In the last life, she was a goddess with special and powerful abilities.

But now dressed as an ordinary woman in this world, her soul ability has not recovered.

Therefore, some of her abilities were not activated in the supernatural space that she carried with her.

But the ability of the first layer of space can be turned on.

The first layer is equivalent to a simple field.

There is a spiritual tree in it. The spiritual tree can grow spiritual fruit. The spiritual fruit can be used as a medicinal material and has miraculous effects on curing diseases. Ordinary people can also prolong their life by eating it.

But the tree is still growing.

There is also a spiritual spring next to the field.

The spiritual spring water in the spiritual spring is also very beneficial to the body.

Last night, she put spiritual spring water in the medicine that Luo Jinan boiled, so that Luo Jinan's cold symptoms could be suppressed and there would be no major problems with her body.

As for the fields, many vegetables, grains and medicinal materials can be grown.

The things planted here grow very fast and have high yields.

Some grain seed spaces can also be automatically improved to the best varieties.

In the future, her soul power will recover, and her growth rate will be faster.

And this first layer is also equivalent to a small storage space, where anything can be kept fresh.

So Su Binglan decided to buy some vegetables and grain seeds to plant in it.

As for the medicinal materials are too expensive, the copper coins in her hand are simply not enough to buy medicinal materials.

So first buy some seeds, first make money, step by step.

You can also go back to the back mountain of the village to see if there are any medicinal materials that can be planted in the space.


After Su Binglan left the pawnshop, the pawnshop's man looked at her back and said to the shopkeeper, "The shopkeeper, isn't this Su Binglan, the best girl from Su Teng Village? I almost didn't recognize her if she didn't put on those rouge gouache."

The shopkeeper said, "It's her. I'm also surprised. How could she pawn all these things? I heard that she fell into the river and died."

The guy said: "I heard that the slave husband she bought saved her. You said that person was sincere. It would be great to let Su Binglan die, so that Su Binglan would not have to abuse him."

The shopkeeper shook his head and said, "That slave husband of hers is a good one, but it's a pity, it's a pity that this Su Binglan doesn't like our young master."

This pawnshop was opened by the Xu family.

Now that the young master of the Xu family came to live here for a while, Su Binglan took a fancy to him.

Anyone in the town who doesn't laugh at Su Binglan's self-control.

The man said, "Hmph, who is our young master? How can Su Binglan, the best country girl in the country, think."

"I heard that because of her, the Su family can't open the blame and still owe a debt. Her three brothers are busy outside for this sister. I heard that it's hard work. What's there to love about such a sister."

The shopkeeper knows that many people think this way.

"The people of the Su family don't think that way. Their whole family is just such a girl. Naturally, she is a baby. Even if her entire clan can't afford to eat, they are willing to spoil her."

The shopkeeper had heard of the situation of the Su family, so he knew a little.

"This Su Binglan is really dissatisfied." The man sneered.


Su Binglan didn't know this, she took more than 300 yuan to find her mother.

Unexpectedly, her mother took a pile of clothes and was going to do the laundry.

"Mother, didn't you tell me to wait for me here? Why did you get so many clothes?"

Shen Qiuhua smiled and said, "It's okay, my mother washed it well, and I can earn more coins this month."

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