The Second Girl’s Naruto Journey

Chapter 104: The Star of the Great Devil Mountain

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Otonin Village is located in a small country next to the country of fire, within the country of Tian.

A small country like Tian Zhiguo has no resistance at all, and Da Ming has been controlled by Da She Wan.

It can be said that most of the funds of the entire Tianzhiguo have been used by Oshe Maru for research.

The daimyo of Tanokuni also secretly asked Konoha for help.

It can be said that there are many factors combined in this action, or there are too many reasons for crusade.

But so Otonin Village, Konoha is determined not to let it go.

After all, in the Konoha destruction plan, all three generations died.

It is impossible not to ask for an explanation.

According to information, there are not many ninjas in Otonin Village, and most of them are wandering ninjas at the bottom.

They are all vegetables that can't be served on the countertop.

Because of this, Tsunade only sent three teams.

Da She Wan and Duan are in the laboratory, daily studying the cells between the Qianshou pillars.

Suddenly, the door outside was knocked quickly.

Da She Maru frowned.

Everyone knows that when he is doing experiments, he doesn't like being interrupted. If there is a notice, then something must happen.

Da She Wan didn't call the pocket, but went to open the door by himself.

Outside the door is Junmaro, his face is serious.

"Master Oshemaru! The barrier has been triggered!"

Da She Wan was taken aback, then smiled the next second.

"It looks like we are here."

At this moment, Kakashi and his three teams have already arrived in the realm of Otonin Village.

Kakashi motioned to red.

Red nodded, and she yelled.



Hinata immediately rolled his eyes.

The next second, Hinata's complexion was startled.

"An enemy appeared in front!"

Everyone became vigilant.

Kakashi thought.

Sure enough.

He just felt something wrong.

"There should be a barrier of perception here! We were discovered the moment we came in! Next, we are going to face the enemy directly! Get ready!"


Muhua Saki Yaxin became excited again, she took the lead alone, and rushed to the forefront in an instant.

"Then let them see, my eyes of death!"

Everyone knows Muhua Saki Yaxin's urinary sex.

Everyone knows that this guy wants to show off his skills again.

When approaching the enemy.

Hinata exclaimed next time.

"Everyone... there is... there is a situation."

Everyone looked at Hinata's panicked little face, a little strange.

"what's happenin?"

Hinata spoke with some vibrato.

"I seem to have seen Osha Maru..."


Except for Muhua Saki Yaxin, everyone else was panicked.

"He is not with three generations..."

In the next moment, they crossed a jungle together and saw a group of Yin Ren waiting for their arrival, and the leader was Da She Wan!

Red and Chiho screamed in horror.


"Oshe Maru! Didn't you get banned by a third-generation ghoul?"

Chiho Li has a say, because she moved the body of Oshamaru.

So she is least believe it.

Da She Maru gave a wicked smile.

"Oh~ who knows? Maybe you only killed my clone, maybe I crawled out of **** again."

Kakashi's face was calm, he pulled the mask, revealing the writing wheel.

"It's useless to think this. Since he is still alive, let's live. Naruto Sasuke, please choose your opponent first. Our opponent has already been confirmed."

Chiho-ri and Hong both knew that if it were the real Oshamaru, only the three of them would be able to deal with it.

If you can't beat it, you can rest assured.

Chiho Li and Hong nodded, indicating that they understand.

Next to Osake Maru, the lineup is not bad, the most important combat power:

There are five people who were rescued Otoninho.

Yakushidou and Junmaro.

Sakuragi and Tsuchiya Yuekai were thinking about picking the enemy and beating them violently.

Naruto Sasuke is the same, they think the guy with glasses is familiar, and they want to have a punch.

However, at this moment.

Muhuasaki Yaxin instantly jumped from the crowd to the center of the two parties.

Pretending to be akimbo, he looked down upon Yin Ninja crowd.

"Do you still need to pick? My Eye of Death singles you all!"

The audience was shocked when he said this.

At the moment, Osamaru has no impression of Muhua Saki Yaxin, but feels that this girl is very interesting.

Junmaro and the others felt that this girl was too arrogant!

And Kakashi and the others are all caught behind Muhua Sakiya, you look at me, I look at you, no one knows what to do.

At this moment Junmaro stood up with a cold face.

"Hmph, you better pass my level before talking!"

Kihana Saki Yaxin doesn't care about Junmaro.

She pulled off the blindfold, her eyes burst into light, revealing a pair of pupils of different colors.

"Under the light of my death eye, turn to ashes!"

Speaking of Muhua Saki, Yaxin raised her small paw and grabbed it in the void.

Seems to have caught something.

Muhua Saki shouted at Yaxin.

"The Eye of Death! The Spiritual Star of the Great Demon Mountain!"

She seemed to have caught a star, and a bright light appeared in the middle of her claws.

Such cool special effects.

In an instant, Junmaro and the others took it seriously.

Da She Maru didn't see any name, and was secretly vigilant.

"Don't see the process of Jieyin?"

Junmaro felt that he couldn't let Muhua Saki Yaxin casually release a powerful technique, he wanted to interrupt it directly.

"Ten fingers pierced!"

The bones on the fingers stretched quickly and fired out like bullets. In a flash, dozens of bone spurs were fired.

In the face of the bone spurs, Muhua Saki Yexin ignored the star in his hand and threw the star into the sky.

The stars were floating in the sky, and at the same time those bone spurs seemed to have encountered some power and were instantly bounced off.

The stars hung in the air at a height of 100 meters, and a huge magic circle was instantly unfolded, and the light released at the same time became more intense.

Like the sun close at hand.

The glare makes people unable to look straight!

With this terrifying power, Junmaro felt that he couldn't let the technique of Muhua Saki Yexin go on.

Others think so too.

They all acted one by one.

The first is Junmaro, who immediately turned on the curse seal state.

"The dance of the iron thread flower! The spear of bone!"

For bone hyperplasia, Junmaro used a bone spear from the strongest bones in his body.

The five members of Yinnin also opened the curse seal.

Guidoumaru is holding a bow and arrow, and is pulling the bow and aiming at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

This is the Spider Bow-Desperate Crack!

Bows and arrows made of spider sticky gold have great destructive power and lethality. And the arrow is controlled by the spider silk.

Tayu also took out the flute and wanted to interfere with the illusion of Saki Yaxin.

Sakon and Ukon directly chose the combination of dual magic, ready to follow Junmaro to charge.

Jirofang bulged up his muscles and directly buckled a large piece of rocky land on the ground.

"Tu Dun-Tuling Dumpling!"

The huge boulder was thrown by him while holding it to Saki Yaxin.

At the same time, a sharp arrow pierced the air, attacking Muhua Saki Yaxin with a terrifying momentum.

Junmaro fiercely projected the bone spear at Muhua Saki Yaxin.

Both left and right are running on both sides, intending to cooperate with the attack.

Naruto Sasuke behind Kihana Sakiyamin and they wanted to help.

However, Muhua Saki Yashin stopped it.

She stretched out a hand, UU reading motioned them not to come over.

"I alone is enough!"

In the next moment, Li Jian arrived first.

Muhua Saki Yaxin didn't care, her right eye flashed red.

"In front of my eyes of death, everything is vain! Even reality!"

At the next moment, the space in everyone's field of vision seemed to be rotating and distorting.

It's like a star shift.

The original place where Yasaki Kihana was standing, has become Oshemaru.

But Dashemaru hadn't figured out what was going on at this time, and suddenly saw the huge boulder that was about to smash down his head, familiar with the sharp arrow and bone spear in front of him.

He looked dazed.

"Why am I here?"

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