Chen Shichao was very pleased with his wife and children's surprise. At this moment, he was less drunk and seemed to be sober.

The car continued to start slowly, and Chen Shichao continued to talk to the two.

"I have been in college for three years and studied hotel management for three years. I have completely understood what knowledge is power.

It is indeed different after entering college. Not only have I learned a lot of knowledge, but more importantly, I have gained more knowledge. Do you know the general development direction of China's catering industry in the future?"

After Chen Shichao asked the two people, he continued to talk about the current rapid development of China's catering industry in the direction of branding, diversification, Internetization, health, and experiential consumption.

His words were well-organized, and professional terms came out one by one. Large paragraphs were all about the understanding and planning of the future development direction.

It is said that serious and motivated men are the most attractive, and Chen Shichao at this time is of course no exception. The charm brought by wisdom made him look very handsome, and even attracted Liu Yue, who was listening on the side, to cast admiring eyes frequently.

Finally, when Chen Shichao made the final decision to save money, accumulate capital, upgrade industries, and expand a larger market as the future development direction, Liu Yue responded with a smile.

"Shichao, no matter what you do, I support you."

Hearing this, Chen Shichao was very moved and looked at Liu Yue with affection.



Since they had not yet reached home and there was a light bulb in the car, Chen Shichao and Liu Yue could not continue to be together.

Watching the occasional collision of eyes between his parents, Chen Bing silently turned his head to the car window.

Although Shangping County is just an inconspicuous county in the North China Plain, its population is more than 700,000. At this time at night, the commercial street is brightly lit and pedestrians come and go.

Because it is the golden seven days of National Day, Shangping County, which features tourism, has a few more tourists.

The number of tourists in the past two years is actually quite small. I have the impression that the tourism industry in this small county will usher in a blowout development after the epidemic.

At that time, every holiday, the hotels located in various parts of the county will be full one after another.


"In the future, don't just do catering, add accommodation, leisure and entertainment, reception and concierge, etc., and develop it into a specialized hotel."

Hearing Chen Bing's words, Chen Shichao laughed.

"That costs a lot of money, and your dad can't do it in the short term. But wait for another ten or twenty years... maybe!"

That's it.

Chen Bing was thinking silently in his heart, although the family is now quite rich, it seems that he doesn't need to intervene anymore. However, his father has a heroic spirit, how can he not support his son?

After returning home that night, while Liu Yue was taking a shower, Chen Bing called Chen Shichao to his room and showed him the billion-dollar fortune he had sold a year ago when the value of Bitcoin peaked...


Shang Zhengxin's career was going smoothly, and Chen Shichao also began to show his ambitions in the business world. This is very good, very good. Seeing that he was about to live a luxurious and beautiful life of the rich second generation.

Chen Bing, who is now nine years old and just in the fourth grade of elementary school, sighed like this, and the wealthy life that is just around the corner will make me breathless.

"Chen Bing, you sighed again."

"Why say again?" Chen Bing put down the arm that was supporting his chin and turned to look at Shang Yunmiao who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Why don't you say it again, Chen Bing, don't you always sigh? If you keep sighing, happiness..."

"Happiness will slip away, right? I remember the first time I heard you say this, it was when I was in kindergarten." Chen Bing took over Shang Yunmiao's words and asked, "Do you think I look unhappy?"

Brother Fu, I'm smiling, okay, my sigh is just to spit out the extra happiness, generously share it with others, okay?

"If you don't sigh, I think you will definitely be happier than you are now."

After Chen Bing interrupted her words, Shang Yunmiao was quite unhappy, and expressed her dissatisfaction by shaking her little head straight, with her high ponytail flying, drawing a beautiful arc in the air.

But after thinking about it, it would not be good to throw her temper directly. Although she is very familiar with Chen Bing, it would be bad if she made him unhappy, so she turned her head and answered him.

Chen Bing didn't know Shang Yunmiao's little thoughts, but she thought her hair was pretty when she shook it.

"Can you shake your head again for me to see?"

Shang Yunmiao: (′д` )…彡…彡

Chen Bing, who was hit in the face by the ponytail, smiled awkwardly, thinking that the nine-year-old Shang Yunmiao was no longer as easy to fool as before, and no longer as obedient to her.

Her appearance accompanied her psychological growth. When she measured her height at home a few days ago, she was already 1.27 meters tall.

Although there was still an 11-centimeter gap between her and Chen Bing's 1.38 meters, considering that girls enter puberty and develop earlier than boys, Chen Bing was a little worried about whether she could be taller than Shang Yunmiao in the next two or three years.

It would be too embarrassing if her height was surpassed by her younger brother.

In addition to her height, the girl's appearance has also changed a little.

First, she cut off a large section of her black hair that was originally as long as her thighs. Now it only reaches a little below her shoulders. She usually uses a hair band to tie it into a beautiful high ponytail. Although it is also very beautiful, Chen Bing still feels a little sorry after losing the big bun and double ponytails.

After putting his arms on the table, Chen Bing lazily leaned over it to admire Shang Yunmiao's profile.

First of all, her eyes are still as big as when she was a child, and her eyebrows are as beautiful as willow leaves. The chubby cheeks when she was a child have some curves, and are no longer as round as before, and the cuteness has become much more beautiful.

Although she is not as fat as before, the whiteness of her skin has not changed much, and she still blushes easily as before.

If these are still normal, the appearance of a cute fourth-grade girl, then the temperament brought by her wealth, love and gentleness is not something that can be achieved by appearance alone.

Beautiful clothes, clean dress, wisdom and clarity brought by a highly educated family make this little girl look like a lotus emerging from the water in the class, so conspicuous.

If it is described from the side, it is probably the kind of feeling that makes people feel that she is a little princess as soon as they see her, right?

"Chen Bing... don't look at me all the time..."

"Ah~" After being hurt by the words of his daughter, the old father turned his head sadly, looked at the birds flying freely outside the window and fell into silence.

When a child grows up, he is like a bird flying away, leaving only loneliness and sadness for the parents.

Inexplicably, he felt like an old father whose daughter had grown up.

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