"I'm going to cast the Ghost Seal"

"You'll die."

"Ah, I have had this realization since the day I became Hokage. No, it should be the day I became a ninja."

"What should the four great nations do? You know, our Third Hokage no longer has this awareness." After saying that, he looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen who was still silent.

Uchiha Yan now wanted to undermine Sarutobi Hiruzen's prestige.

The best thing would be to let him cast the Shiki Seal.

"Don't worry, Master Jiraiya, Lady Tsunade, and Lord Orochimaru may be unreliable at times, but they are reliable people who can be trusted with everything."

"And you, Yan."Since the first time they met, Namikaze Minato felt Yan was very special.

Uchiha Yan looked at Minato who was about to sacrifice. He was indeed the man called the golden flash. His personal charm and leadership qualities made him the most perfect ninja by the fourth Raikage.’

"Yan, I plan to split the Nine-Tailed Fox into two parts, one sealed in my body, and the other half sealed in my child's body."

"Really? In that case, I will lend this thing to you first, but you must return it to me afterwards!" Uchiha Yan didn't want Namikaze Minato to die, and while speaking, he reached into his arms, and then took out a mysterious object emitting light from his chest, and stuffed it into Namikaze Minato's body without hesitation.

After doing all this, Uchiha Yan continued:"Don't worry, I will help you suppress the actions of the Nine-Tails."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly changed. The originally dark pupils turned into the frightening Mangekyō Sharingan in an instant!

At this moment, a black shadow quietly emerged.

It was Venom.

It walked behind Uchiha Yan and stretched out its arms to hug Uchiha Yan tightly.

The next moment, Venom's body merged into Uchiha Yan's body like flowing water, as if the two were originally one and the same.

Uchiha Yan's chakra surged throughout his body, and a huge skeleton appeared.

Then muscles grew out of the skeleton, and armor appeared on the muscles.

A black giant appeared, the third stage of Susanoo.

Uchiha Yan's body and chakra surged, and a huge skeleton appeared.

Then muscles grew out of the skeleton, and armor appeared on the muscles.

A black giant appeared, Susanoo's third stage.

Uchiha Yan's body and chakra surged, and a huge skeleton appeared. Because of his age, he couldn't bear the Mangekyō. If he didn't use Venom, he couldn't use Susanoo at all.

Driving Susanoo, Yan rushed towards the Nine-Tails, and in an instant the giant and the Nine-Tails fought together.

Seeing this, the people around him retreated, as they could easily be injured by mistake. It was not a fight of the same level at all.

Looking at Yan in the giant, the Uchiha people were not calm, and came to Uchiha Fugaku and asked,"Chief, what is this?" The surrounding ninjas also came over and pricked up their ears to listen.

Uchiha Fugaku was quite calm, and seemed to think that it was nothing strange that Yan had a Mangekyō. The appearance of those weird shadow ninjas and the monster called Venom showed that Yan was not an ordinary person.

‘The eye on the three magatama, the Mangekyō Sharingan, is the divine power of the Mangekyō, Susanoo. 'Uchiha Fugaku answered everyone.

Some knowledgeable ninja clan leaders know the Mangekyō, after all, it is a legendary eye, and the last owner of the Mangekyō was Uchiha Madara.

Some clan leaders have begun to think about how to repair their relationship with the Uchiha clan.

Sarutobi Hiruzen and the two advisors stared at the huge Susanoo with a solemn expression, and they sighed in their hearts:"The Mangekyō has finally appeared in the world!" This means that the terrible power of the Uchiha clan has awakened, and it also indicates that the future situation will become more complicated and unpredictable.

At this time, the Shadow Army stepped forward and took on the responsibility of fighting against the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox. These brave and fearless shadow ninjas transformed their hands into extremely strong chains, rushed into the battle formation without hesitation, and rushed straight towards the Nine-Tailed Fox. Although the

Nine-Tailed Fox is huge and powerful, the shadow ninjas did not retreat a single step. They grasped the chains tightly and leaped onto the Nine-Tails without hesitation, trying to restrain the ferocious beast with their tiny strength. However, due to their limited number of people, the Shadow Ninjas could not completely curb the Nine-Tails' actions.

" All ninjas, listen up! Tighten the chains, and never let the Nine-Tails break free!"With the sound of the command, more ninjas rushed into the battlefield. They worked together to hold the chains tightly and started a thrilling wrestling match with the Nine-Tails.

After some hard work, the Nine-Tails was finally temporarily suppressed. But everyone knew that this situation could not last long.

"Fourth Hokage! We can't hold on any longer!"Just as the situation became more urgent, a figure suddenly appeared like lightning. His eyes flashed with determination and resoluteness - this person was Minato Namikaze who was determined to perform the Demon Sealing Technique!

Faced with such a predicament, Minato knew that time was running out and the responsibility was heavy. He stood at the forefront fearlessly, ready to exchange his life for the peace of the village.……


Namikaze Minato's body slowly fell down, with a satisfied smile on his face.

This was a tragic battle, Namikaze Minato used his life to protect Konoha. His courage and sacrifice will be remembered forever.

Beside Uchiha Yan, Namikaze Minato lay quietly, losing the breath of life. Uzumaki Kushina lay weakly beside Minato, hugging Minato and crying. The baby in Minato's arms seemed to know something and cried loudly. Sarutobi Hiruzen stood up at this time,"Kukina, you and Minato, don't worry, leave Naruto to me, I will take good care of him."

After hearing this, Uchiha Yan looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen with disdain. You call that care? All the villagers are hostile, often hungry, and monitored every day. I turned into a sunny grandfather to send warmth.

Let myself become the only bright existence in Naruto's heart.

Kushina's face was as pale as paper, her eyes were full of disappointment and pain, and then she cast her eyes on Uchiha Yan. She could no longer trust Sarutobi Hiruzen, and her heart was full of confusion and anger-why must Minato be sacrificed?

Sarutobi Hiruzen remained silent, and what he and his two advisors did made Uzumaki Kushina question the title of Hokage as never before, and her once firm belief collapsed in an instant.

"inflammation……"Kushina called out to Uchiha En in a weak voice, with a glimmer of hope in her eyes,"Can I ask you for a favor?"

Hearing this, Sarutobi Hiruzen and the two advisors felt nervous, and they realized that the situation was not good. Uchiha En now has the Mangekyō Sharingan. If he gets the power of the Nine-tailed Demon Fox, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Kusanagi, you can't do this......."Sarutobi Hiruzen hurriedly tried to dissuade him, but was interrupted before he could finish his words.

"Let the Fourth Hokage decide for himself." Uchiha Yan said calmly. At this moment, a miracle happened - Namikaze Minato's body suddenly glowed with dazzling white light, and his eyes, which were originally tightly closed, slowly opened:"I am...?"

"Congratulations, Fourth-generation Master, you are resurrected!" Uchiha Yan congratulated with a smile.

Everyone present was stunned and looked at Uchiha Yan in disbelief.

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