Navy Headquarters! Marinford!

9 o'clock in the morning!

There are less than 3 hours before the public execution of Ace, the son of Pirate King Roger. The atmosphere in Marinford is terribly depressing!

More than 10,000 navy officers are standing with real guns and live ammunition, and the sharp murderous intent in their eyes is not concealed... Most pirates are directly scared when they see it!

This is actually the biggest difference between the navy and the pirates. The navy is organized and organized. The way they want to exert the highest combat power has always been to fight in groups, rather than fighting each other like pirates.

And the more the number, the more obvious it is... More than 10,000 navy officers are on the battlefield, and even the most powerful four emperors in the New World have to temporarily avoid the edge!

But... except today!

At this moment, the senior navy officials already know that most of the Whitebeard Pirates have left their own waters and their whereabouts are unknown... It is obvious that they want to come to Marinford.

So this war is set, there is no doubt about it!

On the high platform, there are two people standing as if they are reviewing these navy soldiers. Both of them have resolute faces, but one has white hair and the other has black hair!

It is the Navy Marshal Sengoku and the Navy hero Garp!

"Let's get ready!"

Zhan Guo stood at the highest point and looked at the neat navy. He was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice.

""Yes! Marshal!"

The messenger answered loudly and passed the order very quickly. Marinford was excited again, because the main force of the war was now on the scene!

It is undeniable that the outcome of the war is always influenced by the few strongest people!

A group of ordinary navy officers looked on eagerly, hoping to see their idols in the crowd!

Dong! Dong! Dong...

In order to ensure that there would be no mistakes in Ace's public execution, the navy set up a total of three lines of defense this time.

The first line of defense, Sengoku, decided to use the Seven Warlords of the Sea to defend it with the mentality of not using it in vain. After all, the combat effectiveness of those guys is unquestionable. If they can do their best... it can reduce a lot of pressure on the navy.

"I hope these guys won't be too disappointing... Otherwise, the system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea will really have to be abolished!"

Zhan Guo narrowed his eyes and murmured in a low voice. The criticism of the Seven Warlords of the Sea system is getting bigger and bigger. If he is still not satisfied today, then he really can't say it!

Dong! Dong! Dong...

As time passed, a few people finally began to stagger into the field.

Three men and one woman!

The woman in the front was extremely beautiful, with a pair of irregularly long legs that were very eye-catching. She was wearing a cheongsam. She was the Empress Hancock, who was known as the most beautiful woman in the world!

The moment she appeared on the stage, she attracted the attention of a group of navy officers, because she was really too beautiful and had an unimaginable charm, and a group of unlucky navy officers were petrified because they looked at her a few more times!

Seeing this, Zhan Guo's face turned black!

""Oh... I hate it most when people look at me like this. Luffy is better."

Empress Hancock murmured, and following behind the Empress was a middle-aged man carrying a big sword. His stern face was intimidating, and his eyes would hurt if he looked at him for a few more times.

He was none other than Hawkeye Mihawk, known as the world's number one swordsman, and the idol of all swordsmen.

Behind him, two huge figures slowly approached, one with a sarcastic smile on his face and a piercing laugh from time to time, and one with a resolute face holding a book in his left hand, saying nothing! They were

Gekko Moriah and Tyrant Bear, two of the Seven Warlords of the Sea! Except for

Doflamingo who was killed before, and Crocodile and Jinbe who were imprisoned... there were only these four left among the Seven Warlords of the Sea!

It seemed that they had sensed the murderous gaze of Sengoku in the distance, and they sneered and stopped wasting time and came to their own defense line!

Sengoku's iron-blue face got better a little, but he also cursed angrily.

"This bunch of bastards... After this war is over, the system of the Seven Warlords of the Sea must be abolished. These pirates are too arrogant!"

Garp on the side narrowed his eyes and pretended not to hear. His eyes were always fixed in a certain direction in the distance.

What is he looking forward to?

After the first line of defense, the layout of the second line of defense began soon.

The headquarters of the navy and the nearly 10 to 20 vice admirals of the branch are the backbone of the second line of defense!

