The people sitting around Chen Bing turned around to talk to him, their little mouths chattering, their inner admiration constantly flowing out of their mouths.

Chen Bing has experienced too much admiration from children since he was a child. So he was very calm for a while, just talking to them intermittently, but thinking about the identity of the little old man just now.

Although Chen Bing was calm, Shang Yunmiao beside him clenched his hands tightly, showing a very happy look.

On the one hand, she was happy for Chen Bing, because the bad teacher who wanted to call Chen Bing's parents had been driven away by the good grandfather. On the other hand, Chen Bing was surrounded by people praising her, and she inexplicably felt a sense of pride in her heart.

The noisy time did not last too long. As the classroom door was gently pushed open, everyone stopped talking at the same time.

The person who pushed open the classroom door was not the red glasses and Principal Lin who had returned, but their music teacher Du Meiling.

Not knowing what happened, she pushed open the classroom door and looked at the podium. When she found that there was no teacher behind her, she waved to Chen Bing.

"Chen Bing, come here, the rehearsal has begun."

"Okay, here comes the teacher." Chen Bing took his piano case and was about to stand up.

Before he raised his butt, he suddenly remembered that he would not be able to leave on time after school, so the little follower would have to be alone.

"Do you want to go with me?" Chen Bing stretched out his hand and asked Shang Yunmiao.

The little girl looked very eager, but she hesitated because she didn't know if she could go with him.

Chen Bing, who saw what she was thinking, directly took her hand and pulled her to skip class together.

"Let's go, it's okay, let the teacher call Aunt Xuan later and tell her."


Shang Yunmiao mustered up the courage and followed Chen Bing out of the classroom obediently.

"Teacher, can I bring a friend?" In order to make Xiao Shang feel at ease, Chen Bing asked Du Meiling directly in front of her after going out.

After hearing what Chen Bing said, the other party nodded and said it was no problem.

"Okay, bring your girlfriend along."

Little girl... Really, what are you talking about... What girlfriend, don't make a fuss, don't be like this, teacher.

Seeing Chen Bing's face full of discomfort due to this sentence, Du Meiling covered her mouth and smiled happily. Then, she held a little friend in each hand and led them to the small auditorium together.

On the way, Shang Yunmiao recalled the "little girlfriend" that the teacher had just said and fell into deep thought. What does "little girlfriend" mean? Does it mean friend? Then I should be Chen Bing's "little girlfriend", right? But why does he look so embarrassed?

With a head full of doubts, Shang Yunmiao came to a small room in the small auditorium with the two of them. This is the place to prepare the program, and it is also a temporary resting place for the performers before performing the program.

When Chen Bing and the other two arrived, there were already some senior students scattered here and there. It was not difficult to tell from their simple clothes and the things in their hands that they were all going to perform on stage.

Although it was a primary school New Year's Eve party and it was not very solemn, but...

After all, there were nearly 2,000 students in a school, so they were more or less capable. It was not a problem to find some students who could perform, but Chen Bing's level was definitely a minority.

After sitting and chatting with Shang Yunmiao for a while, as the school bell rang, more and more teachers, senior students, and parents of students entered the small auditorium.

Because they only rehearsed the order of entry and exit before the official start, the students who did not stand on the stage to try out looked a little nervous. Most people were silent, and there were only a few who chatted with others as unscrupulously as Chen Bing.

As the sky gradually dimmed, with the opening remarks of a few young hosts coming from the stage of the small auditorium, the New Year's Eve party officially began.

Because the evening party was not only about the performances of his classmates, and Chen Bing's order of appearance was not at the front, he chatted with Shang Yunmiao for a full hour before it was finally his turn.

At Du Meiling's reminder, Chen Bing opened the violin case, took out the violin, and stood at the entrance waiting. As for Xiao Shang, he followed behind Du Meiling and looked at Chen Bing quietly.

"Wait for me, I'll be back soon." After saying this to Shang Yunmiao, Chen Bing turned around and slowly walked onto the stage under the introduction of the little host.

Facing the hundreds of audiences in the small auditorium who were staring at him, Chen Bing was a little nervous. But this scene was nothing, and it was not as solemn as when he went to the violin exam.

After adjusting his breathing, Chen Bing relaxed his mind and slowly played his own piece.

As soon as the tune of "The Most Dazzling National Style" came out, it immediately attracted the attention of the audience. They were not musicians and could not appreciate how high the performance level was.

However, in a program with a low level of unfamiliarity, this violin version of "The Most Dazzling National Style" was definitely considered to be a superb skill. Coupled with the popularity of the song itself, the atmosphere in the venue was quickly mobilized, and there was a sense of excitement and joy.

"This kid plays well, I like to listen to him."

"Does anyone know him? Why haven't I seen him in school?"

"Oh, this kid's name is Chen Bing, I remember he's in Teacher Wang Xiayu's class."

"He's in Teacher Wang's class, he's only in the first grade, how can he be so good?"

"Huh? Isn't this the kid I just praised in the classroom?" Principal Lin, who was sitting in the C position in the audience, naturally spotted Chen Bing. After a slight pause, he immediately praised the kid's deeds to the teacher next to him, which attracted the admiration of the people around him.

Although no specific evaluation could be heard, the overall effect of the performance, no matter who took a look, must have known it.

A child, playing the violin on the last day of his sixth year, played the lively atmosphere of the entire party. His image and his performance must have been remembered by the people present for a long time, right?

Shang Yunmiao would certainly remember that she stood beside a beautiful teacher, looking towards the center of the stage through a dark corridor. The neighbor brother waved his bow and stood straight to play the violin. The lights gathered on him, reflecting his beautiful posture, like pine trees in the snow.

At the end of the song, Chen Bing bowed and thanked her, and returned to the preparation room to the applause in the small auditorium.

"You played very well!"

"Thank you."

After thanking teacher Du Meiling for her compliments, Chen Bing asked her if parents could pick her up now.

After getting a positive answer, Chen Bing faced the teacher's surprised eyes, took out a smart phone from his schoolbag, and called Liu Yue to ask her to pick him and Xiao Shang up.

Unlike later, the penetration rate of smart phones in 2011 and 2012 was still very low. Not to mention children, even many adults probably didn't have one.

Therefore, there was no rule in elementary school that smartphones were not allowed.

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