“Cosmic Secret Treasure? Sure enough, it is the inheritance given by the city lord, I am afraid that only the city lord can take such a magic weapon, and once it is taken out, it is thirty-three pieces, which is too exaggerated. ”

The gods were stunned.

They all felt the wealth of the Chaos City Lord, ordinary gods could not even find a Chaos Supreme Treasure, and as for the Universe Secret Treasure, it was even unheard of.

But what about the Chaos City Lord, if you don’t make a move, it is thirty-three universe secret treasures, such a stroke is simply too big to be scary, unbelievable.

If they hadn’t seen it with their own eyes, they probably wouldn’t have believed it.

“But since Lord City Lord said that this is the thirty-three days of inheritance world, can it be said that every cosmic secret treasure is a inheritance world? If so, then how should we get in? ”

A god emperor was puzzled.

It sensed that the aura of these thirty-three cosmic secret treasures was very terrifying, suspended in the chaotic void, and it did not dare to act rashly, lest it touch the qi of the universe secret treasure and kill it.

When you reach such a state, you will no longer act rashly, do everything with extreme caution, and think twice before acting.

“Mustard Nasu.”

Another God Emperor narrowed his eyes: “I’m afraid that the inner space of every cosmic secret treasure must be an incomparably vast and boundless world, and if we want to obtain inheritance, we must enter the inner world of these cosmic secret treasures.” ”

It speaks its own guesses.

“Just now, Lord City Lord said that those who have a fortune will enter, that is, those who have no fortune cannot enter and cannot be forced.” A god narrowed his eyes, “That is, each cosmic secret treasure actually represents an ultimate cultivation path, and choosing a cosmic secret treasure is to choose a cultivation path that suits you.” ”

“So that’s the case, I practice the way of swordsmanship, I’m afraid I should choose this Heaven-Destroying Sword.”

A god said in a deep voice.

It subconsciously stepped forward, because it sensed that the Universe Secret Treasure Heaven Destroying Sword seemed to have a great attraction to it.


In an instant, it had just approached, and the Heaven-Destroying Sword seemed to bloom with a huge light, instantly swallowing its entire body, causing the other party to disappear in this place at once.

“Haha, my guess just now is really correct, to choose the cultivation method that suits you, as long as it resonates with these universe secret treasures, you will get the corresponding ultimate inheritance.”

“But there are only thirty-three cultivation paths, if there is no suitable one, then what should I do?”

“What should I do, that is, there is no chance, I can only give up, didn’t I hear what the city lord said that those who have a fortune enter?” That is to say, those who do not have the opportunity will not be able to obtain this ultimate inheritance. ”

“Gaga, I’m good at the axe path, there happens to be a cosmic secret treasure Battle Heavenly Axe here, it seems that there is the ultimate cultivation path of the axe method, it seems that I have the opportunity to enter it.”

“I practice the way of spear art, and I can feel that I have an inexplicable resonance with the heavenly spear.”

“The Dan Dao that I’m good at, it seems that the Heaven-Replenishing Furnace is related to me.”

Many gods talked about it, and they were all excited, because their cultivation path and these thirty-three supreme treasures had a great resonance, and they were all related to them.


As soon as the words fell, the thirty-three days of supreme treasures began to vibrate, blooming with endless light, instantly devouring these gods and allowing them to enter their inner world.


The world where the Heaven-Destroying Sword is located.


In an instant, a god who practiced kendo entered this world, and immediately they felt that this world was boundless and vast, simply boundless, and boundless.

“Is this the world of swords?”

A god was impressed.

As soon as he entered this world, he instantly found himself as if he had entered a graveyard of swords, and billions of trillions of Excaliburs appeared on the barren land.

Each Excalibur was inserted into the earth, emitting a sharp edge that pierced the heavens and the earth, as if each Excalibur represented the lifetime achievement of a Kendo Grandmaster.

In addition to Excalibur, this world is also home to a wide variety of plants, weeds, trees, flowers, and more.

But every bunch, every weed, every big tree seems to be a divine sword, containing incomparable power, terrifying boundlessly.

Even if you pluck a weed, you can pierce the sky and burst out with earth-shattering sword qi.

He sensed that this world seemed to be condensed by countless Kendo Grandmasters for a lifetime, and if he had the slightest hostility towards this place, he would be stabbed to death by the omnipresent sword qi in an instant, and his whole body would be beaten into a sieve.

“So that’s the case, after entering this sword world, do you come to find a suitable inheritance?”

A god closes his eyes and feels all kinds of sword paths, but not every kind of kendo is suitable for him, and not every path is suitable for his own cultivation method.

Therefore, it must find a path that suits it in the vast path of cultivation.

“Found it.”

In an instant, it sensed that in the wilderness, one of the divine swords was gently trembling, seemingly flowing with inexplicable Taoism, and inexplicable resonance with its body.


Its figure flashed, and it instantly came to this divine sword, and reached out to hold this divine sword.


Suddenly, this deity’s body shook, and its soul seemed to be pulled by this divine sword into a void sword world, filled with endless sword qi.

And above these sword qi, a text suddenly appeared, that is, sword!

At the moment when this sword word appeared, it suddenly knelt on the ground, tears flowed, it seemed to feel the origin of the sword avenue, the ultimate of the sword avenue, felt the vastness of the sword avenue, and its own insignificance.

What I realized before was just a skin, like a drop in the ocean, not worth mentioning.

“Is this the ultimate cultivation path? Chao asked, and it was okay to die. ”

At this moment, this god felt that the depths of his sea of consciousness were pouring into endless Dao messages, and his comprehension of the Dao Law was simply improving at a geometric speed.

It stagnated for an unknown amount of cultivation, and it was actually improving at this moment at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, it sensed that it was receiving a supreme kendo inheritance, and a kendo seed seemed to condense in the depths of the sea of consciousness, containing incomparable sword intent and sword qi, straight into the sky.

In fact, it is not only that it accepts such a kendo inheritance, everyone who enters this sword world has found their own cultivation path.

One by one, they held the long swords in their hands and began to accept the supreme inheritance, and the projection of the origin text sword seemed to appear in the depths of the sea of consciousness.

At this moment, they seemed to see the origin of the sword.

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