The Uchiha reception room was quiet and peaceful, but the Great Elder's vicious eyes were fixed on Kakashi like a sharp blade, as if to pierce him.

Kakashi had just listened to Uchiha En's in-depth analysis, and he already knew the reason for the Great Elder's attitude at the moment - it was all because of the Sharingan that brought endless disputes and troubles. However, facing the current predicament, Kakashi had no intention of retreating deep in his heart; because this extremely precious Sharingan was the last gift left to him by his close friend Obito, and it was of extraordinary significance and priceless.

Seeing that the atmosphere in the venue was becoming more and more tense and solemn, Namikaze Minato resolutely stepped forward, broke the silence and took the initiative to ask:"Kakashi, tell me what you think now?"

"Hokage……"Kakashi was only halfway through his words when Minato Namikaze interrupted him with a wave of his hand, saying,"Don't be so reserved here, just call me teacher. After all, you and Obito were both my students."

Before he finished speaking, everyone on the scene turned their eyes to Minato, especially the Great Elder and others. Indeed, no matter what, Kakashi is a disciple of the Hokage, so even if he offends someone, he still has to be considerate. From this point of view, it seems that it is not easy to force Kakashi to submit.

At this time, Uchiha En thought to himself,"What a great Minato Namikaze, this move is clearly to support Kakashi!"

Kakashi instantly realized that it was Minato teacher who was supporting him from behind, and a feeling of emotion and determination surged in his heart:"Minato teacher, I must keep this Sharingan, it is the last precious gift that Obito left me!" No matter what difficulties he encountered, he would never want to lose this precious relic.

Namikaze Minato turned his gaze to Fugaku and the Great Elder, bowed slightly and said earnestly:"Fugaku, Great Elder, this is my personal request, please give him this Sharingan."

Seeing this, Fugaku hurriedly stood up and dissuaded:"Minato, no need to be so polite." However, at this time, the second elder Uchiha Huomen cast his eyes on Uchiha Setsuna and said:"Great Elder, the current situation may not be as urgent as Yan said, and we are the most powerful Uchiha clan. Who dares to come and take our eyes easily?"

Uchiha Setsuna just glanced at the second elder lightly, knowing that the second elder was friendly to Konoha, but ignored his words.

For Uchiha Setsuna, protecting the interests of the family is always the top priority, and any potential threats cannot be taken lightly.

The so-called strongest clan is nothing more than the past glory when Uchiha Madara was still alive.

Since his departure, the Mangekyō has not appeared in the world.

After the Third Ninja World War, many Uchiha members died, and now the Uchiha is the weakest in history.


Setsuna does not trust the Konoha high-ranking officials. He knows that once those high-ranking officials seize the opportunity, they will tear a piece of flesh from the Uchiha.

Looking at the Uchiha who are not united, Setsuna feels deeply exhausted by internal and external troubles.

Suddenly, his eyes turned to Uchiha En in the corner.

"Yan, what do you think about this matter?"Elder Setsuna asked.

Seeing the look from Elder Setsuna, Uchiha Yan said,"I think it should be taken back. The better Kakashi is, the more people will covet our clan. One Sharingan created Sharingan Kakashi. Whether it is the black market or the four major countries, there will be people who are greedy."

Namikaze Minato hurriedly said,"If the four major countries are eyeing the Uchiha clan because of Kakashi's Sharingan, I will go to the battlefield." His words were sonorous and powerful, as if declaring his oath to the whole world. His eyes were sharp and firm, revealing a fearless courage.

The people around him were infected by his determination, and Namikaze Minato's figure became taller in people's eyes.

At that moment, Namikaze Minato showed his responsibility as a leader and ninja. He was willing to pay any price to protect his village and friends.

Uchiha Yan's eyes revealed a hint of success. After a while, he said,"What if it's someone in the village?"There was a hint of worry in his voice. You know, there is a Sharingan enthusiast and collector in the village, Shimura Danzo.

Uchiha Yan stared at Namikaze Minato and asked,"What if someone in the village peeks at our family's Sharingan, Lord Minato, what are you going to do?"

Minato remained silent, his eyes quietly fell on Yan. It was a scrutinizing look, as if he wanted to see his inner thoughts through Yan's appearance. Yan felt Minato's gaze and looked back at Namikaze Minato with a firm look.

In this brief silence, time seemed to freeze. The great elder Uchiha Setsuna looked at Uchiha Yan with a hint of curiosity, and he seemed to be waiting for Yan's next move.

Yan's expression was calm and he did not retreat at all, but met Minato's gaze.

There was a tense atmosphere in the air, no one spoke, only eye contact. Minato's eyes gradually became deep, he was thinking.

Namikaze Minato replied seriously:"I understand your concerns, Uchiha Yan. However, I hope you can trust the fellows in the village. We are all fighting to protect Konoha. If such a thing really happens, we will definitely find out the truth and never tolerate it. If there is any suspicious situation, I will take action immediately."

Uchiha Yan nodded slightly,"I hope Lord Minato will remember what I said today."

Namikaze Minato smiled and agreed:"Don't worry, Uchiha Yan. I will do my best to ensure the safety of the village. My goal is to make Konoha Village prosperous and peaceful."

In the spacious conference hall, the elder looked serious.

Staring at Uchiha Yan, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes.

Uchiha Setsuna continued:"I believe that Lord Hokage will protect us."

At this time, other members of the Uchiha clan also expressed their agreement, and the atmosphere on the scene gradually became warm. They believed that under the leadership of the Hokage, they could overcome any difficulties and defend their homes.

After the discussion, Yan said to Namikaze Minato:"Lord Minato, if you see a rat on the street, it means that there may be more underground. This rat may be just the tip of the iceberg, and its appearance implies potential problems or dangers. Maybe there are more hidden dangers in places we can't see."

It seems to be hinting at something. Namikaze Minato frowned slightly and fell into deep thought. He understood that there was a deep meaning in Uchiha Yan's words, which might be a signal.

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