174 episodes

It is very common for small misunderstandings to grow into deep-seated resentment.

In particular, it was easier if the relationship was not good from the beginning.

This is because they have no intention of reconciling and reconciling misunderstandings with each other.

Such was the relationship between elves and dwarves.

When the Demon King’s Empire was swallowing up the continent in the Anti-Magic War, the Dwarves also could not escape the flames of war.

Unlike the elves who were scattered in this forest and other forests, the dwarves gathered in the Iron City, Ferratem, and waged a fierce battle against the Imperial Army.

But when it lasted for more than a few months, he was forced to defend himself.

In the end, the dwarf asked the elf for help.

He bent his pride to protect the city and his race, and reached out to the race he hated so much first.

The request of the Dwarves was as follows.

– Let’s defeat the Imperial Army together using Ferratem as a base!

This wasn’t a bad offer for the elves either.

For the nature-friendly elves, the elf village in the forest was not a very good base.

However, the Dwarven city had strong walls, and various equipment for manufacturing weapons.

Moreover, the elves, who had been on the defensive due to the continued defeat, were exposed to the threat of the Imperial Army.

It was a favorable offer for both elves and dwarves.

Because of this, the Dwarves thought that the elves would accept this request.

However, the elf ignored the earnest request of the dwarf.

The elves fled cowardly, leaving only the dwarves in the iron city of Ferratem.

The city was horribly trampled on, and many dwarves died.

The remnant had to clean up blood and corpses and rebuild the city with tears.

That was the grudge between the dwarves and the elves.

“First of all, the argument of the Dwarves is this. In the end, what I feared happened.”

Kalia sighed.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian rolled her eyes.

“Is that something you were concerned about? Did you really know this was going to happen?”


Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian was taken aback by the resolute answer that had no bottom and no end.

“If I had known, I should have told you before I came here.”

Dylan quickly intervened.

“That is a misunderstanding. The elf originally said that he would only guide us to the vicinity of Ferratem and then return. He also said that the Dwarves would not welcome him. But Priest Ethan continued to recommend it.”

“Are you Priest Ethan?”

This time, sparks flew at Ethan.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian opened her ax eyes and looked at Ethan.

“Why did you do that, Priest Ethan?”

I didn’t do anything strange, but I felt like I was being questioned.

Ethan sensed something ominous and turned away.

“But looking at the atmosphere in the village yesterday, it seems that the elves don’t seem to know why the dwarves hate them.”

At Ethan’s words, Calia nodded her head.

“Priest, you’ve turned around now!”

When Vivian turned on the lights, Christopher and Dylan quickly stopped him.

“The priest must be thinking.”

“I think the two of you are going to have an important conversation, so let’s stay still.”

In the meantime, the conversation between Ethan and Calia continued.

“yes. As the heir of the oath saw it. We had never received such a request from a Dwarf at the time. But no matter how many times we say it, they don’t believe us. So, I was only going to guide you to the vicinity of Ferratem. It won’t help me if I’m here.”

Christopher heard the story and muttered sadly.

“There was such a story. I didn’t know.”

Dylan and Vivian also became sober.

Meanwhile, only Ethan, who knew the truth, clicked his tongue low.

‘I didn’t even think that the Imperial Army would have worked so hard.’

In the first place, the Dwarf’s request did not reach the elf.

The Imperial Army, watching the dwarf’s movements, could not stand still.

Because of this, the elves fled, and the dwarves were left alone in the Iron City.

‘If the two races were originally good friends, I don’t know, because it wasn’t.’

Originally, the relationship between the two races was not good, so they didn’t even think about resolving the misunderstanding.

So the dwarves thought that the elves were an ungrateful race and had abandoned them.

The elves did not understand the dwarves who hated them blindly.

And in that state, a hundred years passed.

It was only natural that only bad feelings remained between the two races.

After talking, Ethan looked around.

“By the way, hasn’t this been locked up for quite some time?”

Currently, they are imprisoned in the dungeons of Peratem.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian sighed and asked Ethan.

“What are you going to do now?”

“You cannot provoke a Dwarf. It would be better to just obey now.”

“I can’t say anything because I’m in a position to follow, but it wouldn’t have happened if the elf hadn’t been with me. But why did you bring an elf? Aren’t you going to answer me again this time?”

Christopher and Dylan looked into Calia’s eyes with an apologetic look.

But Calia seemed to be curious as well.

She also stared at Ethan.

Ethan finally decided to answer.

Actually, I didn’t say it because it was too cumbersome to explain them all, because there was no stabbing.

“I brought it here because I thought there was something that could be known only through the eyes of an elf.”

“My eyes?”

“Eye of the elf?”

Calia and Vivian muttered at the same time.

* * *

Calia, who had been calm the whole time, hesitated and asked Ethan.

“Are you telling me to look for things that only my eyes can see?”


At Ethan’s journey, the rest of the party only tilted their heads.

It was the same with the elf Kalia.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian whispered to Christopher.

“Somehow, the elf himself didn’t seem to understand.”

