Gilgamesh's snake-like pupils looked directly into Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes, and the silence this time was longer than when he decided to abandon those people.

"Do you know what you are talking about, Master of Chaldea?

Although I already knew that you were such a stone-headed person, after actually meeting you, your level of insensitivity still surprised me. Why waste time on such meaningless things? "

"Ju, you actually said it was a waste of time..."

Fujimaru Ritsuka's eyes widened, but Gilgamesh would not stop expressing his opinions because of this.

"Everything in this singularity is just a dream of the past to you. No matter how many people you save here, as long as the restoration of humanity is completed, the people who deserve to die will still die, and no one will remember you. of contribution.

I and my people have already made corresponding awakenings the moment this singularity appears. There is nothing we cannot give up. As long as you fulfill your responsibilities, you will be a qualified savior and master of Chaldea! "

"...It wasn't originally."


Fujimaru Ritsuka lowered his head and murmured softly. Gilgamesh could barely hear the five words as soft as a mosquito's moan, but even if he could hear them clearly, Gilgamesh still picked his ears in disbelief.

"What did you say?"

"Those who can't even save the lives in front of them are the real unqualified saviors. Today I just want to save them, you King Pika!"


Pressing the button on the bracelet mercilessly, Fujimaru hung up the communication with a loud voice, leaving Gilgamesh alone staring in front of him in a daze.

"Ah, it seems you have made her angry, Wang."

Next to Gilgamesh, a brown-skinned beauty who covered the lower half of her face with a veil covered her mouth and smiled, then reached out and handed the next stone tablet recording important events to Gilgamesh.

"It seems that our collaborators don't understand your painstaking efforts. Why don't you let Lord Merlin tell them that Uruk is now suffering from a full-scale invasion by the beholder world, and there is not much time left for Uruk. What’s up?”

Siduri looked at Gilgamesh curiously.

Compared with the world line of mobile games, the situation in Babylonia today can be said to be more precarious.

The Three Goddess Alliance and the wave of monsters can still be blocked by heroic spirits, but the beholder army in the world of beholders is a completely dimensionally reducing blow to Uruk. The special characteristics of beholders are immune to mortal attacks. Generally, heroic spirits can fight against one enemy. In many cases, they will be directly exhausted by the endless army. Now they can only rely on the Noble Phantasm in Gilgamesh's treasure house that has special attack on the soul for passive defense.

Only powerful heroic spirits at the god level can stand up to the battle. This is one of the reasons why Gilgamesh strongly asked Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others to win over the three goddesses first, because there was really no one available.

Even if they are left alone, the world of beholders may eventually be destroyed one by one and transformed into more powerful beholders by them.

It was at this critical juncture that Gilgamesh made the decision to abandon the people there.

"Hmph~ After all, he is a human being bound by his emotions."

Rubbing his eyebrows, Gilgamesh quickly looked at the stone slab and gave the perfect solution after a few seconds.

"Forget it, I have long been accustomed to the mediocrity of you guys.

Siduri, go tell Ushiwakamaru and Tomoe Gozen on the front line and ask them to hold on for one more day. There is no need to save magic power or anything like that. It is just a drop in the bucket for me. "

"As commanded."

The woman known as Siduri nodded and left without stopping at all.

But after walking out of the hall, Siduli looked back thoughtfully at Gilgamesh on the throne.

Although this golden king looked very tired, there was an imperceptible smile on his lips unconsciously.

"It seems that you are not as disgusted as you say.\

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