The secret war is silent

Chapter 369 White Plan


It is only a matter of time before Germany takes action against Poland.

German troops have been gathering towards the Polish border for more than a week, but the Polish side seems to be slow to respond and has no preparations for the imminent war.

The feud between the two countries started from World War I. After World War I, Poland, as the victorious country, ceded a lot of German land. A Polish Corridor separated East Prussia from Germany.

This is the pain in the heart of the German people.

Therefore, the Germans will definitely not let Poland go. In order to reach an agreement with Soviet Russia, the purpose is also to achieve Poland's feud.

Many military strategists have optimistically analyzed that the German-Polish war will break out in a month at the earliest. Luo Yao has also seen many internal documents predicting the situation in Europe.

Basically this is the conclusion.

Only he knew that if that memory was correct, news would come from Europe in a few hours. Therefore, when he got up early in the morning, he told Wen Xueren to focus on European communications.

There was a knock on the door.


"Deputy Director Luo, did you arrange for ten English-speaking assistants to be assigned to Consultant Osborne?" Gong Hui walked in with a businesslike tone.

"Yes, is there a problem?"

"We are already short of manpower, and now you ask Qi Zhibin to allocate ten people to him. What about other tasks?" Gong Hui was very angry.

"In just three days, Osborne issued a military order to me. In three days, ten people deciphered the secret message of the 'Midnight Ghost'. If it succeeded, I promised him to marry Xu Zhen. If it failed, I will never mention it again." Luo Yao explained very concisely.

"He's out of his mind, and he actually signed such a military order with you?" Gong Hui was startled when she heard this, and asked in surprise.

"Perhaps they are carried away by love. Americans are more emotional and can do anything when their brains are hot." Luo Yaodao, "By the way, I haven't asked you yet, what did you talk to Xu Zhen about?" how's it going?"

"After eating the weight, I became determined."

"So, this is still a pair of idiots who hate each other." Luo Yao chuckled.

"You are still laughing, what should I do now? If Osborne really deciphers the secret message of the 'Midnight Ghost', will you really agree to the marriage of the two of them?"

"Of course, I, the deputy director of the 'Secret Interpretation Room', keep what I say." Luo Yao nodded, "I think you will find a chance to have a good talk with Lao Han and Sister Mei. Since you can't stop her, let her Put it under our eyes and noses.”

"The risk is huge. If the secret is leaked, the loss will be huge." Gong Hui said.

"If Xu Zhen is really secretly working for the Japanese and we stopped it this time, who will they send next time and how will they infiltrate in?" Luo Yao asked, "Next, I will adjust Osborne's work so that He participated in some of the work, but restricted our progress in deciphering the Japanese code and related secrets. This was the price he paid for his marriage to Xu Zhen."

"Don't we need him anymore?"

"We haven't reached that point yet. At least his experience in deciphering secret codes is still needed by us, and our people also need time and experience to mature." Luo Yao said, "Deciphering secret codes is related to national security, and it is still in our own hands. good."

"As long as you have a plan, once the Japanese know that we have deciphered their diplomatic communication code, they will immediately replace and upgrade it."

"Even if we can't decipher their communication password, according to normal practice, they will change the password every once in a while, and they will not relax about the upgrade." Luo Yaodao.

"The exchange and study group of the Secret Inspection Office will leave tomorrow morning. Don't forget the farewell party tonight." Gong Hui warned, turned around and left.

The cold war between him and Gong Hui continues.

In ancient and modern times, at home and abroad, the time chosen for night raids is basically the same, that is between four and five o'clock in the morning. This is the time when people are most sleepy and it is also the darkness before dawn.

The German Army's "White Plan" was chosen at this time.

Hundreds of tanks and hundreds of thousands of elite German troops have already entered the predetermined location, quietly waiting for the order to attack.

4:45 minutes.

Three red flares suddenly shot into the sky from the German side of the border.

The calm was broken instantly.

The roar of tanks, the roar of artillery, and the charging of soldiers...

Before the Polish soldiers, who were still sleeping, could put on their clothes, grab their weapons and rush out of the barracks, the entire camp was covered by artillery fire, and the entire camp was wiped off the face of the earth.

The war begins.

It was very sudden, but it seemed to be expected.

European time is the early morning of September 1st, but in eastern Asia, it is almost lunch time. People have become accustomed to Japanese military planes coming over and dropping a few bombs and then leaving. After the plane leaves, they calmly leave the air-raid shelter. Come out and do whatever you have to do.

Everything has become accustomed to it.

At twelve o'clock, there were not many people eating in the cafeteria. Luo Yao basically waited for everyone to finish eating before coming to the cafeteria. This way, there were fewer people and he could eat quietly.

The cafeteria doesn't leave food specially for him. Anyway, he usually eats whatever is available, and he is not picky about food. It's just that it's a little cold when he eats.