“yes. As I see it, yes.”

“Well, it’s not the first time Priest Ethan did something out of the ordinary.”

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian had a tone that seemed to have resigned now.

However, there was also the expectation of Ethan’s travels in his eyes.

Because the things Ethan has done so far have always led to good things.

Kalia glanced around the room they were locked in.

She furrowed her eyebrows slightly.

“What did you find?”

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian’s eyes twinkled with anticipation.

But Calia shook her head.

“no. nothing. I don’t think what humans see is very different from what I see.”

It was a skeptical answer.

But Ethan was not discouraged and encouraged Calia.

“It’s okay even if it’s a small thing, so if there’s something strange, please tell me.”

It was incomprehensible, but Kalia nodded her head.

‘There must be a reason for doing this because the heir of the oath is doing it.’

She concentrated and looked around again.

That was then.


I saw something on the wall of the cell, where I could easily pass by if I was wrong.

Calia tilted her head and moved closer.

“This… … .”

It was a small sign.

Kalia’s face hardened.

“A Dwarf’s character?”

As an elf, she has been accumulating formidable knowledge over the years.

Among them were the characters of the dwarves.

Although it was a character of an antagonizing race, the elves were generally not biased towards knowledge.

Therefore, Kalia could recognize the dwarf’s characters.

‘It’s a prison in the Dwarven City, so there’s nothing strange about it.’

Calia looked at the reactions of the humans.

“Why? What do you see?”

“Ugh. We can’t see anything.”

Unlike himself, who recognized the characters of the Dwarfs, the humans had bewildered faces.

‘It seems that only my eyes can see it as an elf.’

That was surprising.

Calia also looked at the walls of the other room across the street.

With the eyes of an elf, it was quite possible.

After looking around, Calia finally opened her mouth.

“In addition to the one where we were imprisoned, the walls of other prisons also have dwarven inscriptions. But seeing how people react, it seems that I am the only one who sees it.”

“I’m glad things went well.”

Ethan chuckled.


“Because there is no need to break the iron bars for nothing.”

Ethan walked over to where Calia was pointing.

When he activated his jet-black eyes using divine magic, one of his eyes turned black.

He had a reason to search through Calia first.

Even if the performance of the jet-black eyes was good, it was dangerous to use it in front of others because it had to use divine magic.

Soon, the dwarven text appeared in Ethan’s eyes.

‘It seems to have been engraved quite a long time ago.’

The engraved character borders were weathered, leaving traces of time intact.

Ethan pressed his hand against the wall engraved with the dwarven letters.


Then the sound of machinery working on the wall began to be heard.

The wall was pushed halfway to the side.

Ethan and his party, including Calia, were stunned by it.

“Sir, priest, what the hell is this?”

Ethan answered Christopher’s question.

“What is it? A secret passageway.”

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian said it was ridiculous.

“Come on, wait a minute. By the way, you clearly said you wouldn’t provoke the Dwarves.”

“It’s because we didn’t damage anything. There is a secret passage in the dwarven script in the dungeon in the city of the dwarven, isn’t this made for anyone who knows the dwarven script to use?”

It was a sophistry for anyone to see.

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian and the two knights opened their mouths at Ethan’s sophistry.

Then, Calia answered seriously.

“Certainly, what the heir of the oath is right.”

“yes? Are you serious?”

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian was astonished.

Callia answered bluntly.

“okay. Can’t we just stay locked up like this all the time?”

“It is, but… … .”

Ethan entered the secret passage and said:

“If you want to stay here, stay.”

“no! Not at all!”

Taken from n̲o̲b̲l̲e̲m̲t̲l̲.̲c̲o̲m̲

Vivian jumped up and followed right behind Ethan.

As if he had even doubted that he was going to leave him.

The two knights, who laughed bitterly at Vivian’s appearance, followed.

Finally, after joining Calia, the door of the underground passage closed again.


* * *

The dwarf’s characteristic loud and loud voice filled the dining room.

The dwarf lord, Milio, and his lavish servants were sitting around the round table.

Beer, the water of the Dwarf’s life, was not left out.


As if knocking down the round table, Milio put down the beer mug.

Milio roughly wiped the beer foam from his beard.

“Anyway, I can’t believe what the elves say. You can’t believe they make beer with hops, right?”

Then the other Dwarves threw their beer mugs on the floor and nodded violently.

“That’s right!”

“What? All the rebels in the United Kingdom are entwined with the Dark Followers?”

“You have to say something that makes sense! Who would believe a human who came with an elf or something?”

“It must be a ploy to bring us into a human civil war!”

They were contemplating what Ethan and the others had said before imprisoning them in the dungeon.

The presence of an elf had paralyzed reason.

However, among them, there was the only Dwarf who did not throw a beer mug.

A dwarf said while raising the glasses that had fallen on the bridge of his nose.

“Everyone, calm down. The elves are terrified, but shouldn’t we first check the situation outside?”

“what. Are you sure you are covering the elf now?”

At that question, the crowd grew cold.

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