"However, I still want to thank you for letting me see something good after a long time, and for letting me confirm that my decision was not wrong. I believe that it won't take too long, and there will definitely be people of the same kind who are willing to travel with me.

As a thank you, I will grant you one more wish. You humans always like to do this to me. "

"Ahaha, I always feel a little embarrassed. We humans always mention this and that to you."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled helplessly. It felt a little strange to be pointed out so affectionately on the spot that "human beings always treat each other as wishing machines".

"It doesn't matter, just think of it as an investment in the future. It's just a piece of cake for me. Okay, let's talk quickly. Although I don't recommend chatting with similar candidates, your companion seems to be very anxious."


Fujimaru Ritsuka touched his chin and thought for a while, then the Great Eye suggested.

"How about resurrection? Haven't you always wanted to be a normal human again?"

"No, if there is only one chance, I think of something better to do."

Fujimaru Ritsuka shook his head and said seriously.

"Please, give the other people who lost their lives in this human incineration incident another chance to be resurrected."

"Just this one year?"

Rarely, there was a hint of curiosity in the tone of the Great Eye.

"Actually, I can do more things than you think. Even people from a long time ago are not a problem for me at all..."

"That's enough."

Fujimaru Ritsuka shook his head and smiled.

"I just want those who shouldn't die to have the right to continue their lives. Brother, he said that we can't rely too much on your power. We humans will solve the future problems with our own hands! because……"

"Human possibilities are endless~" x 2

In unison, Great Eyes and Fujimaru Ritsuka looked at each other and smiled.

"I understand, I will fulfill your wish. In addition, as a reward for making me so happy, I will give you a little gift on my own initiative."

After finishing speaking, the Great Eye's sight left, and the starry sky slowly began to turn white. This was a sign that Fujimaru Ritsuka was about to wake up.


In a moment of confusion, Fujimaru Ritsuka woke up. 】

760: Main plot completed (4k)

[The magnificent golden pupils slowly opened.

The hot rays of midsummer forced the girl to squint her eyes slightly and block the harsh sunlight with her palms.

The annoying chirping of cicadas and the bustling noise woke Fujimaru Ritsuka out of the trance she had just returned from. She looked uncertainly at the familiar and unfamiliar commercial streets around her, with a confused expression on her pretty face.

"Is it a dream?"

The whisper was denied by himself the moment it came out. Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes focused on the command spell on the back of his hand, and his confused brain gradually returned to normal operation.

"Could it be that!?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was startled and turned to look at the shop owner who had just greeted him.

"Well, Sister Gui, what day is it now?"

"Hahaha, Xiao Lixiang, are you really confused during the summer vacation?"

In response to Fujimaru Ritsuka's sudden question, the middle-aged woman who did not leave any memory of the human body incineration only thought that the other party had lost her sense of time due to the holidays, so she told him today's date without thinking much. the other party.

Just as Fujimaru Ritsuka expected, the time of the entire world returned to the day when the Burning of Humanity began, but unlike the memory, the Burning of Humanity did not happen, and peaceful daily life continued.

"Can you even turn back the time of the whole world? You are truly worthy of it~"


Fujimaru Ritsuka's soliloquy made the landlady in front of him a little confused. After reacting, Fujimaru Ritsuka hesitated a few words, and his attention was suddenly drawn back to the other side by a crisp call.


Looking back, I saw that on the other side of the street, a girl with light pink hair wearing glasses was waving to me. In her other hand, she was holding several Chaldean cards with "I need you!" printed on them. Recruitment flyer.

——Yes, if everything goes back to that day, wouldn’t it be the day when Matthew and I met?

"Ah, is he a junior from your school? He is such a cute kid~"

"Yeah! He is a very reliable junior!"

A smile crept onto her cheeks. Under the gaze of the landlady who was covering her face and laughing, the orange-haired girl waved her arms and trotted away towards the "reliable junior" she called her.

At this moment, she has relieved herself of the burden of being the savior, and the scene freezes on the two girls looking at each other and smiling. 】

Cancer of the Earth: Yay! The Guda shield is locked, locked! Everyone eats, everyone eats!

Tracking EX: Alas, since it’s Mashu, there’s nothing we can do about it. Who calls Mashu special?

Habemeow: Okay! When will you be married? I have to make their wedding dresses!

Want to see my big cannon? : Damn it, the internal digestion of a beautiful girl of this level will not allow us singles to survive!

Miss Pink Fairy: I love watching this, I love watching this!

Asuna: But I feel very happy to see them living in a world where no one cares about them.

[Looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu who were chatting and laughing in the distance, the Emiya siblings and little Leonardo da Vinci who arrived at some unknown time all showed expressions of relief.

"Very good."

On the other side, Romani, who did not join the crowd immediately, also retracted his gaze on the orange-haired girl with magic. While raising the corners of his mouth, he looked at the brown-skinned man in front of him who looked very similar to himself.

The man frowned under Romani's gaze, but in the end, he just sighed helplessly and looked at his intact hands with some confusion.

"Even my enemy was saved."

