you are a blessing in disguise now." Lingqing comforted him.

Lao Wai smiled bitterly and said: "The street smells bad, but it's a blessing!"

"Hey, listen to me, didn't you ask me to help you find a publisher to publish a collection of poems at your own expense last time? Now I have some news, and I can give it to you!"

Lao Wai was surprised when he heard this and said, "What, they are willing to publish a collection of poems for me?"

"Yes, not only will it not cost you any money, but I will also give you 3 points of royalties."

Lao Wai jumped up excitedly. He felt that he had hit rock bottom these days. He didn't expect that the collection of poems he had been thinking about would be published now, and he didn't need to pay for it himself, and he could still get some royalties. Such a good thing , almost made him cry.

"How could it be possible? How could such a good thing happen?"

Lao Wai can't believe it. Because they don't make money, there are not many poets who are willing to publish poetry collections by publishing houses. Only those poets who are extremely famous are eligible, and everyone else can only pay for it at their own expense.

"You are so famous now. If I publish it right away, it will definitely sell well. The publishing house is not stupid. It must have seen a business opportunity." Ling Qing said.

Lao Wai was also in a daze.

this is okay too? !

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