The secret war is silent

Chapter 308 A big tree attracts the wind

The mountain city is not said to be owned by the military commander, but at least whenever there is any disturbance, the military commander can always get the news as soon as possible.

The military's spies all over the mountain city have formed a terrifying network.

Everyone is on this network.

Secrets, sometimes they really can't be secrets.

Wen Yuqing flew to the mountain city in person, not counting this of course. The airport and flights in the mountain city were controlled by the military commander as soon as the plane landed.

The airport informed the bureau headquarters of the situation.

The old man didn't summon him, he flew here on his own initiative. There are articles here, whether it's private matters or business matters, you have to think about it.

Although the old man did not publicly express any dissatisfaction with the work of the Secret Inspection Office, the Secret Inspection Office had not been working effectively in recent months, and everyone in the Military Commission knew about it.

In the context of the war of resistance and national salvation, code deciphering is a particularly critical task. As a decision-maker of the party-state, you will definitely not be willing to let a department that does nothing but eat to continue to waste national currency, not to mention the current domestic What a desperate situation the economy has reached.

That's a little bit that can be saved.

The funding for the Secret Inspection Office comes from the old man’s special channel. It’s 40,000 yuan a month, and there is also some foreign exchange cooperation. In addition to paying employees’ salaries every month, there is still a balance of more than 10,000 yuan. Where does this money go? Already?

Wen Yuqing is not a celestial being who doesn't eat the fireworks of the world. Basically, his family's living expenses are reimbursed from this fund.

Wen Yuqing's wife and children can live a life of masters in Hong Kong. Where does the money come from?

No. 19, Luojiawan, Shulu.

Dai Yunong has returned from other places, but his whereabouts are generally unknown to outsiders except for Mao Qiwu and a few close confidants.

As usual, Mao Qiwu, the acting chief secretary, had to report to Dai Yunong on the main work at home during his absence.

The house was peaceful, and there was nothing of particular concern.

Finally, Mao Qiwu reported: "Boss Dai, tonight, Dr. Wen Yuqing is hosting a banquet at the Shancheng Hotel for Mao Zongxiang, director of the Confidential Office of the Attendant's Office."

Dai Yunong frowned: "Do you know what they were talking about?"

"I'm afraid not. Apart from Wen Yuqing and Mao Zongxiang, there is only Wen's brother-in-law Huang Jibi in the private room, and there is no fourth person."

"When you come back at this time, you are stimulated by the secret message that we decoded the negotiation minutes sent to the Consulate General of Jinghai by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs before the secret inspection station, right?"

"We were only one hour ahead of him." Mao Qiwu chuckled. He had found out the actual time. Originally, the Secret Inspection Office had some technical personnel who had been supported by the military command. These people were engaged in the interception of secret messages. The job of deciphering is not their turn at all.

This is also the conflict between the military command and the Secret Inspection Institute. Otherwise, Dai Yunong would not want to start a new business. Wei Daming set up a special technology research laboratory. The result was that it was empty and only the funds were used. Luo Yao wanted to try this, but the result , unintentionally inserting willows.

Now that Dai Yunong no longer has to ask for help, and his back is strong, he originally wanted to curry favor with Wen Yuqing in the hope that they would share some information.

Now, there's no need for that.

However, the technical strength of the secret inspection office was still very strong. He was also thinking about finding an opportunity to annex the secret inspection office and enter the military system.

In this case, the military commander will be unique in deciphering secret codes. When the time comes, who will not be able to ask for help from himself?

Dai Yunong was very proud.

Because Luo Yao is his student, he dug it out by himself. Although he has a teacher-student relationship with Yu Jie, he also has a teacher-student relationship with him, and what he can give, Yu Jie cannot give.

He is very confident about this.

"I know Wen Yuqing well. He is not a person who is not good at conspiracy. That is Mao Zongxiang..." Dai Yunong is still a little afraid of this man, because Mao Zongxiang is the old man's brother-in-law.

This relationship is not much worse than the teacher-student relationship between him and the old man, and Mao Zongxiang works next to the old man and can see him at any time.

This kind of nepotism is the most offensive.

Once Mao Zongxiang and Wen Yuqing join forces, they will be a powerful opponent.

In terms of technology, the Secret Inspection Office is not bad either. If Mao Zongxiang secretly used some unscrupulous tricks to help Wen Yuqing, he might actually be able to get back into the game.

"Qi Wu, please go to the next post tomorrow. I want to invite Dr. Wen to dinner at No. 51 Zengjiayan." Dai Yunong told Mao Qi Wu.

"You want to treat him to dinner?"

"In the past, when he came to the mountain city, I arranged accommodation for him. This time he came without telling me, but now that I know, I should treat him to a meal." Dai Yunong nodded.


"Also, please ask Director Wei to accompany you when the time comes."

Luo Yao didn't know that the outstanding performance of the secret translation room had attracted the attention of party-state secret code masters like Wen Yuqing, and even triggered a sense of crisis in his heart.

