The Regent's Tender Darling

Chapter 222 Do you know him?

"Prince Regent, you are wronged! I beg the Prince Regent to make the decision for the daughter of the people -!" After saying that, he started to kowtow, and the sound of his forehead hitting the ground was extremely loud.

Lin Jiaojiao had woken up at this time, and when she opened her eyes, she found herself in Yan Sihan's arms.

"Yan Sihan..." Lin Jiaojiao was still a little confused at this time. After rubbing her eyes, Yan Sihan carefully put her down.

Only then did she see a ragged little girl kneeling and kowtowing not far from them.

The sound was very loud!

Seeing this, Ye Feng had to reach out and lift the back of the little girl's neck, forcing the little girl to knock her down, and said coldly: "In front of the Regent, raise your head and speak!"

Lin Jiaojiao squinted her eyes and looked over. She didn't understand the situation for a while, but when the little girl raised her head, she recognized it at a glance!


Isn't this the lotus she met in a restaurant near Lin'an Labor Camp? How did the lotus get here?


Yan Sihan's voice rang in her ears. She turned around and nodded to Yan Sihan, who was a little confused, and said, "I met him in Lin'an."

However, Hehua was also stunned. She knew the nobleman next to the regent and was the nobleman who gave her money. She forgot to say anything for a while.

"Hehua, what are you doing here?" Lin Jiaojiao was the first to ask.

He Hua came to her senses and said quickly: "The regent makes decisions for the daughter of the people. My brother and the others were wrongly accused."

There was a cry in the voice, which made people feel distressed. Lin Jiaojiao noticed the words "brother and the others".

Yan Sihan asked: "Who is your brother?"

"My brother is part of the Wild Dog Gang who was captured by Dali Temple. We are not bad people. We did not set fire to kill people. I beg the regent to see clearly."

Someone from the Dingo Gang?

Yan Sihan frowned. This was too much of a coincidence. As soon as they caught the Wild Dog Gang, Dali Temple was already doing something. Tomorrow was already the day of beheading, but they were rushing to feed charcoal so that these people could not speak. .

What's more coincidental is that just after the person was transferred to the Ministry of War, people from the Wild Dog Gang came to complain.

Now that it was time to go to court, Lin Jiaojiao thought for a while and said, "My lord, you go to court first and leave this girl to me."

Faced with her proposal, Yan Sihan didn't say much and said, "Yes."

After Yan Sihan left, she brought Hehua back to Shuanghuaju.

Although it is still early and it is not yet time for breakfast, Shuanghuaju has already been set up.

After a meal, fish belly white appeared on the horizon, and Lin Jiaojiao took Hehua to the study for questioning.

"If you have any grievances, feel free to tell them. Don't lie, tell the truth."

Lotus stood in front of her. He was much thinner than the last time she saw him, but his beautiful eyes were still so eye-catching.

"My lord, it was not my brother and the others who committed the murders and arson in the government office. My brother and the daughter said they were also released by others."

"Then tell me, how did your brother and the others get into the Lin'an government office?"

Hehua sniffed and quickly replied: "The civilian girl was working near the labor camp and was molested by a worker. The civilian girl's brother was so angry that he complained about the civilian girl. The brother led a fight with the people from the labor camp."

"Later, the government arrested my brother and the others for gathering a crowd to cause trouble. The county magistrate said that they needed five hundred taels of silver to redeem them, otherwise they would be treated as rogues and handed over to the Ministry of War in the middle of this month."

Lin Jiaojiao felt a little strange when she heard this. Isn't the Wild Dog Gang rogue bandits?

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