The second person who received the red envelope was the sword idiot tomato, and he clicked on the red envelope above.


Suddenly, from the screen of the cross-universe chat group, an item instantly shuttled across time and space.

This item was probably only the size of a palm, and its whole body was pitch black, but it was filled with chaotic aura, as if it had existed since the beginning of chaos.

“Kendo Chaos Monument!”

In an instant, the sword idiot tomato instantly sensed what the item in front of him was, it was a stone stele, but it was not an ordinary stone stele, it was a chaos stone stele.

Its material is taken from the Chaotic Void, containing immortal power, and any existence, any power, is difficult to damage this Chaos Stone Stele.

Of course, just the Chaos Stone Stele is nothing, for him, the most important thing is that this stone tablet has a dense Chaos Demon God text recorded on it.

Obviously, this is a supreme inheritance of kendo, and the words of the Chaos Demon God appear on it, and each Demon God text contains a supreme sword technique.

Even if you just comprehend one of the words, you can become a kendo grandmaster.

If he can completely comprehend this Kendo Chaos Stone Stele, then there is no doubt that he can reach the end of the ultimate of Kendo and become the supreme being in charge of Kendo.

“This is the Kendo Chaos Monument, which records all my understanding and mysteries about Kendo, if you can thoroughly comprehend this Chaos Stone Stele, then the benefits obtained are naturally immeasurable.”

At this moment, Furukawa’s voice came out.

“Thanks guy.”

Sword Crazy Tomato was extremely excited, for him who was obsessed with kendo, there was nothing better than this gift, from this kendo chaos monument, he seemed to be able to spy on the ultimate mystery of kendo.

Just by looking at it, all kinds of doubts about kendo before were actually solved in an instant, and even his comprehension of kendo rose several levels.


In an instant, this Sword Dao Chaos Stone Tablet instantly disappeared into the depths of the sea of consciousness of the Sword Idiot Tomato.


Then the beast baby who loves to fight the most, he also opened the red envelope and immediately accepted the gift from Furukawa.


In an instant, he immediately saw a green seed descending from the cross-universe chat group, which exuded a rich and extreme life energy, containing an incredible origin.

It seems that this green seed is a universe.

“This is the seed of life.”

Furukawa’s voice came out: “It contains endless life energy, it can absorb the energy of the Chaotic Void to strengthen itself, the stronger your cultivation, then the stronger its power will be.”

I can sense that your fate is bad, and you will definitely experience countless life and death battles in the future, and it is estimated that you will not lack exercises and treasure medicines, only you are very short of life-saving things.

So give you a seed of life, and as long as this seed of life is in your body, no matter how much you are injured, it will recover overnight.

Even if you are killed, as long as there is a wisp of residue left, you can be resurrected from the chaotic void, and the number of resurrections is seven seven forty-nine times, which is equivalent to forty-nine more lives. ”

What the?!

Hearing this, the beast baby who loved to fight the most widened his eyes and was extremely excited, he didn’t expect that this big brother would actually give such a precious treasure to himself.

Indeed, he was burdened with a deep blood feud, and the future would be extremely hard, and the enemies he faced were even more powerful to an incredible extent, and he was not confident that he would be able to survive.

But with this treasure, I’m afraid that even if it is a battle of nine deaths, he dares to give it a try.

“Thank you big brother.”

The beast baby who loves to fight the most was very excited, and with a bang, suddenly this seed of life instantly disappeared into the depths of his sea of consciousness, deeply rooted in his body.

And the seed of life also instilled a huge amount of life energy, pouring into his limbs and bones.

He also sensed that his life level and strength were improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Obviously, this life seed can not only be used to save life, but also has a powerful effect of assisting cultivation, which is equivalent to taking holy medicine all the time.


The boy who is proficient in alien fire also receives a gift from Furukawa.


After he clicked on the red envelope, a treasure immediately flew out from the screen of the cross-universe chat group, which was a black chaos stone stele, surrounded by an incredible chaotic airflow, unfathomable.

It seemed that this Chaos Stone Tablet was an immortal existence.

At this moment, Furukawa’s voice came out: “This is the Flame Chaos Monument, which records all the information about the laws of the Avenue of Fire, as long as you master all the mysteries of the Flame Chaos Monument, then you can easily devour and control all the alien fires between heaven and earth, and reach the end of the Avenue of Fire.” ”

“Oh my God!”

The young man who was proficient in alien fire widened his eyes, he was simply extremely excited, and he saw the dense words of the Chaos Demon God appear on this black stone tablet.

Every Chaos Demon God’s words seemed to be red, like flames, and each text seemed to represent a strange fire between heaven and earth.

If he could understand the words of one of the Chaos Demon Gods, it would be equivalent to completely controlling a kind of heaven and earth fire.

If he can fully understand it, then the world’s alien fires will be controlled by him, and he will be the true lord of alien fires.

“Thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, don’t bully the young and poor, wait for me, sooner or later I will kill the Lingyun Sect and avenge that blood sea deep vendetta.” The teenager who was proficient in alien fire couldn’t help but clench his fists.

After he sensed that he had obtained this Fire System Chaos Monument, he was more relaxed about controlling the alien fire between heaven and earth, and all kinds of doubts about his previous practice were swept away.

If he continued to practice, maybe he could step into the legendary Doudi realm.


In addition to them, Tang Sanshao, who is proficient in martial souls, the strongest god killer, not Tony the hairdresser, the monster sage Yakumo Zi and other group friends, all received gifts from Furukawa.

“It’s really a big guy, it’s really too big.”

“It’s unheard of to give such a gift.”

“It’s just a meeting gift, and it’s really strange that it’s so expensive.”

“It can only be said that the big guy is the big guy, and giving a meeting gift casually is an adventure that ordinary people can’t encounter in a lifetime.”

“This kind of meeting gift is too valuable, even if the treasures in my whole body add up, they can’t compare to this meeting gift, is this the big guy’s chest?”

Many group friends were amazed, they found that the gift given by Furukawa was not only as simple as precious, but also very in line with their strength, and the help and improvement for them was simply too big to describe in words.

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