What followed was a strong sense of crisis in Shizhi's mind.

"Time erasure!"

"Re-Border Time!"

The figures of Shiori and Kuangzo kept flashing in various locations in the relatively spacious hall. Kuangsan always had the opportunity to attack Shiori from the blind corner.

Although Shizhi couldn't react, thanks to the elementalization ability of the elemental dragon, every time he was hit by Kuang San, Shizhi's body would randomly change into fire, water, wind, thunder, earth, and sound six. Each element avoids damage, and the winner cannot be determined for a while.


After crushing Shiori who turned into rock for the last time, Kurumi looked at Shiori who had reorganized his body in another position, and the corners of his eyes twitched under the mask.

"I see, is this the power you want to get even if you are an enemy of the organization? It is indeed a very difficult power, but I am almost tired of hide and seek."

When Kurumi separated again from the sword blade and hilt of the National Sword World, the familiar sound effects sounded again, and Shiori immediately prepared to activate the elemental transformation again.

"Time erasure!"

"Re-Border Time!"

Only this time, Kuang San did not choose to attack Shizhi. When time returned to normal again, what Shizhi saw was Tohka being held by Kuang San in his hand.

"You only have 3 minutes to consider whether to hand over the Holy Sword and Fantasy Control Book, or wait for me to kill her and then start a fight to the death with me.\

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