For example, the veteran vice admiral Mole is among them, but standing in the center of these vice admirals are three young people!

Two men and one woman!

The woman is pretty and the man is handsome, and the two young men look very similar, except that one looks more serious and the other looks a little more ruffian!

Some navy officers who have little knowledge and only know how to work hard and stick to their posts may not know these young navy officers, but 99% of the navy officers present are very excited to see these three people.

A group of people whispered and murmured

"Are these the three most talented people in our Navy Headquarters? Tianlong...Tianhu, Vice Admiral Daonu!"

"He is indeed a young talent, his temperament is different!"

"I heard that they are so young and their fighting power is catching up with the older generation. With them in the future... those four emperors won't be a problem to be afraid of!"

The appearance of Konan and the other two really stabilized the morale of the navy, which made Sengoku on the high platform very satisfied!

But it's not over yet. With the movement from the three main seats in the center... all the navy was completely excited!

Because at this moment, three figures who are well-known to the entire navy are slowly walking over!

Their existence is the cornerstone of the entire navy to stand firm in this era!

One of them was wearing a yellow suit and a navy cloak of justice. His slightly wretched face was restrained a little on this occasion... Amid the cheers and applause of the crowd, he slowly sat down.

His name is Kizaru, one of the three admirals of the navy headquarters!

Following closely was a middle-aged man in a white suit. Even in such a grand occasion... his face still had a hint of laziness, as if... As if he hadn't woken up yet!

After arriving at the three main seats, he randomly picked a seat next to them and sat down!

His name is Aokiji, one of the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters!

The last person to appear was a man wearing a fiery red suit and with an extremely resolute face. His arrival once again pushed the atmosphere to the highest level!

If you want to say who is the most trusted admiral in the Navy, it must be this man who pursues absolute justice. His decisiveness in killing is obvious to all.

You can always rest assured to entrust your juniors to him!

His name is Akainu, one of the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters!

The three of them sat down together, then crossed their legs in unison, put their hands on their chins, and looked down at the audience with an absolute kingly attitude!

Buzz! Buzz...

The whole audience was strangely silent for a few seconds, and then there was a thunderous shout.

"Admiral Aokiji is invincible, Admiral Kizaru is invincible... Admiral Akainu is invincible"

"Invincible! Invincible... The Navy is invincible!"


The three admirals of the navy are the confidence of all the navy. I didn't expect that they would appear together this time. Do we need to be afraid of the Whitebeard Pirates who will come later?

Don't panic at all!

Such cheers lasted for ten minutes until the next turning point came and gradually subsided.

At this moment, there are two and a half hours left before the public execution of Ace!

And the real protagonist of this incident finally appeared!

All the navy was silent, looking at the execution platform in the center with a serious face!

Swish! Swish!

It was a young man who was covered in blood and looked quite embarrassed. He had huge iron shackles on his feet. Every step he took would make a collision sound on the ground. His hands were firmly controlled by a pair of iron handcuffs behind his back!

The young man lowered his head, like a dog who had lost his home... It was hard to imagine that this was the Fire Fist Ace who was so glorious a month ago!

Like the original, he was not kidnapped by Luffy in advance, but just passed by and came to Marinford like this!

Because Luo Xiu would definitely not allow anyone to kidnap Ace, even if the Four Emperors came!

Ace was so humble at the moment. He didn't look at the mocking eyes of the navy. He just kept his head down and was escorted to the execution platform, then knelt down!

The field was still silent. Many navy officers stretched their necks to see what this so-called son of Roger looked like.

However... they were too far away and couldn't see clearly!

At this moment, the white-haired old man who had been silent on the high platform suddenly moved.

The face of the Warring States on the side changed drastically and he exclaimed,

"Garp...what are you doing?"

Wuwuwuwuwuwuwuwuwu...It's so miserable, it's all green!

Dear readers, is my writing too bad? Why is it all green!


I updated the game a few days ago, but the data didn't increase but decreased... I'm so confused!

Can you give me a small gift to comfort me?

Thank you!!!!

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