When I came today, there was no rice in the cafeteria, only steamed buns, two steamed buns, a plate of green vegetables, and a portion of stir-fried pork with green beans.

Luo Yao ate very deliciously.

In today's China, it is extraordinary to be able to eat a mouthful of rice like this. Most people cannot even eat a mouthful of white noodles, let alone feel full.

"Webmaster, Webmaster..."

Wen Xueren trotted in and rushed to Luo Yao: "Webmaster, Germany invaded Poland and the European War broke out."

"What, are you sure?"

"I'm sure this is the clear telegram I just received from the British Embassy in Poland to the mainland." Wen Xueren took out a telegram and handed it to Luo Yaodao.

A clear message means that anyone in the world who is in this frequency band can receive this message. This is intended to spread this message around the world.

Otherwise, there is no way to send a telegram in clear code.

"Report immediately." Without even bothering to eat, Luo Yao grabbed a steamed bun, took a bite, and rushed out of the cafeteria.

"Is the news reliable?" Mao Qiwu was shocked when he received Luo Yao's call. The sudden outbreak of the European War had a huge impact on the Chinese battlefield.

"The clear message from the British should not be false. We are still verifying it with multiple parties and will report it immediately as soon as we have news." Luo Yaodao.

"Have you deciphered the British diplomatic code?"

"Secretary Mao, this is a clear message. As long as it can be received, it can be translated." Luo Yao explained hurriedly.

"Oh, I got it, I'll report it to Boss Dai right away." Mao Qiwu finally realized and said hurriedly, it's not that the sky has changed, but that the world situation is about to change.

Soon, relevant news continued to come from Europe, both directly and indirectly. The government also had an ambassadorial agency in Germany.

Although the news was slower, telegrams were also sent back to China later in the evening.

Germany attacks Poland.

It's no secret.

The Polish army was caught off guard, suffered heavy losses, and was unable to organize effective resistance. Poland, the second most powerful military power in Europe, was unable to fight back under the German attack.

The strength of the German army shocked the world.

In the evening, the farewell dinner for the exchange and study group of the Clandestine Office could only end with a quick meal. With the outbreak of the European War, the workload of the entire "Clandestine Interpretation Room" suddenly increased dramatically, and everyone had to work overtime and stay up late.

In the middle of the night, the secret interpretation room was brightly lit and everyone was on duty.

All the receivers in the radio station were turned on to receive telegrams from all parties. Basically, the contents were about the same thing: the German invasion of Poland.

Early the next morning, the news was overwhelming in the newspapers. The whole world also knew the news, and the war finally broke out.

The secret interpretation room was the fastest to intercept the British telegram. The national government knew the news almost as soon as the war broke out. Its efficiency was so high that it was commended by the high command.

However, the British, French and American embassies stationed in the mountain city actually obtained the exact information only after being notified and inquired by the Chinese side. When they inquired domestically, they were two hours later than the Chinese side.

A country with such backward communication technology actually knew about the outbreak of war in Europe in advance, but they found out later, which made all countries extremely shocked and curious.

The existence of the "Secret Translation Room" has been spread to a small extent.

The military commander also wants to keep the existence of the "Secret Interpretation Room" secret and prevent outsiders from knowing it, but this is difficult to do. After all, there are already many organizations that know about the "Secret Interpretation Room" and they want everyone who knows not to tell anyone. , which is also unrealistic.

In the national government, in addition to the secret inspection office, there is also such a code-breaking agency that is not inferior to the secret inspection office. It is not only the intelligence agencies of various countries that are surprised, especially the Japanese intelligence agencies.

Germany's invasion of Poland had little impact on Osborne. He was taking ten English-speaking assistants assigned to him by Wu Fu and Qi Zhibin to find the English book that concealed the "Midnight Ghost" masthead code.

Day and night, almost sleepless, my eyes turned into rabbits.

However, there were no results. Some suspected ones were found, but when they were taken for verification, it was quickly determined that they were not at all.

Soon, two days passed.

Seeing that there was only one day left, if he could not find the damn English book, Osborne would not be able to complete his military order, and his temper would become irritable.

"My dear, I haven't been here for two days, how did you get yourself like this?" Xu Zhen was shocked when she saw Osborne, whose eyes were red, who hadn't showered for almost two days, and whose body exuded a sour smell.

Although Osborne is sometimes slovenly, he is still a very hygienic person and likes bathing, but sometimes he is not good at taking care of himself.

But this was the first time she had seen herself do this.

"Zhen, I'm in trouble." Osborne said very annoyed. He wanted to scold someone, but he didn't know who to scold?

Luo Yao, it seems that he saved his life not long ago. Although there are too many restrictions on him in some aspects, he also has his own reasons. He is not unreasonable. He scolds himself, why did he get fooled again and signed that military order? It seems like he was the one who brought it up first...

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