"Flying Thunder God Technique!"

Facing the attack of the Empress, Xiaolan did not hesitate to use the powerful ninjutsu given by Luo Xiu, the Flying Thunder God Technique!

The pinnacle of evasive ninjutsu!

Xiaolan had already laid out the unique marks of the Flying Thunder God Technique around her, but the moment the sound fell... Xiaolan's figure disappeared instantly!


The Empress' attack fell directly into the air, and countless flying rocks exploded!

"Very fast speed……"

The empress frowned and looked behind her. At this moment, Du Xiaolan was standing on a huge rock, looking at the empress with a smile.

"Your physical skills and devil fruit abilities are actually very good... You are worthy of being the woman that even Brother Xu is a little afraid of. After all, your abilities can restrain him a little. But it's a pity that you met me... and I happen to be the one who can restrain you the most!"

"Playing tricks, come and die……"

The Empress didn't even wait for Xiaolan to say anything before she attacked again. Luffy's death had completely made her lose her mind!

But how could her speed be faster than the Flying Thunder God Technique? Xiaolan effortlessly shuttled between the various marked points... making the Empress' attacks miss one after another!

The opponent accidentally hit the navy camp directly, causing considerable damage!

"Empress Hancock...you are going too far!"

A rear admiral frowned and cursed, but the next moment the empress petrified him and scolded the navy.

"Get out of here... I told you to get out of here and don't bother me. Don't you understand me when I kill this woman? You marines deserve to die!"

The empress shouted, seemingly ignoring the ugly faces of the marines!

Xiao Lan smiled at this scene. In fact, she had been with Luo Xiu since the beginning, accompanying him everywhere... But this was the first time she had seen a pirate with the empress's personality!

It could be said that she was simply evil, because she killed people without feeling or taking advantage of them. She truly regarded people as worthless! She was even more evil than the people who captured her and her mother and sold them at that time, because at least they had their own reasons... Although the reasons were rather ridiculous and selfish

"In fact, what Brother Xu has always wanted to eliminate are not pirates, but... people like you. Only when there are fewer people like you, the world will be able to achieve true peace!"

"Stop talking such annoying nonsense... You may not be as kind as me after experiencing the suffering I have gone through!"

The empress retorted angrily.

"Maybe... It's a pity that I met him!"

Xiao Lan smiled and did not refute. This time, she did not block the attack of the Empress!

Instead, she faced it directly... In fact, there is never an absolute difference between the strength and weakness of the devil fruit ability. It only depends on how its owner develops it!

And the ability of the mind fruit just happens to be very suitable for Xiao Lan, because she needs an extremely strong mind... The kind of mind with extremely stable obsession, even if the body dies, it still exists. Only in this way can she withstand the backlash of the fruit ability!

Xiao Lan just meets this condition, because she...

Xiao Lan looked at a figure who was still fighting fiercely with Garp in the distance. She smiled slightly, and her whole temperament became more holy at this moment.

"I want to be his sword, to accompany him in his battles... and finally reach the ultimate goal. I think... this is my life's mission!"

Xiaolan chuckled, and her sapphire eyes suddenly flashed with a faint light, like a vortex... directly reflecting on the rushing empress!

The latter's eyes were confused for a moment... The whole person suddenly became stagnant, and her breath stagnated instantly!

Kizaru, who was closest to him, immediately noticed the strange phenomenon here, and his wretched face was actually a little solemn at this moment.

"What kind of power is this?"

The strange power that the girl just exploded actually made him feel a little daunted!

Hiss... This Akatsuki organization might really be a place where dragons and crouching tigers are hidden!


At this moment, the Empress seemed to be immobilized.

In fact, this is one of the abilities of Xiaolan's second awakening of the ability of the Mind Fruit!

Absolute control!

By soothing the other party's mental state, the effect of confusion can be achieved directly, which can last up to 5 seconds.

It is also a skill with extremely bugs!

However, the side effects are also great, that is, it will damage vitality and...

have resistance.

The more it is used on the same person, the worse the effect is, and this is normal.

After all, powerful abilities are often accompanied by terrible consumption.

This is normal...

and the previous generation of the ability users of the Mind Fruit have not developed to such a state!

She has even achieved a more extreme development!

That is absolute control...

It's just that a slap can only be used once, but the ability is to give the other party an obsession that must not be violated, which lasts until death...

Xiaolan's face is extremely pale at this moment...

But 5 seconds is enough for her to do a lot of things!

So she teleported directly to the Empress, pressed her right hand on the other party's heart...

and then exerted force!

Going straight through the heart!

The Empress' eyes were extremely stunned, but she was still helpless...

All her abilities were restrained, and it was not unfair for her to lose to the other party!

The unique teleportation of the Flying Thunder God Technique plus the absolute control of the Mind Fruit...

It's really easy for Xiaolan to kill someone!


The body of the Empress fell to the ground with a bang, and the Empress became the third Shichibukai to be killed in the field!

Countless people in the field looked at the only woman in the Akatsuki organization in horror.

At this moment, Xiaolan was shining like a queen!

"Brother Xiu... I didn't embarrass you!"

The girl said with a silly smile towards a certain direction.



Luo Xiu, who was fighting with Garp in the distance, naturally noticed Xiaolan's movements.

"Did Xiaolan use that skill?... Hey... This girl is still as disobedient as ever!"

Luo Xiu frowned and looked a little ugly. He knew the powerful ability of the opponent's Devil Fruit, but Luo Xiu always told the opponent not to use the awakening ability of the devil fruit as much as possible.

Unfortunately... the opponent didn't listen to him much.

But there was no way. The girl had always been so stubborn, otherwise she couldn't keep up with her own rhythm with her mediocre talent in the early stage, and finally relied on her strong willpower to overcome many difficulties.

But... one thing is one thing!

Luo Xiu was still very angry, so he was ready to release this anger on Garp!

If the old guy hadn't insisted on taking action, the empress could have killed herself!


Luo Xiu's Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan's weird symbol trembled again, and Susanoo stared for a few minutes in an instant!

Luo Xiu controlled Susanoo and swung the giant sword to hit Garp one by one!

Bang! Bang...


Even Garp was a bit behind the perfect Susanoo in terms of attack power, so there was no surprise that Garp was slammed to the ground by Luo Xiu one by one!

The whole person was beaten extremely badly!

It's just that Garp's physical fitness is too terrible. Even if he was hit by Luo Xiu a few times... he didn't see any real serious damage, but just weakened his blood!

But Garp continued to kill Luo Xiu as soon as he recovered!

Garp's eyes were red... At this moment, he had only one obsession, that is, to kill Luo Xiu to give Luffy and others an explanation, and then commit suicide to give an explanation to the navy!

But even so, it was enough to shock many navy. Although Garp's attack on Luo Xiu made them doubt their lives... but his strength was really recognized by the navy.

Iron Fist Garp, Navy Hero!

These two titles are not given randomly!

"As expected, it's Iron Fist Garp……"

Luo Xiu also narrowed his eyes and looked at the Susanoo that had already cracked a little. He once again recognized Garp's strength in his heart!

This man is really powerful!

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