It is very obvious that Garp is at a disadvantage in the battle between Garp and Luo Xiu... and this is in the field of power that Garp is best at!

Luo Xiu's strength has once again been deeply rooted in people's hearts. At this moment, no one will doubt that his strength is weaker than that of a certain person in the pirate world!

His strength alone can form a force in itself, not to mention that he has other members of the Akatsuki organization!

In the distance!

Akainu was also frightened by Luo Xiu's terrifying fighting power, and his tiger eyes were deeply wrinkled.

"Luo Xiu……"

He really couldn't imagine that Luo Xiu would be so strong. If Garp couldn't defeat him, then he would be about the same if he took over.

You know, it's only been a few years? Horrible... Too terrible!

Luo Xiu, a person who rose like a comet, is so different from others. Even Akainu can't see where his future lies?

But he still believes that the child who massacred the whole village, buried all the villagers overnight, and looked at him with stubborn eyes... will not become a bad child!

Garp attacked him, and from Akainu's perspective... In fact, he supports Luo Xiu instead of Garp who is also a navy!

Akainu even wants to say good about the execution of Ace and Luffy!

Aren't pirates supposed to be executed? Who cares about all his nonsense?……

"The navy led by Zhan Guo in recent years is becoming less and less to my liking. He is too soft and timid.……"

"In this chaotic era, only by using real killing methods can we make a way out.……"

"Since Sengoku can't do it, maybe... the next generation of navy should be led by me!"

Akainu murmured. He had thought about becoming a navy admiral before, but this incident only made this idea more serious.

And Akainu thought, maybe the navy led by him would have the possibility of cooperating with Luo Xiu, because the other party had the same attitude towards pirates as he did!

"Make a fuss...make a fuss, as long as we completely mess it up...shatter the fantasy of Sengoku and others, then they will know who is right."

Akainu muttered as he looked in that direction.

While he was talking, the battle between Whitebeard and Blackbeard in the distance also took a turn!

Whitebeard, who had been suppressing Blackbeard, was still too seriously injured. The aftermath of Luo Xiu's attack just now affected him and made his internal energy stagnate...Blackbeard also seized this good opportunity and broke through Whitebeard's control.

And he took the opportunity to punch Whitebeard in the chest!

"Dad... you are old! Let's leave this era to us young people.……"

Blackbeard, who was just shouting to his father and begging for mercy, started shouting arrogantly again, but now his face was bruised and swollen from the beating I had done, so he looked a little funny!


Whitebeard was panting heavily, and he could clearly hear his heart beating. He knew that he might have reached his limit!

However, he ignored Blackbeard's ridicule and looked at the other crew members on the battlefield.

Seeing those crew members still fighting hard and trying to rush over here, Whitebeard took a deep breath and shouted:

"The Whitebeard Pirates... Retreat! Everyone retreat!"

All the Whitebeard Pirates listened to this voice in astonishment.


Whitebeard's voice sounded next!

"Everyone should immediately retreat with the wounded, as many people as possible should leave... We have lost this battle.……"

"Let's say goodbye here... kids! I will protect you for the last time!"

Whitebeard said calmly. Ace is dead, and there is no need for war at this moment.

"Dad! No... We can still fight!"

"We want to avenge our brothers!!"

Someone cried bitterly, but Whitebeard just looked at everyone coldly.

"This is my last order as the captain... Will you disobey me?"

As soon as these words came out, all the people in the Whitebeard Pirates stopped shouting immediately. After taking a longing look at Whitebeard, everyone started running for their lives the next moment!

In the end, they chose to escape...

In fact, the courage of most of them had been dispersed by me. Whitebeard's words at that time were just the last feather that overwhelmed the mountain...

No one is really not afraid of death!

The navy also immediately pursued without hesitation, but this also announced the final result of this war...

After saying these things, Whitebeard set his sights on Blackbeard in front of him.

Whitebeard said expressionlessly,

"I will definitely kill you here... This is my final explanation to them!"

Blackbeard just sneered at this, but his hands had already clenched into fists subconsciously. It was obvious that he was still very afraid in his heart!

Soon, the two of them started fighting again!

Because Whitebeard was seriously injured, the two of them still fought back and forth... But Whitebeard still had the upper hand temporarily! Blackbeard was beaten back step by step, looking extremely embarrassed...

Akainu had been watching from a distance, but he didn't plan to intervene in such a matter now. The dying counterattack of a top strong man... is very scary!

And... He is still very happy to see the dog-eat-dog thing of pirates!

So Akainu decided to chase the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates after a little hesitation. He wanted to kill the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates...

Only when they were all dead, the Whitebeard Pirates would no longer be a threat!



On the other side, on the first line of defense, Zoro and his three companions from the Akatsuki organization were fighting against the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

Seeing that Luo Xiu was so fierce and had completely brought out his momentum, Zoro and his companions regarded the entire navy as if it were no one's land... It also completely ignited their competitive spirit!

Especially Zoro... He can now stand here and fight against Hawkeye Mihawk, and Luo Xiu's credit accounts for a large part of the strength!

However, Hawkeye Mihawk is worthy of being called the world's number one swordsman, the target of countless swordsmen... After only a few dozen rounds of fighting.

Zoro felt a huge pressure!


Another sword collision, this time Zoro was directly picked up and hit the ground!

Hawkeye Mihawk's clothes were just a little dirty, and it was obvious that the gap between Zoro and Hawkeye was still huge!


Zoro wiped the blood from his mouth, stood up without caring at all, and still looked at Hawkeye Mihawk with high fighting spirit!

"Hey... This is the first time someone has suppressed me in swordsmanship. You are worthy of it... Hawkeye Mihawk!"

The man in front of him was indeed his absolute target, and his strength did not disappoint him!

However, Hawkeye Mihawk seemed to be too lazy to talk to Zoro. He raised the black knife in his right hand, and the terrifying aura locked Zoro again.

"If you don't use all your strength... then you can die!"

Hawkeye looked at Zoro expressionlessly. Zoro's current strength made him unable to feel the joy of fighting at all!

"Hehe... In that case, then it's as you wish!"

Hearing this, Sauron also laughed, and the next moment he stepped on one foot and shouted in a deep voice

"Eight Gates Ninja Technique, open the gate... open!"

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