A conspiracy against the secret interpretation room is brewing.

This is how a big tree attracts the wind.

Luo Yao was right. Within two days, Jiang Yuan suggested that Li Fu take Zhou Xiaoying from Shapingba to German Mansion to live there. Shapingba was far away from the city, making it inconvenient to go back and forth, and the living facilities and conditions were far less convenient than in the city. etc.

Li Fu had already been mentally prepared.

But I couldn't agree immediately. I made an excuse and said I wanted to go home to discuss it. If I didn't want to move after getting used to it, I couldn't force it.

In this way, after three days of procrastination, Zhou Xiaoying moved into the German Building.

On July 24, British Ambassador to Japan Cleggy and Japanese Foreign Minister Tomoda Hachiro signed the Arita-Clerkey Agreement. Britain recognized the actual situation of Japan's invasion of China. This was a major compromise by the Chamberlain government towards Japan in the Far East.

Once the news was exposed, the whole world was in an uproar.

The British themselves tore off the mask of hypocrisy, and the hypocrisy of Western countries was completely exposed to the world.

China immediately issued a statement opposing and protesting the agreement, as if it had known about the existence of the agreement for a long time and was waiting for it to be exposed. It was immediately published on the headlines of major mainstream newspapers.

The angry old man summoned the British Ambassador Carr in the mountain city overnight to inquire about the signing of the agreement by the British side, and lodged a solemn protest in person.

Public opinion fermented quickly.

The British were shocked that the Chinese knew most of the contents of the agreement on the day it was signed. They asked themselves that confidentiality measures were extremely strict.

They don't expect to be able to keep it secret forever, but at least not this soon.

Therefore, they suspected that Japan deliberately disclosed the contents of the agreement to China, with the intention of putting pressure on China and forcing China to agree to Japan's conditions.

Therefore, not long after Britain and Japan signed the agreement, they had a private war of words, accusing each other of leaking secrets.

All their accusations and criticisms in the secret diplomatic messages were deciphered by the secret interpretation room. If these secret diplomatic messages were not required for confidentiality, it would be a great spectacle in the history of diplomacy. It turns out that gentleness and elegance in diplomacy are all fake. Yes, whether these diplomats are cruel and cunning Japanese or sanctimonious British gentlemen, when they curse people in private, they are extremely vicious and lack the dignity and elegance of diplomats.

Some of these secret messages have been submitted, while others have no meaning and have been sealed directly. When they are decrypted depends on the need, and they may be dusty forever.

After Li Fu moved into the German Building, he began to live a "property-owned" life, and his clothing quality improved to a higher level than before. Gao Tiankui was not busy talking about changing the business direction of the German Building, and continued George Kevin's policy. Change can also be considered as calming people's hearts.

Except for a few who had already found their next home and chose to move out directly, the rest continued to stay in the German Mansion.

The transition was uneventful.

Zhou Xiaoying's identity as the "boss lady" seemed to have been confirmed. In addition, Zhou Xiaoying was already very capable and quickly established relationships with these women.

The men are busy during the day and rarely come over, so they have a lot of time to drink tea, chat and play cards during the day.

These can also be regarded as "rice bugs" parasitic on the powerful. They live a life that they don't know tomorrow, and they don't know how many years will come. When they are old and their appearance fades, if they no longer have any savings, it will be very miserable. , and men will look for young and beautiful ones, and the cycle repeats.

Gong Hui's task for Zhou Xiaoying was to get close to and monitor Xu Zhen, so she used her similar experience to Xu Zhen to win the other's favor, and then they became sisters and poker friends.

After Xu Zhen experienced the "kidnapping" incident, she seemed unwilling to go out. She stayed in the building and played cards.

At the card table, women talk about almost anything, especially between good sisters. Talking about their "men" is the most common topic.

After all, Zhou Xiaoying has received professional training, and her ability to use clichés is much better than those who have not received training.

Collect, summarize.

Zhou Xiaoying actually gleaned a lot of useful information from these women, and it even involved evidence that some national army generals collaborated with the enemy and betrayed the country.

This is what Luo Yao did not expect when he arranged for Zhou Xiaoying to live in the German Building.

Xu Zhen also received sporadic information, but most of it had no special value. After all, she was not a professional agent and could not tell which information was useful and which information was not.

"Xu Zhen called Sheng Ji. I'll go there." Gong Hui knocked on the door and walked into Luo Yao's office and told him.

"Is there a situation?"

"I don't know, maybe it is, I won't find out until I go there."

"There seems to be something going on over there with Zhou Xiaoying. Please drop by and see her." Luo Yao nodded and gave an order.

"okay, I get it."

In the evening, Gong Hui came back and brought back the news that George Kevin invited Osborne to have dinner at the Shancheng Hotel tomorrow night as a farewell.

Early the next morning, George Kevin would take a plane to Diancheng, then transfer to Hanoi and head to Hong Kong.

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