Goetia remembered very clearly that his consciousness did disappear in the final one-on-one duel with Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The reason why he can have a human body again is because he is smart and can figure out what Fujimaru Ritsuka did by just observing the surrounding situation.

"Did the Great Eye misunderstand what Fujimaru Ritsuka meant?"

But Romani has a different view on this.

"No, you have been so close to the Great Eye, so naturally you should know its power better than anyone else.

In front of Him, the true desires of human beings are invisible. Do you think the Great Eye will misinterpret Ritsuka-kun's wishes like the Holy Grail contaminated by black mud? "


"There is only one reason why you will be resurrected."

At this point, Romani showed a wry smile that said, "There's really nothing I can do about that kid."

"Goetia, in Fujimaru Ritsuka's heart, you are already a being who needs to be saved. You are a human being like us."


The silence lasted for a long time. Goetia snorted coldly, turned around and took steps towards the distance. Romani's voice came from behind.

"What are you going to do next, Goetia?"

"Who knows? Anyway, stay as far away from this stupid guy as you can. Breathing the same air as you almost makes me want to vomit."

"Hey, that's too hurtful to say!"

Romani said with some hurt that although the relationship between Goetia and him was very complicated, in a broad sense, he could barely be called Goetia's father.

When he was holding his chest and lamenting, "My son is rebellious," Goetia's voice came from far away.

"Don't worry, I am conscious of being the loser. Since I lose, it doesn't matter if I leave the future of this world to you.

in addition……"

Goetia paused, raised his head and looked around at the scenery that was completely different from the past.

"I want to use this body to see the world again. There is no reason why I can't do things that a loser like you can do. From now on, I have to take one step at a time."


Romani smiled happily.

"Don't worry, this journey won't let you down, I promise."

"I hope so."

In the world of eyes and souls.

Tohsaka Sakura held the slightly confused Tosaka Rin and cried bitterly.

Under the supervision of Matou Zouken and Matou Shinji, Julian, who was also resurrected, cooperated in putting on the shackles to restrain his soul.

Alicia wanted to step forward and say something, but finally endured it, turned around and hugged Angelica who was standing beside her.

Julian, who did not expect to be given a second life, said with some emotion.

"I was really defeated by her. I am completely defeated now."

He looked at Matou Zangyan, who also showed a trace of helplessness on his old-fashioned face.

"Yes, those Kamen Riders did something that none of us could do in the past.

Julian, this is not all your fault. I am too old for not discovering Darius's twist in time. "

As he spoke, Matou Zouken glanced at his grandson standing upright beside him and the Tohsaka sisters who were hugging each other and crying.

"The next era should be left in the hands of young people like you, Shinji."

Antarctica, within the Chaldean headquarters.

Kirshtalia, who had just imprisoned Beryl with the others, listened with great interest to the adventure of Chaldea in the Sky Temple told by Akuko along with Group A and the confused Olga Marie.

"Leif is the Demon Pillar, Romani is Solomon, Kirshtalia became a being beyond the heroic spirit, and the one who saved humanity in the end was Neon JK, who had zero magic experience, and even reached the level of the origin. field……"

The overwhelming amount of information made Olga Marie, who had felt disconnected from the world since she woke up, even more confused. She suddenly felt aggrieved that "she was being excluded and no one wanted to play with her."

——TMD, wasn’t Leif, the old guy, kicked out of Chaldea? Why can you plant a bomb under my feet?

——Now that’s good, I was so blown away that I couldn’t keep up with the version.

Compared to the director's confusion, the handsome blond boy showed an unexpected expression.

Looking through the information about Fujimaru Ritsuka that Ophelia and Pepeloncino found, Kirshtalia's admiration almost overflowed from her eyes.

"Director, I think it is necessary to officially make the temporary Ms. Ritsuka Kudomaru a full-time member. Our Group A needs such talents very much. No, why not let her be my disciple, and I will teach her celestial magic. "

"No, no, no, Captain."

Pepelongino covered his mouth and chuckled.

"That kid came from a temple! No matter how you think about it, it would be better to learn from me!"

"Judging from Akuko's achievements, that child is actually more talented in the spiritual arts."

Ophelia on the side joined the conversation without changing her expression.

"Hey, are there going to be more geniuses here again?"

Kadok only felt a little tired.

Unbeknownst to Fujimaru Ritsuka, an employment crisis involving his future quietly occurred. 】

Teacher Kong died of overwork: How could such a good young talent be harmed by a traditional magician?

Teacher Kong, who died from overwork: Bring your cousin to my classroom quickly. @Partner of justice lily

The most powerful magician in modern times: El-Melloi II, how dare you sneak away! By the way, when did you accept the undead as your disciples?

Teacher Kong who died from overwork: What are you talking about? Emiya Shirou was originally a student in my El-Melloi classroom!

Princess: Huh? My future self is Kamen Rider's teacher?

Lemonhead: Md, mixed feelings.jpg

Curry-senpai: Why does Fujimaru-kun have to hang out with magicians like you? I think she should join our church! Come and hunt the killers together, Fujimaru-kun! @Chaos Evil Gudazi

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